Title: s SRNA 3D
1s SRNA 3D Monte Carlo proton
simulation Radovan D. Ilic Institute of Nuclear
Sciences Vina Physics Laboratory. (010) Beograd,
Dubrovnik 2001
- The accelerator installation TESLA in Vina
Nuclear Sciences Institute will produce protons
of energies up to 30 MeV on the first, and up to
70 MeV on the second channel. On both channels,
advanced experiments need numerical simulation of
protons passage through different materials. The
accelerator target geometry is usually complex,
and protons arrive on targets with arbitrary
spectrum. It is reasonable to accept that this
geometry can be presented with planes and second
order surfaces by RFG code. Inside this geometry,
appear materials of different composes -
compounds and mixture of elements. Therefore,
numerical simulation of proton flow runs in 3D
sources and 3D targets.
3- Protons energy on second channel, in the
beginning of the program development, has
determinate limit of protons energy in the range
from 100 keV to 100 MeV. But accelerators
elsewhere in the world produce protons up to 250
MeV for various investigation purposes and for
tumor therapy. Because of need for wide
international cooperation, it was necessary that
upper limit of protons energy should be 250 MeV. - In proton experiments planing , it is
understandable that proton beam is determinate by
the shape of a channel, and that targets in beam
are space adjustable according to experiment
conditions. For numerical experiments, it is
reasonable to accept fixed target, and that
proton beam should be within space angle of 4p,
according to symmetrical axis of a target. - Monte Carlo techniques make possible to record
all protons stages, but usually only some of them
are of interest. Space distribution of absorbed
energy and absorbed energy per target zones are
representative groups. That is why the greatest
attention has been given to that kind of output
data. In most experiments, beam has to be
modified by the targets of complex form and
contents. Adjustment of protons beam for
experiment needs knowledge of space, energy and
angular distribution - spectrum on the target.
Therefore, it is necessary to record those
distributions as well, and to present them
graphically to the researcher
4s SRNA physical model
- In this model is assumed that protons from the
source do not mutually interact, and that they
move to target without influence of outside
forces. Proton is scattered with atom, and
neighbor atoms do not take part in that. Also, it
is supposed that material is homogeneous and that
there are no changes of its density in process of
energy absorption. During protons passage through
materials, following processes happen loss of
energy in inelastic and elastic scattering with
atoms, and loss of energy in nonelastic nuclear
interactions. If protons trajectory is divided
into huge number of steps, on each step, protons
passage can be simulated according to the
Condensed-Random-Walk model.
5 Step length is determinate by conditions of
angular distribution and fluctuation of energy
loss. Physical picture of these processes is
described by ICRU49 functions of stopping power,
Moliere's angular distribution, Vavilov's
distribution with Sulek's correction per all
electron orbits, and Young-Chadwick's cross
sections for nonelastic nuclear interactions.
ICRU49 tables include (dE/dx) for 74 elements
and materials, and for other missing data,
Ziegler's analytical methods from his TRIM
program are used. Cross sections for nonelastic
nuclear interactions were calculated by T2 group
in Los Alamos National Laboratory by their
GNASH-FKK - A Pree-Equilibrium, Statistical
Nuclear-Model Code for Calculation of Cross
Section and Emission Spectra. So far, the cross
sections are available for O, C, N, Al, Si, Ca
and Pb. Hence, simulation of nonelastic nuclear
interactions is limited on these elements, for
proton energies above 50 MeV. Bellow that energy,
under certain conditions, nonelastic nuclear
interactions can be disregarded.
6- Simulation model of protons passage is
based on two groups of data. The first group
contains data for average energy loss, cross
sections for nonelastic nuclear interactions from
LANL library, and atomic data for exitational
potentials. The second group of data serves for
inverse angular distribution calculation and for
fluctuation distribution of energy loss and also
for probabilities of nonelastic nuclear
interactions on proton step calculations. Both
groups of data are prepared by program SRNADAT,
for each material in function of energy and
angle. Model is as closer to physical picture of
protons passage as data-base of prepared data is
denser. Therefore, energy scale above 10 MeV is
linear, and below that energy scale is
logarithmic. Distributions are inverted with
great number (100 - 1000) of values for
preselected probabilities to avoid interpolation
in simulation.
7s SRNA algorithm
- According to physical picture of protons passage
and with probabilities of protons transition from
previous to next stage, which is prepared by
SRNADAT program, simulation of protons transport
in SRNA program runs according to usual Monte
Carlo scheme (1) proton from the spectrum
prepared for random choice of energy, position
and space angle is emitted from the source (2)
proton looses average energy on the step (3) on
that step, proton suffers a huge number of
collisions, and its direction changes are
randomly chosen from angular distribution (4)
random fluctuation is added to average energy
loss (5) protons step is corrected with data
about protons position before and after
scattering (6) there is final probability on
step for nonelastic nuclear interaction to
happen, and for proton to be absorbed.
8- According to the Chadwick's model, compound
nucleus decays with emission of secondary
particles proton, neutron, deuteron, triton,
alpha and photon. Energy and angle of particle
emission, and factor of multiplication are
obtained from appropriate cross sections.
Secondary protons are included in simulation as
protons from the source. Neutral particles leave
the target without interactions. Heavy charged
particles are absorbed at place of their
creation. History of proton is terminated after
leaving target or when proton energy drops to the
cutoff energy. Starting number of protons from
the source is divided on more then 20 batches for
use of statistical central theorem for errors
9 s SRNA Numerical experiments
- The numerical experiments with protons from 100
keV to about 50 MeV in arbitrary 3D geometry can
be performed by SRNA transport package. SRNA can
also treat proton transport above this limit, but
only for materials with constitutional elements
O, C, N, Al, Si and Pb, or with elements which
have nonelastic nuclear reactions threshold
greater than 250 MeV (for example H). On this
site we present some examples of numerical
experiments for comparison with experimental
results and simulation results obtained by other
10(No Transcript)
11 s SRNA code status
- The Monte Carlo SRNA code and the SRNADAT program
for probabilities preparation are academically
versions for getting experience and upgrading
models of probabilities preparation and protons
transport . On the base of this, for routine
experiment SRNA-2KG, and for advanced
protontherapy SRNA-VOX are developing. - SRNA-2KG version proton sources are pencil beams
or circular cross-section beams or rectangular
cross-section beams. Direction of each beam is
within 4p. Geometry of the target is described by
planes and surfaces of second order. Within a
maximum of 128 geometrical zones it is possible
to distribute up to 36 different materials. Time
for transport simulation of 10000 protons with
energy of 250 MeV in water phantom on the PC 500
MHz is about 0.8 minutes.
12 SRNA-VOX version Unchanged physical model
of proton transport from previous version is
adopted for using representative CT data for
model density variation in a voxelized geometry.
Functional dependence between CT data and
materials and their elementary contents gives
possibility for transition probabilities
preparation by SRNADAT code. One geometry voxel
corresponding to all voxels in CT data is a
moving voxel in a virtual rectangular net for
proton transport. The routine for voxel data
calculation in identical or with different
density for proton transport is working very
fast. Prepared data for protons (energy, x-,y-z-
coordinates, cosine and sine of polar and
azimuthal angles) on the patient surface in a
file SURF.INP is used for simulation. Simulation
in this version under the same condition as in
the previous version lasts about 0.6 minutes.
13Proton beam
Yellow 1-20 White 20-50 Red 50-100
14 s References
- 1 Radovan D. Ilic, SRNA - Monte-Karlo
vycisleniya dozovyh polej protonov na uskoritele
TESLA, The 7th Russian Scientific Conference on
Radiation Shielding of Nuclear Facilities,
Obninsk, Russia, 22-25 Sept. (1998). - 2 Joakim Medin and Pedro Andreo PETRA - A
Monte Carlo Code for the Simulation of Proton and
Electron Transport in Water, Karolinska
Institutet, Stocholm Univ., Dep. Med. Rad.
Physics, Internal Report MSF 1997-1 (1997). - 3 Ferrero M.I et all, Monte Carlo Simulation of
Protontherapy System for the Calculation of the
Dose Distribution in a Patient, TERA 95/4 TRA 14,
May (1995). - 4 R. D. Ilic, The proton transport by Monte
Carlo techniques, Proceeding of the XX Yugoslav
radiation protection society (in Serbian), Tara
'99, 3-5. November (1999). - 5 S. J. Stankovic, R. D. Ilic, M. P. Pesic and
P. M. Marinkovic, Neutron emission spectra
calculated for proton beam from 10 MeV to 75 MeV
at lead target, III Int. Conf. Yugoslav Nucl.
Sci., YUNSC'2000, Beograd, 2-5 Oct. (2000) - E-mail rasacale_at_beotel.yu
- http//www.vin.bg.ac.yu/rasa/hopa.htm