Title: Search is a universal problem-solving method
1Search Chapter 3
Search is a universal problem-solving
method Search algorithms based on Problem-Space
Model The task Find a sequence of operations
that map initial state to goal state. Search
methods Breadth-first, Depth-first, A
2Problem space model
- Problem space is the environment in which the
search takes place. - A set of states of the problem
- Operators
- Problem instance
- Problem space,
- initial state,
- goal state
3Eight Puzzle
4Vacuum world problem (state) space graph
states? actions? Initial? goal?
5The Russian Farmer Problem
6(F,W,G,C) (l, l, l, l)
7Tree versus Graph
- Most problem spaces correspond to graphs with
more than one paths between two nodes - Duplicate nodes increasing the size of the tree
- For simplicity they are represented as a tree
with initial state as root - The cost
- Duplicate nodes
- Increased tree size
- Benefit
- Absence of cycles simplifying most search
8What differenciates AI search algorithms from
other graph based search algorithms is the size
of the graph. The Entire Chess graph has over 1040
- State space of AI problems never represented
explicitly by listing each state. - Size not expressed in terms of number of nodes
- Instead
- Branching factor (b)- average number of children
- Solution depth (d)- length of shortest path from
initial to goal - Or shortest
sequence of operators
9Brute-Force Search Uninformed search strategies
use only the information available in the problem
- State description
- Set of legal operators
- Initial state
- Description of goal state
- Important brute force techniques
- Breadth first
- Uniform-cost
- Depth-first
- Interactive deepening
- Bidirectional
Terminology Generate node Create a DS
corresponding to node Expand node Generate all
children of the node
10Breadth First
- Expand nodes in order of their distance from root
one level at a time until solution found
- Queue (FIFO) of nodes initially containing the
root - Remove the node at the head of the queue and
expand - Add children to the tail of the queue
Space bound and exhaust memory in a few minutes.
Always finds the shortest path to a goal Time
spent Proportional to the number of nodes
generated(constant and f of b d) Number of
nodes at level d is bd Total number of nodes
generated in worst case bb2 b3 bd which
is O (bd)
12Uniform-Cost Search
- Edges have different costs
- Instead of expanding nodes in order of their
depth from root expand in order of cost from root - At each step, expand a node whose cost g(n) is
lowest where g(n) is sum of costs of edges from
root to node n - Nodes are stored in a priority queue
- Worst case time complexity
- O (bc/m) where c is the cost of an optimal
solution and m is the minimum edge cost
Problem Memory- similar to breadth first
13Depth-First Search
- Remedies space limitation of breadth first by
always generating a child of the deepest
unexpanded node.
- Maintain a list of unexpanded nodes treated as a
LIFO stack (as opposed to FIFO for breadth first - Usually implemented recrsively- with the
recursion stack taking the place of an explicit
node stack - Time complexity is O (bd)-Practically DF is time
limited and BF is space limited - Disadvantage does not terminate if tree infinite
or cycles in graph - Solution cutoff depth (d)
- d small?
- d large?
15Depth First Interactive Deepening
Combines best features of DF and BF
Performs a depth first to depth 1 then starts
over executing a complete depth first to depth 2
and continues to run depth first searches to
successive greater depths until a solution is
Optimal in terms of time and space among all
brute force algorithms on a tree.