Title: Color Wheel
1Color Wheel
- With this PowerPoint students will
- Learn who invented the color wheel
- Know what a color wheel consists of
- Be able to predict what the outcome will be after
mixing two colors together
- Students will be assessed on their knowledge with
a quiz. - This quiz will be over all information given in
the presentation.
4What is a color wheel?
- A color wheel is disk-shaped and divided equally
into 12 sections, each displaying a different
color according to its "pigment" values. - It is based on three colors red, blue, and
5Guess Who?Who developed the first circular
diagram of colors in 1666?
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Galileo
- Pablo Picasso
- Leonardo daVinci
6Primary Colors
- There are 3 pigment colors that can not be mixed
or formed by any other combination of colors. All
the other colors are derived from these three
colors. - Red
- Yellow
- Blue
7Secondary Colors
- These three colors green, orange, and purple,
are formed by mixing the primary colors together.
8Tertiary Colors
- These are the colors formed by mixing a primary
and a secondary color. That's why the hue is a
two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet,
and yellow-orange. - Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple,
blue-purple, blue-green and yellow-green.
9Complimentary Colors
- Complimentary colors are located directly across
from each other on the color wheel. - Complimentary pairs contrast because they share
no common color. - Complimentary colors can appear very exciting and
seem to vibrate when placed side by side.
- Go to these websites, by clicking on the picture
below. They will help you better understand the
color wheel if you currently are confused. If you
do understand, this will be a review.
11Mixing Colors
- You can use the primary colors (red, blue, and
yellow), plus black and white to get all the
colors of the rainbow.
12What Two Colors Make Purple?
- Blue and Black
- Red and Blue
- Orange and Blue
13What Two Colors Make Brown?
- Orange and Black
- Black and Yellow
- Red and Green
14Click Here
- Click on the following colors to see what two
colors make the following colors.
- Click on the picture below. This video will be a
good review before your assessment.
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dgt lt/objectgt ltbr/gtlta href'http//www.5min.com/Vid
03069948' style'font-family Verdanafont-size
10px' target'_blank'gtLearn about the Color
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16- Before you take this quiz, make sure to look over
all the notes given and ask any questions that
you may still have.
- Answer the following questions with the knowledge
you have just gained. - List the primary colors (three answers)
- List the secondary colors (three answers)
- What two colors do you mix together to make
orange? - What two colors do you mix together to make
green? - What two colors do you mix together to make
violet or purple? - List the intermediate (tertiary) colors (six
answers) - How is a tertiary color made?
- Define complimentary colors.
- Red, yellow, and blue (can be in any order)
- Green, orange, and purple (can be in any order)
- Red and yellow
- Blue and yellow
- Red and blue
- Yellow orange, red orange, red purple,
blue purple, blue green, and yellow green
(can be in any order) - A tertiary color is made by mixing a primary
color and a secondary color together. - Colors located across from each other on the
color wheel, who have no common color between