Title: eXtreme Programming and Agile Concepts
1eXtreme Programming andAgile Concepts
- Roy Osherove
- www.iserializable.com
- Roy_at_Magen.com
- Agile Methodologies
- eXtreme Programming
- When to use XP
- Simple rules and practices
- Test Driven Development
- Code and fix
- Methodology
- Engineering methodologies
- Lightweight methodologies (agile)
4Agile properties
- Engineering
- Predictive
- Process-Oriented
- Agile
- Adaptive
- People-Oriented
5Predictive vs. adaptive
- Separation of Design and Construction
- The Unpredictability of Requirements
- Is Predictability Impossible?
- Controlling an Unpredictable Process - Iterations
- The Adaptive Customer
6Putting People First
- Plug Compatible Programming Units
- Programmers are Responsible Professionals
- Managing a People Oriented Process
- The Difficulty of Measurement
- The Role of Business Leadership
7The Methodologies
- XP
- The Crystal family
- Open Source
- Highsmith's ASD (Adaptive Software Development)
- Scrum
- Feature Driven Development
- DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method)
- Rational Unified Process? (dX)
8The Agile Manifesto
- We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value - Individuals and interactions over processes and
tools - Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
- That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.
9What is XP?
- A brief introduction
- Communication, Simplicity
- Feedback, Courage
10When to use XP
- dynamically changing requirements
- Risky projects
- Small dev groups (up to 100)
- Non-fixed scope(price) contract
11Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
12Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
13Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
14Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
15Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
16Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
17Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
18Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
19Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Fix XP when it breaks
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
20Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
21Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
22Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
23Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
24Simple rules and practices
- Planning
- User Stories
- Release Planning
- Small Releases
- Measure Project Velocity
- Divide project to iterations
- Iterations Planning
- Move People around
- Stand up meeting
- Designing
- Simplicity
- System Metaphor
- CRC cards
- Spike solutions
- Refactor
25Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
26Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
27Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
28Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
29Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
30Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often (and build daily)
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
31Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
32Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
33Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
34Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
35Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
36Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
37Simple rules and practices
- Coding
- Customer available
- Code standards
- Test-Driven
- Pair Programming
- Sequential change integration
- Integrate often
- Collective code ownership
- Dont optimize early
- No overtime
- Testing
- Unit test everything
- All tests pass before release
- Bug new test
- Acceptance tests
38XP map - Project
39XP map - Iteration
40XP map - Development
41XP map Collective code ownership
42Test Driven Development
43Unit Testing makes your developer lives easier
- Easier to find bugs
- Easier to maintain
- Easier to understand
- Easier to Develop
44A Unit Test is a testof a small functional piece
of code
45You have already done Unit testing
- Not structured
- Not Repeatable
- Not on all your code
- No Framework
46Test-Driven Development
- Make it Fail
- No code without a failing test
- Make it Work
- As simply as possible
- Make it Better
- Refactor
47The xUnit Frameworks
- Original was for SmallTalk
- Kent Beck and Erich Gamma
- Ported to Various languages and platforms
- JUnit, CppUnit, DUnit, VBUnit, RUnit, PyUnit,
Sunit, HtmlUnit, - Good list at www.xprogramming.com
- Standard test architeture
48Testing Tasks
- Write Tests
- Make it easy to create and organize tests
- Run Tests
- Allow running all of our tests, a group or just
one. - Review Results
- Immediate Pass/Fail feedback
- Details on each failure
49Test Identification
- Manual
- Programmer writes code to call each test
- Reflection
- Framework examines the program and finds tests
- Uses inheritance and naming conventions
- Attributes
- Extension of the reflection approach for .Net
- Provide a clean, orthogonal way to identify tests
50Writing Tests
- The 3A Pattern
- NUnit Features
- TestFixtures, Tests and Assertions
- Test Results
- Setup and Teardown Methods
- How NUnit Runs Tests
- Ignored Tests
- Expected Exceptions
- Test Suites
- Physical Test Organization
51The 3A Pattern
- Create the objects we will use for the test.
These objects form the context for our test and
are collectively known as the tests fixture.
52The 3A Pattern
- Tell the objects in the fixture to perform some
actions that we are trying to test.
53The 3A Pattern
- Verify the result of our test, comparing what
happened to what was expected and reporting the
54The 3A Pattern
- ltTestFixture()gt _
- Public Class MoneyTest
- ltTest()gt _
- Public Sub TestSimpleAdd()
- Dim m12CHF As New Money(12, "CHF")
- Dim m14CHF As New Money(14, "CHF")
- Dim expected As New Money(26, "CHF")
- Dim result As MoneyTest
m12CHF.Add(m14CHF) - Assert.IsTrue(expected.Equals(result))
- End Sub
- End Class
55The 3A Pattern
- ltTestFixture()gt _
- Public Class MoneyTest
- ltTest()gt _
- Public Sub TestSimpleAdd()
- Dim m12CHF As New Money(12, "CHF")
- Dim m14CHF As New Money(14, "CHF")
- Dim expected As New Money(26, "CHF")
- Dim result As MoneyTest
m12CHF.Add(m14CHF) - Assert.IsTrue(expected.Equals(result))
- End Sub
- End Class
56The 3A Pattern
- ltTestFixture()gt _
- Public Class MoneyTest
- ltTest()gt _
- Public Sub TestSimpleAdd()
- Dim m12CHF As New Money(12, "CHF")
- Dim m14CHF As New Money(14, "CHF")
- Dim expected As New Money(26, "CHF")
- Dim result As MoneyTest
m12CHF.Add(m14CHF) - Assert.IsTrue(expected.Equals(result))
- End Sub
- End Class
57The 3A Pattern
- ltTestFixture()gt _
- Public Class MoneyTest
- ltTest()gt _
- Public Sub TestSimpleAdd()
- Dim m12CHF As New Money(12, "CHF")
- Dim m14CHF As New Money(14, "CHF")
- Dim expected As New Money(26, "CHF")
- Dim result As MoneyTest
m12CHF.Add(m14CHF) - Assert.IsTrue(expected.Equals(result))
- End Sub
- End Class
58The 3A Pattern
- ltTestFixture()gt _
- Public Class MoneyTest
- ltTest()gt _
- Public Sub TestSimpleAdd()
- Dim m12CHF As New Money(12, "CHF")
- Dim m14CHF As New Money(14, "CHF")
- Dim expected As New Money(26, "CHF")
- Dim result As MoneyTest
m12CHF.Add(m14CHF) - Assert.IsTrue(expected.Equals(result))
- End Sub
- End Class
59NUnit Framework components
- Test Fixtures
- Tests
- Assertions
- Setup
- TearDown
- TestFixtureSetUp
- TestFixtureTearDown
- Ignore
- ExpectedException
- Suites(namespaces)
- Roy_at_Magen.com
- www.iserializable.com
62Additional Resources
- Mailing Lists
- Yahoo Group testdrivendevelopment
- Yahoo Group agiledotnet
- Books
- Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET James
Newkirk and Alexei Vorontsov - Test-Driven Development, by Example Kent Beck
- Test-Driven Development, A Practical Guide
David Astels - Unit Testing in Java, Johannes Link
63Web Siteshttp//www.testdriven.comhttp//www.xpr
ogramming.comAgileAlliance.com ExtremeProgramming
.org Blogshttp//dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/darrell
wkirk http//www,iserializable.com