Title: Baseline Assessments for Secondary Age and post16 Students
1Baseline Assessments for Secondary Age and
post-16 Students
- Purpose of baseline
- Different forms
- Developed ability
- Examples
- Issues
3Reasons for a baseline
- To make fair comparisons
- To give immediate information
- To defend yourself
- To create a research ethos
4Different forms
- Prior attainment
- Home background
- Cognitive Developed Ability
Upper Sixth
Lower Sixth
Age 15/16
Age 14/15
Age 13/14
Age 12/13 ( additional)
Age 11/12
6Computer Adaptive Baseline Test (CABT)
- Test performed online results automatically
transmitted to CEM. - Minimal installation / setup required - if any.
- Adaptive
- Test designed to be completed in 1 hour or less.
- Available for Alis / Yellis / Midyis
- Stand alone (non web) version available if needed
7CABT Content
Common to Alis / Yellis / Midyis
- Vocabulary
- Maths
- Perceptual Speed Accuracy
for Yellis
for MidYIS
- Pattern Reflections / Rotations
- Proof Reading
- Cross Sections
- Block Counting
- Pictures
for Alis
- Pattern Reflections / Rotations
- Logic flow diagrams
- Dice folding
In 2007 / 2008 over 160,000 students ages 12-16
sat this test
13Perceptual Speed and Accuracy
14Cross-sections (Midyis)
15Blocks (Midyis)
16Pictures (Midyis)
17Proof Reading (Midyis)
18Alis Patterns
19Alis Logical Reasoning
20Try the test yourselves atwww.intuproject.org/d
21The following baseline data is provided
- Nationally (English) Standardised Scores
- Mean 100, Standard deviation 15
- National quartile bands A,B,C and D
- Pupil average scores
- School band profile graphs
- Predictions and Chances Graphs (School and Pupil)
- Individual Pupil Records (IPRs) including
stanines and percentiles
22Alis why CABT in addition to (i)GCSE?
- Lack of (i)GCSE data
- Differences in teaching effectiveness between
feeder schools
23Typical Timeline
- The baseline score is measured for each system as
early as possible in the autumn term, and the
information sent to the CEM Centre - The institution then receives feedback from the
CEM Centre baseline test results and predictions - The public examination results are sent to the
CEM Centre when received by the institution - The value added data is available from September
via the Institutions website at the CEM Centre
24Baseline Feedback
25Bands, stanines, percentiles, standardised
Standardised scores (MidYIS Test Scores)
M Baseline Feedback
26Intake Profiles
(i)GCSE (Alis)
TDA / CABT (Alis)
Also available based on MidYIS, Yellis and SOSCA
27IPRs (Individual Pupil Record Sheets)
Look for sections that are inconsistent
Also available based on MidYIS, Alis and SOSCA
- Predictions are available in the following forms
- Formal Reports (Alis)
- Spreadsheets (All Projects)
- Paris Software (Alis / Yellis / MidYIS)
- Feedback is available on Web / CD
29Predictions MidYIS / SOSCA example
Similar spreadsheets available from Yellis
30Predictions MidYIS Individualised Chances Graphs
31Predictions - Alis example
32Chances Graphs