Title: Albert Einstein
1 A Life Of A Genius Albert Einstein
1879 - 1955
2Alberts Childhood
Einstein was born in the city of Ulm. His family
later Moved to the city of Munich. Einstein was
always very quiet and who loved to read a math
book. Albert was always amazed how the world
worked. He always had so many questions,
sometimes the teachers did not know the answers
to those questions.
3Quick Facts About AlbertEinstein
- Albert never learned to drive, he thought it was
to complicated.
- Albert didnt get good grades except in math and
- Albert created an equation that helps people
make atomic bombs.
4Nobel Piece Prize
Albert was awarded the Nobel prize in physics. On
the photoelectric effect. Albert equation had a
lot to do with winning the award. Albert made
many contributions to physics.
5Some people say that Albert Einstein might have
been the most important person of the twentieth
By Arturo Osorio