St' Pauls Episcopal Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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St' Pauls Episcopal Church


a direction, as in a prayer book for conducting religious services; an ... Reads special pray for the sick and concerns (BCP 208) and read names on Prayer List. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: St' Pauls Episcopal Church

Comunicación y Gerencia
  • St. Pauls Episcopal Church

Lay Ministry Instruction Bill Shaw
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Qualifications for Lay Ministers
  • Member in good standing
  • A general familiaraity with order of church
    services and The Book of Common Prayer
  • A good reading voice and the willing- ness and
    ability to pronounce some unbelievably difficult

Qualifications for Lay Ministers Continued
  • Recommendation by rector
  • Application to the Diocese for license
  • Training

Some Important Terms
  • Lectionary-
  • BCP page 888 and 943
  • Rubric
  • a direction, as in a prayer book for conducting
    religious services an explanatory comment or

Some Important Terms Continued
  • Officiant-
  • the person, lay or clerical, who leads the
    Office (BCP 36)
  • Celebrant-
  • ordained clergy

Special Note about Instructing and Directing
  • Give the congregation specific instructions of
    where to follow on the service inserts, in the
    BCP or in the booklets in the pews so that no
    one, especially those in the back pews, is
    confused, and everyone is on the same page.

Celebration of The Holy Eucharist
  • See BCP 322
  • Note specifically paragraphs four and five
  • Note rubrics in Celebration

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the Eucharist
  • Lights the candles if no accolyte available
  • Reads the first lesson after the Collect of the
  • Leads the responsive reading of the appointed
  • Reads the second lesson of the day
  • Leads Prayers of the People
  • More specific, detailed instructions later

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the Eucharist
Service (continued)
  • Assists with the Offertory if no accolyte
  • Assists with the preparation of Communion in no
    accolyte available
  • Passes the chalice if licensed to do so
  • Helps with the Communion clean-up if no accolyte
  • Puts out the candles if no accolyte available

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the Eucharist
Service First Lesson
  • Reads the appropriate prefaces or introductions
    to the first lesson (optional).
  • Introduces the reading, A reading from the 21st
    chapter of the book of the prophet Isaiah,
    beginning with the first verse or simply, A
    reading from the book of Isaiah.
  • Concludes with The Word of theLord, to which
    the congregation responds, Thanks be to God.

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the
Eucharist Service Psalm
  • Introduces the Psalm, Psalm 37, the
    appointed Psalm for this Sunday you may say the
    designated Sunday, e. g., The Last Sunday in
    Epiphany is found on your service insert or on
    page 633 of the Book of Common Prayer.
  • Options, We shall read this Psalm
    responsively by whole verses/half verses/in

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the
Eucharist Service Psalm
  • Concludes the reading of the Psalm with, the
    Gloria Glory to the Father and to the Son and
    to the Holy Spirit.
  • The Congregation responds, As it was in
    the beginning, is now, and will be forever, Amen.

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the
Eucharist Service The Second Lesson/Epistle
  • Reads the appropriate prefaces or introductions
    to the second lesson (optional).
  • Introduces the reading, A reading from the
    first chapter of the Apostle Pauls Epistle to
    the Hebrews, beginning with the first verse or
    simply, A reading from the book of Hebrews.

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the
Eucharist Service Epistle
  • Concludes with The Word of the Lord, to which
    the congregation responds, Thanks be to God, or
    with, Here ends the Epistle, to which there is
    no congregational response.

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the Eucharist
Service Prayers of the People
  • Announces clearly which form of Prayers of the
    People to follow e. g., Form 1,Prayers of the
    People, begins on page 383 or can be found in
    the service booklets in the pews.

Duties of the Lay Reader/Lector In the Eucharist
Service Prayers of the People Continued
  • Prayers with a vertical line beside them may be
  • Checks the monthly prayer list for names of
    bishops and clergy, names of the sick, concernes
    and deceased.

Daily Office Of Morning Prayer II BCP 115
  • Opening sentences
  • Confession of Sin
  • Lay reader reads absolution substituting us
    for you and our for your.
  • Leads the congregation in The Venite (82) or
    another appropriate Canticle from from pages
    82-83, followed by the Gloria.

Morning Prayer II continued
  • The Ivitatory and Psalter (117)
  • Appointed Psalm
  • Introduces Psalm, Psalm 37, the appointed Psalm
    for this Sunday you may say the designated
    Sunday, e. g., The Last Sunday in Epiphany is
    found on your service insert or on page 633 of
    the Book of Common Prayer.

Morning Prayer II Continued
  • Options, We shall read this Psalm responsively
    by whole verses/half verses/in unison.
  • Concludes the reading of the Psalm with The

Morning Prayer II Continued
  • Reads the appropriate prefaces or introductions
    to the first lesson and second lessons
    (optional). A reading of the Gospel is optional.
  • Introduces the readings, A reading from the
    21st chapter of the book of the prophet Isaiah,
    beginning with the first verse or simply, A
    reading from the book of Isaiah.
  • Concludes with The Word of theLord, to which
    the congregation responds, Thanks be to God.

Morning Prayer II Continued
  • After each lesson, leads the congregation
    (standing) in an appropriate Canticle from
    pages 85-95, e. g., The First Song of Isaiah,
  • Follows the Canticle with the Gloria,

Morning Prayer II Continued
  • A sermon or homily follows. A lay reader or
    lector may not write his own sermon without the
    specific approval of the rector.
  • Leads the congregation in the Apostles Creed
    (96) following the sermon.
  • Makes announcements and recognizes birthdays
    and anniversaries.

Morning Prayer II Continued
  • Continues Daily Office at the top of page 97 and
    The Lords Prayer.
  • Leads the congregation in Suffrages A or B
  • Reads the Collect for the Day (on insert) and
    appropriate collects (98-100).
  • Reads special pray for the sick and concerns
    (BCP 208) and read names on Prayer List.

Morning Prayer II Continued
  • Adds appropriate prayers from BCP (see pages
  • Concludes with A Prayer of St. Chrysostom
    (126), the responsive blessing and one of the
    appropriate benedictions at bottom of page 126.

  • Questions
  • Discussion
  • Evaluation
  • Test

Comunicación y Gerencia
  • St. Pauls Episcopal Church

Lay Ministry Instruction Bill Shaw Finis
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