Title: Chinese Proverb
1"I listen and I forget, I see and I remember, I
do and I understand."
2 Army Occupational Therapy
- Functionally Focused Rehabilitation
- Depict how Occupational Therapists use their
unique skill sets to devise and implement
treatment with persons with traumatic brain
injury - Share current initiatives that will shape how the
Army addresses issues surrounding traumatic brain
- Overview of Occupational Therapy (OT)
- OT Tools of the Trade
- Compare and Contrast Acute vs. Sub-acute
Treatment - Future Implications/Summary
- Questions
5Just to get us rolling..
6OT Overview
- OT Practice Framework
- World Health Organization, position on definition
of health and independence - Occupation defined
- Simple
- Complex
- We are (being) what we do (occupation)
- We continually strive to repeat and improve upon
that (becoming)
7OT Overview
- Minimize barriers
- Maximize skills/abilities
- In the Army
- Upper extremity rehabilitation
- Combat stress control (CSC)
- Ergonomics
- Various practice settings
8OT Tool Box
- Unique skill set best suited in the Army to
address TBI at all stages
Peak Performance
Activity Analysis
Mental Health
9OT Tool Box
- Peak Performance training
- Exposure therapy
- Biofeedback
- Mental Health
- Life Skills training
- Combat Stress Control training
10OT Tool Box
- Activity Analysis
- Adaptation vs. accommodation
- Grading (up/down)
- just right challenge
- Model of Human Occupation
- Balance of work, play, rest
- Being is Doing and Becoming
11OT Tool Box
- Leading experts agree that in the post-acute
stages of MTBI exposure and/or cognitive
behavioral training makes most significant impact
on behavioral sxs - AND that while gains in executive function
(memory, attention, etc) may continue to be made,
compensatory techniques are some of the most
useful tools to persons with MTBI
12OT InterventionAcute Setting
- Bed rest/Weight bearing status
- Contact precautions
- Helmet/protective splints
- Lines/monitors
- Ulcers/pressure areas
- Contractures
- Impulsiveness/Falls risk
- Inappropriate behaviors
- Over-stimulation
14Initial Evaluation
- Introduction
- Level of Alertness (Glasgow Coma Scale) Signs of
Agitation - Verbal/non-verbal (language preference), use
alternate forms of communication - Vision and Hearing (gross screen)
- Orientation
15Summary of DiagnosisTBI Scales
16Summary of DiagnosisTBI Scales
17Initial Evaluation
- Strength
- Tone
- Coordination, gross fine
- Sensation
- Mobility/transfers
18Quick FIM Review
- 0Activity does not occur
- 1Total Assist (lt25 of task)
- 2Max Assist (25-49)
- 3Mod Assist (50-74)
- 4Min Assist (75 or more)
- 5Set-up/supervision
- 6Modified Independence (no helper)
- 7Complete Independence
19Initial Evaluation
- Balance
- Endurance
- Proprioception/kinesthesia
- Other
- Patient goals
- Interests
- Prior function (self and family/unit report)
- Social support
20Other Medical Treatment
- PT
- Speech
- Dietetics
- Adult Behavioral Health
- Social Work
- Neuropsychiatry
- Neurosurgery
- TBI Center (WRAMC)
- At least Mod I in ADLs
- Appropriate behavior 100 of time
- Demonstrate awareness of cognitive/physical
barriers to performance - Much of treatment is externally driven by
- Patient Goals get back what I was
- Short Term Goals by 13 APR 05
- Brush teeth with RUE set-up in bed
- Wash face with RUE set-up in bed
- Effective use of communication board
- Additional Goals, Short term
- Tolerate sitting upright in cardiac chair at
least 2 hours/day - Added progressive ADL, activity tolerance
(endurance) and cognitive goals - Long Term Goals 6 JUN 05
- Supervision in upper/lower body dressing
- Mod I in grooming
- Sit at EOB/armless chair Mod I x 30 min
performing table top activity - Perform standing activity Mod I x 15 min
24OT Treatment Examples
- Splinting and positioning
- Bed mobility, transfers, ADLs/IADLs
- Facilitation of normal muscle tone, teaching
compensatory techniques to maximize independence
(hemiparesis) - Adaptive equipment
25Equipment Examples
26OT Treatment Examples
- Cognitive re-training/compensatory strategies
- Reinforcing appropriate behaviors
- Psychosocial support, facilitation of
self-expression in meaningful ways - Incorporation of family when appropriate
27Treatment Plan
- Frames of Reference (FORs)
- NDT/Bobath (rehabilitation)
29OT InterventionSub-Acute Setting
30Sub-Acute OT Intervention
- Outpatient
- Consult vs. Screening
- Mini-mental
- Cognistat
- Rivermead
- Some overlap depending on functional level of
patient and level of care supported by hospital
31Sub-Acute OT Intervention
- Same toolsadvanced outcomes and expectations
- Shift from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic
- Facilitate deeper awareness of self (abilities,
32Sub-Acute OT Intervention
- Continuing to work on utilization of
organizational/memory aids - Mastery of Life Skills
- Work-readiness programs
- Ultimate goal is RTD functioning in
family/society successfully - School/civilian employment
33Current Initiatives
- Work-readiness programs Ft.Campbell, KY in next
3 months - ANAM screening tool
- Researched, proven
- Pre/post deployment
- Follow-up
- Fast, objective/measurable, repeatable
- Peak Performance training
34(No Transcript)
35Mini-MentalVisual-motor Integrity