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THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF CHILE. A study of human rights for ... Religious leader is know as Machi' Machi' have extensive knowledge of herbal medicine, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • A study of human rights for three indigenous
    groups in Chile

Indigenous Groups of Chile
  • Atacameno
  • Loa province - oases valleys and brooks
  • Agriculture and grazing
  • Aymara
  • Andean Foothills of the Tarapaca Region
  • Agriculture and cattle
  • Mapuche
  • Large area from Choapa river to gulfs of
  • Horticulture and hunting/fishing

Chile at a Glance
  • Population 16,928,900
  • Indigenous Population 1,060,800 (6.6)
  • Climate
  • Desert in the north
  • Mild and humid in the central areas
  • Largest industries Mining, Manufacturing,
    Finance, Tourism,
  • President Michelle Bachelet

ILO Convention 169
  • The ILO Convention recognizes the following
  • Land and property rights for indigenous peoples.
  • That indigenous and tribal peoples cultures and
    identities form an integral part of their lives -
    and that their way of life often differs from
    that of the dominant population.
  • Equality and Liberty for indigenous peoples.
  • Autonomy of indigenous peoples.
  • Ratified by Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
    Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile , Dominica, Ecuador,
    Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nepal,
    Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, The Netherlands,
    Norway, Denmark and Spain.
  • As of 9/16/09, OFFICIALLY Chilean law.
  • Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization.
    ILO Convention 169 20 years later.

Chilean Laws for Indigenous Groups
  • Law No. 19253 (1993) Indigenous Peoples Special
  • This legislation does not address indigenous
    rights but rather the development of indigenous
    ethnic groups.
  • Law 19,253 establishes a limited status of
    recognition and protection of indigenous lands
    but ignores rights to resources.
  • Law No. 19300 (1994) Environmental Framework Law
  • This legislation regulates all major activities
    that may likely have an environmental impact. It
    maintains in force all previous environmental
  • Law No. 20249 (2008)Indigenous Coastal
  • This legislation establishes the coastal marine
    space of native peoples. This law amends current
    legislation to recognize and safeguard customary
    use of these areas by indigenous communities that
    are closely linked to the coastal area, thus
    enabling them to maintain their traditions and
    natural resource use.
  • Code of Conduct of Indigenous Development Areas
  • Regulates public and private investment on
    indigenous areas
  • Relevance is questioned, as it is not law and is
    only a code of conduct. Companies can chose to
    acknowledge it or not.

  • Arrived in America in 1000BC as Mongolians
  • Held off original Spanish Conquest and was
    declared separate sovereignty.
  • In 1810 Spanish were defeated by Chile and
    Argentina causing new governments to arise
  • Mapuche fell victim to territorial conquest,
    aggravation caused by military, and constant
  • Mapuche now follow democratically elected

Natural Resources
  • Relied heavily on the Land
  • Livelihood was based on agriculture, hunting and
  • When Europeans arrived they adopted iron
    metalworking and horseback riding.
  • Europeans also taught them how to cultivate wheat
    and work with Sheep.

  • Native language is Mapudungun
  • Not one with long-standing history
  • Missionaries first documented the language
  • Many variations of language
  • 200,000 Mapuche can speak native tongue
  • Mapudungun is being taught in some Chile schools

Literacy Rate
  • 37 who finished High School, 10.5 received
    higher education
  • Mapuche over the age of 5 had a literacy rate of
  • Mapuche from ages 10 to 34 on average 96.2
  • 85,000 are bi-lingual

  • Religious leader is know as Machi
  • Machi have extensive knowledge of herbal
    medicine, sacred stones and sacred animals
  • Today many follow the Roman Catholic religion
  • They believe in their own god and they have their
    own since of sin and damnation
  • The gods they believe in are described as
    invisible old people who have limited powers

Mapuche Women
  • Request representation on the tribal council in
    order to strengthen religion and language in
  • Usually can only find jobs pertaining to domestic
  • Low paying jobs with little skill or
  • specialization
  • Triple discrimination
  • Women usually teach culture at home
  • Women are healers and herbalists

Natural Resources
  • The communities traditionally controlled and
    organized the natural resources such as water and
    land, but economic market forces have
    increasingly marginalized these things from their
  • The expansion of mining activity has had a great
    impact both on their lands and on their surface
    and underground waters
  • The Atacama holds the world's largest
    inventories of copper, nitrate, borax, and guano.
    Furthermore, silver deposits were discovered

  • Settled at time of first agricultural-livestock
    settlements developed around the Atacama oasis.
  • Built canals to channel water for irrigation, and
    used terrace systems.
  • Agricultural development opened Atacama to
    caravan traffic between cultures.
  • 1999 government promotes Programas Origenes,
    to encourage development and improve economic
    and cultural conditions of indigenous peoples.
  • Ecotourism in San Pedro de Atacama sponsored by
    the ADI and the Programas Origenes to reverse
    the marginalization of the Atacama.

  • Kunza, which means "our", was the dominant
  • Belonging to the macro-Chibcha linguistic family
    and Paezano sub-family, Kunza comes from the west
    of Colombia and Ecuador.
  • Kunza is not in the Andean-Ecuatorial linguistic
    family, to which the three indigenous languages
    spoken in modern continental Chile belong.

  • The Atacameño people ended up speaking four
    languages Kunza, Aymara, Quechua, and
  • Kunza is practically a dead language, used
    only in ceremonies and ritual songs.

Education and Literacy
  • Mostly agrarian knowledge
  • Skilled in various art forms (textiles, ceramics,
    basketry, metalwork)
  • Used both petroglyphs and cactus spines for
  • Of the Chilean indigenous population,
    approximately 8.2 of those older than 10 years
    is analphabetic
  • Men report 6.5 of illiteracy, as opposed to
    10.0 among women.
  • In rural zones, illiteracy amounts to 15.0,
    while in the cities it goes down to 4.6.
  • Out of every 100 natives of 50 years old and
    more, around 25 are analphabetic.
  • Out of every 100 natives aged 15 to 25 years old
    only 1.5 are illiterate.

  • Embodied in festivals, dances, and ceremonies,
    which are deeply tied with nature
  • Follow an Andean-Catholic religious cultural
    model, creating a dual thinking that is applied
    to diverse aspects of religious and social life.
  • Most of the ritual activities and traditions are
    associated with important religious dates, and
    each settlement has its own patron saint (San
    Pedro in San Pedro de Atacama, San Lucas in
    Toconao, San Roque in Peine, etc.).
  • Main offerings are made to the Pachamama, the
    earth the mountain spirits, tata-cerros and to
    the water, tata-putarajni, as well as to the
    ancestors, tata-abuelos
  • Traditional patterns of beliefs, knowledge and
    symbolism, based on mythological conceptions,
    ritually reenacted, still remain today
  • Figures from the last census, carried out in
    2002, show that 10.8 of the 4969 inhabitants
    declare themselves Evangelical, and 70.7

Cultural Heritage Social Life
  • Today there are 3,000 direct descendents of
    Atacameño culture the majority are peasants
    whose lives revolve around agriculture and animal
  • Ceremonies form an active part of life -
    festivities are ritual reenactments of their
  • Main Atacameno festivities areThe Carnival, The
    cleaning of irrigation canals (La limpia de
    canales),The flowering of the livestock (El
    enfloramiento del ganado), and the pre-hispanic
    ancestors cults, tata-abuelos (El culto a los
    tata abuelos o antepasados prehispànicos).

Autonomy Political Representation
  • After the War of the Pacific, the Chilean
    government seized this territory, so from the end
    of the 19th century until the mid 20th century
    the policy of the Chilean state was directed
    towards homogenizing these communities into a
    single Chilean whole, where they were treated as
    peasant farmers, miners, artisans, etc., without
    any indigenous connotation
  • To get the water, we even went to Santiago...
    the intention was to reach the President himself,
    but, finally the Minister of Public Works saw us.
    In that sublime moment, we put to him our
    concerns and he gave us his commitment to build
    the channels that would carry the water to
    Sequitor.........but many people dont know, the
    effort this required, and how we have struggled
    to achieve it, because, at the end of the day, we
    are all Chileans Sequitor Community Meeting,
    February 2004.
  • The indigenous law includes the creation of
    Indigenous Development Areas (Areas de Desarrollo
    Indigena or ADI), territorial land upon which the
    states administrative bodies focus their
    activity to benefit the harmonious development of
    the indigenous people and their communities.
  • The district of San Pedro de Atacama contains the
    ADI of Atacama la Grande (Supreme Decree of 10th
    March 1997), which looks to serve the development
    needs of the 14 Atacameño communities living in
    the Salar de Atacama San Pedro de Atacama, Coyo,
    Sequitor, Santiago de Rio Grande, Machuca,
    Solor, Socaire, Peine, Quitor, Talabre, Camar,
    Larache, Catarpe, and Toconao. This measure seeks
    to institutionalise the incorporation of
    ethnicity in the relationship between the state
    and the Atacameño community.

The Aymara People
  • Human Rights and Realities

How Development imposes on Cultural Rights
  • Access to resources and land
  • Education and Language
  • Employment
  • Religion
  • Limits cultural practices and tradition-medicine

Cultural Heritage Traditions
  • The Aymara are an indigenous group that depend on
    the land and local water sources to sustain their
    economic, spiritual and social life.
  • Since the beginning, the Aymara people have lived
    from the herding of lamas and sheep, the
    agriculture on valleys and high mountains and
    fishing on the Lake Titicaca.
  • Agriculture and animal husbandry have
    historically sustained the local economy and are
    still the main activities today.
  • The Aymara have a complementary economy based on
    the principle of the ayni which is very
    important in their culture. The ayni is the
    practice of reciprocity or product barter between
    Aymara groups.

Natural Resources and Land
  • For the Aymara, access to their territory is
    relevant because it provides ecosystem services,
    especially related to the water cycle, in the dry
    environments surrounding the hyper arid Atacama
  • The World Health Organization estimates that 1.7
    billion people lack access to clean water, and
    the UN Human Rights Commission has been
    considering a declaration of water as a basic
    human right. 
  • The Chilean Government has used several economic
    instruments over the years to promote in- and
    off-farm irrigation infrastructure. Indigenous
    communities, however, show limited access to
    these subsidies.

3rd Party Development
  • Mining in the region
  • In 1994, the Cerro Colorado Mining Company (CMCC)
    began copper mining operations in the area. In
    2002 the Aymara noticed for the first time that
    the water level had fallen and the wetlands were
    drying up. CMCC said it was pumping out 125
    liters of water per second, but denies
    responsibility for the condition of the wetland.
    According to the company it is due to floods
    caused by high rainfall in 2001, a natural event
    which combined with an effect of the pumping
    mainly affected the natural flow of the
  • In 2005, the government Directorate General of
    Water (DGA) concluded that this ecosystem had
    been dried out by underground water extraction by
    the CMCC copper mine. The wetlands in this area
    are fed by surface and underground waters. They
    have been legally protected since 1992.

Education and Language
  • Natives speak Aymara as well as Spanish
  • Aymara belongs to the Jaqi linguistic family
    major indigenous language of southern Peru and
    northern Chile.
  • Parents teach Aymara to their children as a way
    of respecting and preserving their culture.
  • Aymara has 3 million speakers (between Peru,
    Bolivia, and Chile), but are often excluded from
    state political participation
  • There is much indigenous support for language
    renewal in Chile, mostly to overcome social
  • Lack of linguistic and cultural understanding has
    caused an imbalance between the indigenous people
    and outside developers.
  • The strong value placed on rural work in the
    Aymara community makes indigenous minors
    vulnerable to labor and economic exploitation and
    to dropping out of school.
  • 1996 Chilean government created Bilingual
    Intercultural Education Program Promotes diverse
    linguistic and cultural learning in schools. Has
    yet to fully succeed.
  • Recent government project Incorporation of
    Indigenous Language Model into the subject of
    Language and Communication, alongside Spanish and
    English. Hopefully this project will succeed by
    the end of 2010.

  • The religion practiced by the Aymara is a
    combination of Roman Catholicism and traditional
    Andean beliefs.
  • Spirituality for the Aymara is not manifested
    exclusively in the sacred or religious, but
    expressed in the ordinary, everyday life.
  • The Aymara conceive of the Supreme Being as the
    creator of all things, everything was made by God
    -- what we can see and feel and what we cannot
    see and cannot feel (the unknown).
  • Contemporary religious beliefs have are rooted in
    Inca tradition (the Aymara were conquered by the
    Inca in the mid 1400s).
  • One of these beliefs is expressed by engaging in
    traditional medicine and ritual offerings to the
    Inca sun god Inti and the goddess of the earth
  • Within the community, the Aymara have a group of
    natural healers and medicine workers known as the
    Yatiri. These practitioners play a vital role in
    Aymara cultural identity.

Legislation and Action
  • The Indigenous Law Nº 19.253 from October 5,
    1995, initiated the regularization of indigenous
    properties with the identification of their
    limits and resources. This law recognizes the
    existence of ethnic groups, and permits the
    existence of Areas of Indigenous Development.
  • On November 30, 2009, the Chilean Supreme Court
    decided in favor of granting the Aymara
    indigenous water use rights.
  • This ruling, is the first judicial application of
    ILO Convention 169 in Chile, it was ratified a
    year earlier in September 2008.
  • In the eyes of environmental groups this ruling
    signifies the first step in reclaiming resource
    rights from private, and often foreign-owned,
    businesses and restoring them to the public
  • For the Aymara a greater significance this
    decision serves as the beginning of a pivotal
    change in the legal framework addressing their
    territorial claims and rights. ?

Indigenous Issues
  • ENDESA hydroelectricity
  • CELCO cellulose processing plant
  • CODELCO mining
  • Assimilation
  • Fuerzas Especiales de Carabineros de Chile
    police unit

Indigenous Defenders
  • Observatory for Indigenous Rights (Observatorio
  • National Corporation for Indigenous Development
  • President Bachelet
  • UN and ILO
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