Title: Mondrian, Red Tree, 1908
1Mondrian, Red Tree, 1908
2Mondrian, Grey Tree, 1911
3Mondrian, Apple Tree, 1912
4Mondrian, Composition II, 1913
5Mondrian, Composition V (The Sea), 1915
6Mondrian, Composition 10
7Piet Mondrian
the struggle toward unity of cosmic dualities
and the religious symmetry undergirding the
material universe Theosophist
Line and color
Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue1921, o/c,
15 x 13
8Piet Mondrian
Composition with Large Blue Plane, Red, Black,
Yellow, and Gray, 1921, o/c, 23 x 19
Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue1921, o/c,
15 x 13
9Lozenge Composition withRed, Black, Blue, and
YellowOil on canvas 30 3/8 x 30 in.vertical
axis 42 1/2 in.
Mondrian, Lozenge Composition, 1921 o/c 30 3/8 x
30 in.vertical axis 42 1/2 in.
10Mondrian, Composition With Blue, Black, Yellow
and Grey, 1920
Composition With Red, Blue, Black, Yellow and
Grey, 1921
11(No Transcript)
12Mondrian, Broadway Boogie-Woogie 1942
13Architecture The International Style Holland,
De Stijl - Gerrit Rietveld Germany, The Bauhaus
Walter Gropius France Le Corbusier USA
Mies van der Rohe
14The International Style DE STIJL Gerrit
Shroeder House, Utrecht, Holland, 1923
UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites
15"One of the outstanding achievements of the new
constructional technique has been the abolition
of the separating function of the wall. Instead
of making the walls the element of support, as
in a brick-built house, our new space-saving
construction transfers the whole load of the
structure to a steel or concrete framework.
Thus the role of the walls becomes restricted to
that of mere screens stretched between the
upright columns of this framework to keep out
rain, cold, and noise. ... Systematic technical
improvement in steel and concrete . are steadily
reducing the area occupied by supporting
members. This, in turn . allows rooms to be
much better lit. It is, therefore, only logical
that the old type of windowa hole that had to
be hollowed out of the full thickness of a
supporting wall should be giving place more and
more to the continuous horizontal casement ..
And as a direct result of the growing
preponderance of voids over solids, glass is
assuming an ever greater structural
importance....In the same way the flat roof is
superseding the old penthouse roof with its tiled
or slated gables.
16Gerrit Rietveld, Schroder House, Utrecht,
Holand, 1923
Mondrian chair (Blue and Red chair)
17DE STIJL Rietveld Shroeder House
18Walter Gropius
Gropius House, Lincoln, Mass., 1938
19Walter Gropius
The Bauhaus
Dessau Building, 1919-1925
The Bauhaus Workshop Wing
20Walter Gropius
The Bauhaus
Bauhaus Building in Dessau, 1919-25
21Marcel Bruers Wassily (Kandinsky) chair
22Marianne Brandt, silver, 1924, Anni Albers,
weavings, 1920s
23Bauhaus Products, 1920s
25Le Corbusier
Villa Savoye, France, 1929-30
26Le Corbusier, Contemporary City for Three Million
Inhabitants, 1922
Plan voisin for Paris - 1925
27Mies van der Rohe
less is more
Meissenhof apartments, 1927
German Pavillion, Barcelona (1929)
Barcelona Chair, 1927
28Mies van der Rohe
less is more
German Pavillion, Barcelona (1929)
Lake Shore Drive Apartment Houses, Chicago,
1950-52 functionalism
Barcelona Chair, 1927
29Frank Lloyd Wright
Edgar Kaufmann House, Fallingwater, Pennsilvania,
30Georgia OKeeffe 1887-1986 Organic Abstraction
Series 1 From the Plains, 1919 o/c 27 x 23
31Georgia O'Keeffe
Oriental Poppies, 1928oil on canvas30 x 401/8
White Pansy, 1927
32Red Canna, oil on canvas, 1923
Two Calla Lilies on Pink , 1928 o/c 40 x 30
33Lawrence Tree1929oil on canvas 23x31cm
Jack-in-the-Pulpit No. IV, 1930oil on
canvas101.6 x 76.2 cm
34Radiator Building - Night, New York, 1927 Oil on
Canvas 48 X 30"
City Night, 1926
35Ranchos Church , New Mexico, 193031
New Mexico
36Ram's Head White Hollyhock and Little Hills, 1935
From the Faraway Nearby. 1937. o/c
37Black Cross, New Mexico, 1929 Oil on canvas99.1
x 76.2 cm (39 x 30 in.)
Cow's Skull with Calico Roses, 1931 Oil on
canvas91.4 x 61 cm (36 x 24 in.)
38White Shell with Red, 1938 Pastel on wood pulp
laminate board546 x 698 mm
39SCULPTURE Constantin Brancusi
"Mlle Pogany. version I" - (1913) (after a
marble of 1912). Bronze with black patina 17 1/4
x 8 1/2 x 12 1/2" (43.8 x 21.5 x 31.7 cm), on
limestone base 5 3/4 x 6 1/8 x 7 3/8" (14.6 x
15.6 x 18.7 cm)
The Newborn. version I, 1920 (close to the
marble of 1915)Bronze5 3/4 x 8 1/4 x 5 3/4"
(14.6 x 21 x 14.6 cm)
40Beginning of the World, c. 1920Marble, metal,
and stone30 x 20 x 20 in. (76.2 x 50.8 x 50.8
cm)Dallas Museum of Art, Texas
"Torso" - (1917)
Torso of A Young Man, 1924Polished bronze on
stone and wood bases18 1/8 x 11 1/2 x 9 1/8 in.
on stone base 6 1/4 x 8 1/2 x 6 3/4 in. on
wood base 34 1/8 x 11 1/2 x 11 1/2 in.
41Constantin Brancusi
Bird in Space, 1923, marble, (with base) 56 3/4
x 6 1/2 inches
42Constantin Brancusi,
Bird in space, polished brass, 1932-40, 60
Bird in Space, bronze, 1928
Maiastra (Bird Before It Flew) 1912? Polished
brass, 73.1 cm high, including base.
43Bird, Bird in pace