Title: FMD simulation status
1FMD simulation status
Alexei Kurepin, Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
17 September 2002
2Simulation output
Signal/background coefficient for each
0.1 h interval
Number of disk number of sector number of
ring energy deposited in this pad
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
3Occupancies of charged particles per strip for
one HIJINGpara (8000 particles per unit of
pseudorapidity) event vs number of ring
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
4Deposited energy spectra from one strip for one
HIJINGpara event
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
5Primary / total coefficient comparison for
magnetic field 0.2T and 0.4 T
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
6Digitization from GEANT Hits to DAQ tape
For each pad read Hits
If deposited energy gt threshold
Convert energy losses to ADC signal
Add noise
Simulated DAQ tape
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
7Reconstruction from DAQ tape to number of
Read Digits
Subtract pedestals
Calculate number of empty pads for each 0.1 h
If number of empty pad number of pads gt0.1
Use Poisson method
Use threshold method
Multiply reconstructed number of particles by
signal/background coefficient
Number of charged particles in 0.1 h
8Comparison number of particles in one pad from
HIJING and from Poisson distribution
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
9Reconstruction accuracy for 40 event HIJINGpara,
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
10Reconstruction accuracy for 40 event HIJINGpara,
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
11Occupancy per pad for 100 HIJING events
b0-8.6fm, B0.4T
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
12Reconstruction accuracy for 100 HIJING events
B0.4T(Nreal - Nreconstructed)/Nreal
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
13Occupancy per pad for 2500 PYTHIA events
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
14Reconstructed accuracy for 2500 PYTHIA events
without signal/background corrections.
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
15Primary / total coefficient for 2500 pp PYTHIA
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
16Primary / total coefficient for all units of
pseudorapidity for 2500 pp collisoins
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow
Now we are close to reality after HIJING
simulation with different impact
parameters Poisson and threshold methods of
reconstruction are consistent Reconstruction
of multiplicity for PP collisions was made
17 September 2002 Alla Maevskaia INR RAS, Moscow