Title: Wheeled Mobility in Everyday Life
1Wheeled Mobility in Everyday Life
- Steve Bauer, PhD, Departments of Rehabilitation
Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering
at SUNY-Buffalo. - Evan Call, MS, is Lab Director of EC Service,
Inc. an Adjunct Professor at Weber State
University. - Barb Crane, PhD, PT, ATP, is an Assistant
Professor of PT at the Univ. of Hartford. - Trevor Dyson-Hudson, MD, is a Research Scientist
at Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research
Education - David Ellis, PhD, is President and Managing
Partner of EGL Holdings, Inc., a venture capital
group in Atlanta - Marie Latta, Accessibility Consultant in Atlanta
- Charles Levy, MD, Chief PMR, N FL VAMC
- James Rimmer, PhD, is a Professor at the
University of Illinois Department of Disability
Human Development and Director of the National
Center on Physical Activity and Disability and
RecTech RERC.
- Pressure Ulcer Prevention Susceptibility and
Pressure Relief Effectiveness - Effect of Mobility Device and Environmental
Facilitators on Activity and Participation - Improved training to improve function
- Improved Wheelchair Prescription
- Development of Standards and Test Methods
- Inventor-Driven Product Development
- Orphan technology development
- Evidence-based Online Wheelchair Seating Course
- Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training
- Creating Rehab Engineering AT Experiences
(cRE/ATe) - State of the Science Conference
4Pressure Ulcer Prevention Susceptibility and
Pressure Relief Effectiveness
- Development of an Individualized Pressure Ulcer
Susceptibility Model - Pressure Relief Techniques and Behaviors
5Pressure Relief Techniques Behaviors
- PR Technique Experiment
- Do different pressure relief techniques result in
different levels of blood flow within and across
subjects? - Does partial unloading results in increased blood
flow compared to stationary, upright sitting? - PR Behaviors
- Do persons with a history of recurrent PU have
different pressure relief behaviors than persons
with no history of PU?
6Blood flow during PR maneuvers
7Improved Training to Improve Function
- Effectiveness of Augmented Immediate Video
Feedback on Advanced Wheelchair Skill Training - Wheelchair Tai Chi Program for Individuals with
Disability - 10 movements or forms designed for wheelchair
users - RCT design using 2 cohorts
- Elders
- Persons with SCI
8Development of Standards and Test Methods
- Wheelchair Cushion Standards
- Device to measure mechanical work and efficiency
of manual wheelchairs
9Device to measure mechanical work efficiency of
manual wheelchairs
- Design Problem
- Measure work and efficiency that reflect both
internal and external factors - External factors i.e., rolling resistance
- Internal factors losses from frame/seat
deformation interaction of occupant with
seat/back - Characterize the work and efficiency of
dominating real world maneuvers characterized by
inertial changes (starts, stops, turns)
10KE of a moving wheelchair
1. the KE of linear travel 2. the KE of
whole-system yaw, 34, the KE of rotation of the
drive wheels 56. the KE of rotation of the
casters neglected terms incl caster yaw the KE
of whole-system pitch and roll,
11(No Transcript)
12Creating Rehab Engineering and AT Experiences
- Capacity-building
- Allowing engineers to gain a fuller understanding
of disability and function - One challenge
- Insure we do not leave our clients hanging
- Dissemination
- Instructables website
- Youtube
13cRE/AteSpring 2009 projects
Independent operation of center-mounted footrest
wiiMote adaptation
Bottle feeding of low tone infant