Title: Spin-Orbit Mediated Control of Spin Qubits
1Spin-Orbit Mediated Control of Spin Qubits
- Christian Flindt, Anders S. Sorensen, Karsten
Michael Schroer Petta Lab Journal Club 8/28/07
- Why is spin-orbit an attractive technique?
- How can we use spin-orbit to implement single and
two-qubit operations? - What kind of performance can we expect?
- Summary
3Why Spin orbit? I
- Ways to control electron spin
- ESR-
- Exchange Coupling-
- Spin Orbit -
4Why Spin orbit? II
- ESR - similar problems to NMR qubits
- Localizing a magnetic field is difficult
- Gradient magnetic fields?
- Delft group - limited by induced electric fields
- ?/2 time of 30 ns - Exchange Coupling
- No single electron operations
- Highly sensitive to low frequency electrical
noise - Slow gating times
5How Spin orbit? I
- Hamiltonian for a single electron in a nanowire
based quantum dot
- Assume that the potential is harmonic, but may
be shifted by wiggling the voltages on the gates
6How Spin orbit? II
- Perform unitary transformation with
7How Spin orbit? III
- Now, a trace over x gives a simple form for the
where the trace has rescaled g by a factor of
8Now for the cool stuff...
Two options for using this Hamiltonian for single
spin control
When we meet the condition
- Looks like ESR!
- Sometimes called Electron Dipole Induced Spin
Resonance (EDSR)
9Option 2
Quickly displace spin by
Let it evolve under this hamiltonian for
Immediately move back to x(0), and the spin has
flipped using just one voltage pulse
10Two Qubit Operations?
Moving one electron creates a force on the other
through the Coulomb interaction
11Two Qubit Operations II
Initially looks like we dont have coupling
between spins
Perturbation theory
Theoretical device
13Single Spin Performance
- For spin flip operation
- Requires E 6.6 uV/nm
- Gate voltage of 3 mV
- Total time 0.1 ns
- Delft group performed spin flip in 54 ns
- Allows for fast spin echo, as well as fast single
qubit operations
14Two Qubit Performance
- Gate times 5 ns
- More concerned with noise performance
Spin Orbit coupling much more noise
resistant than exchange coupling
15More two qubit noise performance
- Open circles - t
- Stars - Zeeman Splitting
- Closed Circles - Exchange Coupling
16Is InAs really the best system for this?
- Maybe we could find a material with strong spin
orbit coupling? - Or, is a weaker spin orbit coupling actually
better? - Remember, rescaling of g!
Luckily, the authors came through for us...
17(No Transcript)
- Paper uses bulk properties of Indium Arsenide
- What about multiple sources of spin orbit?
- What two qubit gates can be applied using this
coupling? - Does it actually work?
19Ennslin Group example of EDSR
EDSR on a large number of electrons in a large
quantum well
Were able to produce spin flips in 1.8 ns
- Spin orbit control of electron spin is fast
- Can control one electron as well as the coupling
between two electrons