Title: Installing and configuring the Gilda PnP UI
1Installing and configuring the Gilda PnP UI
- Angelines Alberto Morillas
2System requirements
- One of the following Linux distribution
- Fedora Core 2/3/4
- Scientific Linux 3.0.x
- Suse 9.x 10.x (with some slight modifications)
- Mandrake 9.2
- Debian
- NO root privileges is required
- Date and time of the system must be correct!
- You should make sure some port are opened. The
list of the needed ports can be found here - http//lcgdeploy.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/lcgdeploy.cgi
/checkout/lcg2/docs/lcg-port-table.pdf - A X509 personal certificate and a successfully
join request to a Virtual Organization
3Installation steps
- The GILDA UI PnP homepage is
- https//gilda.ct.infn.it/UIPnP/
- (you can find some documentation here too)
- Log into your machine (Do not be root!)
4Installation steps
- 1) Download the Gilda UI
- wget https//gilda.ct.infn.it/UIPnP/gilda-UIPnP3
0.tar.gz - --no-check-certificate
- 2) tar zxvf
- gilda-UIPnP3O.tar.gz
5Installation steps
- 3) Copy your private key and certificate into
HOME/.globus directory from the server - scp r
- sevillaxx_at_glite-tutor.ct.infn.it. ./.globus/
./.globus -
- Where XX in 01..30
- 4) cd UIPnP30
6Installation steps
- 5) Make sure you are using a bash shell and your
host is syncronized - echo SHELL
- date
- 6) source install.sh
- 7) upload your private key and personal
certificate HOME/.globus - Your UI PnP is
- now ready to be used!
7 more on installation
- What install.sh does?
- Downloads CA certificates, Signing Policy, CRLs,
if needed - creates the .globus directory (where you have to
upload your personal certificates) - Creates the JobOutput directory (where the output
of your jobs will be stored) - Sets all the relevant environment variables in
.bashrc - Sets a cron job to update the CRLs periodically
8Default VO settings
NSLoggerLevel 6 ErrorStorage
"/JobOutput" LoggingSyncTimeout 10
DefaultVo "gilda" OutputStorage
"/JobOutput" DefaultLogInfoLevel 1
DefaultStatusLevel 1 ListenerStorage
- In HOME/UIPnP30/edg/etc/,
- you can edit the file
- edg_wl_ui_cmd_var.conf
DefaultVo default VO OutputStorage default
output folder of all jobs
9More on configuration
- You can customize your VO, RB/LB, MyProxy
server locations. - In HOME/UIPnP30/edg/etc/, file
- create a folder with the same name of a VO
- configure the file edg_wl_ui.conf getting a
template from HOME/UIPnP30/edg/etc/vo_template
VirtualOrganisation "gilda" NSAddresses
"glite-rb.ct.infn.it7772" LBAddresses
"glite-rb.ct.infn.it9000" MyProxyServer
- In this file you define
- The VO name
- Hostname and port of the followin servers
Resource Broker LoggingBookkeeping MyProxy -
10GILDA UI PnP testing
- Lets try to create a proxy
- voms-proxy-init --voms gilda
- You should get something like this
Your identity /CIT/OGILDA/OUCN/Emailroberto
.barbera_at_ct.infn.it Enter GRID pass
phrase Creating temporary proxy..................
........ Done Contacting voms.ct.infn.it15001
t "gilda" Done Creating proxy ...................
.............. Done Your proxy is valid until Sat
Feb 4 084215 2006
11Testing Check for job matching
- Type "Job"
- JobType "Normal"
- Executable "/bin/hostname"
- StdOutput "hostname.out"
- StdError "hostname.err"
- OutputSandbox "hostname.err","hostname.out"
- Arguments "-f"
- edg-job-list-match hostname.jdl
- You should get something like that
Selected Virtual Organisation name (from proxy
certificate extension) Connecting to host
glite-rb.ct.infn.it, port 7772
LIST The following CE(s) matching your job
requirements have been found
CEId dgt01.ui.savba.sk2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-i
nfinite fenrir.uniandes.edu.co2119/blah-pbs-i
nfinite fenrir.uniandes.edu.co2119/blah-pbs-long
12Testing Job submission
edg-job-submit --vo gilda hostname.jdl
Selected Virtual Organisation name (from --vo
option) gilda Connecting to host
glite-rb.ct.infn.it, port 7772 Logging to host
glite-rb.ct.infn.it, port 9002
has been successfully submitted to the Network
Server. Use glite-job-status command to check
job current status. Your job identifier is -
13Testing Job status
edg-job-status https//glite-rb.ct.infn.it9000/
for the Job https//glite-rb.ct.infn.it9 Curre
nt Status Done (Success) Exit code
0 Status Reason Job terminated
successfully Destination
t Submitted Thu Jun 9 150913 2005
14Testing Job get output
edg-job-get-output https//glite-rb.ct.infn.it9
Retrieving files from host glite-rb.ct.infn.it (
for https//glite-rb.ct.infn.it9000/3WFTTW3ph3SZm
7t1UqWSyQ )
JOB GET OUTPUT OUTCOME Output sandbox files for
the job - https//glite-rb.ct.infn.it9000/3WFTT
W3ph3SZm7t1UqWSyQ have been successfully
retrieved and stored in the directory
15Testing LFC Catalog
- Set the following environment variables to
specify the catalog type and its location - export LCG_CATALOG_TYPElfc
- export LFC_HOSTlfc-gilda.ct.infn.it
- export LFC_HOME/grid/gilda/
- lfc-ls l
... -rw-rw-r-- 1 4401 4400 0 Jun 21
0940 tutor02-rel-pippo-pluto -rw-rw-r-- 1 4401
4400 0 Jun 21 0939 tutor14 -rw-rw-r-- 1
4401 4400 0 Jun 21 0940
tutor16-mytxt -rw-rw-r-- 1 4401 4400 0
Jun 21 0932 unitprot-ibcp02 -rw-rw-r-- 1 4401
4400 0 Jun 21 0936 uploadfile -rw-rw-r--
1 4401 4400 0 Jun 21 0936
uploadfilelfn -rw-rw-r-- 1 4401 4400 0
Jun 21 0938 user.example -rw-rw-r-- 1 4401
4400 0 Jun 21 0938 user.example2 -rw-rw-r--
1 4401 4400 0 Jun 21 0940
valencia15.ejemplo -rw-rw-r-- 1 4401 4400
0 Jun 21 0940 valencia15.example ...
16Testing Resource discovery (BDII)
The BDII needs a smal fixing export
To change the value of the BDII, set the
LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS variable export
LCG_GFAL_INFOSYSgrid004.ct.infn.it2170 To find
out which SEs the user is allowed to use, one can
use the following command lcg-infosites --vo
gilda se
These are the related data for
gilda (in terms of SE)
Avail Space(Kb)
Used Space(Kb) Type SEs ----------------------
------------------------------------ 912374468
32948 grid005.iucc.ac.il 1435
47648 2472788
cn02.be.itu.edu.tr 68300000 6830000
egee016.cnaf.infn.it . .
- UI PnP GILDA Web sitehttps//gilda.ct.infn.it/UI
PnP/ - gLite 3.0 User guidehttp//grid-deployment.web.c