Title: Ontologizing morphological terms for Hymenoptera
1Ontologizing morphological terms for Hymenoptera
(Insecta) - implementing and benefiting from
a controlled vocabulary
Andrew R. Deans Gregory A. Riccardi Fredrik
Ronquist School of Computational Science, Florida
State University
one of 4 megadiverse insect orders (gt115,000
described spp.) includes sawflies, ants, bees,
social wasps, parasitic wasps
3Hymoptera Relationships
4HymAToL - Assembling the Tree of Life for
gt30 people collaborating to resolve relationships
between the major lineages of Hymenoptera
molecules morphology
5Terminological Issues
same spelling but different structure (e.g.,
6Terminological Issues
same structure but different spelling
ungues or (pre)tarsal claw
7Terminological Issues
outdated terms (to be discouraged) or taxon-spec
ific terms
obscure terms
8Ontology - controlled, explicit vocabulary
includes relationships (part of, synonym of,
etc.) hierarchical treats outdated
terminology terms are verbally defined and
Several ways to implement and benefit...
9Search for - claw pretarsus orbicula ungues
10OR Search for - pretarsus related terms
12Phylogenetic tools high-lighting feedback
13Other implementations/benefits
online atlas of hymenopteran morphology
approved terminology (ISH)
dump text
bioinformatics colleagues
Term id 123456 name scrobal groove def "A
horizontal groove on the mesopleuron that may be
continuous with the episternal groove anteriorly
and ends at the pleural grove posteriorly ref
"Goulet H, Huber JT, 1993. Hymenoptera of the
World An Identification Guide to Families.
Research Branch, Agriculture Canada Publication
1894/E., Ottawa, ON. 668 pp. link "ltlink to
images, etc. could go heregt relationship
part_of 123457 ! mesopleuron relationship is_a
123458 ! groove
NSF-funded MorphBank project (http//morphbank.ne
t/) Neil Sarkar (AMNH), Donat Agosti (AMNH), Norm
Johnson (OSU), Matt Yoder (TAMU), et alia plurima