Title: STAR Strangeness Summary 2003
1STAR Strangeness Summary 2003
2STAR Strange Spectra _at_ 200 GeV
STAR Preliminary
STAR Preliminary
STAR Preliminary
STAR Preliminary
3Spectra in d-Au
K d-Au 200 GeV
4Spectra p-p
5130 GeV Data
All strange particles seem to increase linearly
with h- No step functions, no big surprises
6Strangeness Enhancement/Suppression
Same plots just normalized to top Au-Au or
p-p. Emphasizes more common wisdom that yields
are suppressed in p-p not enhanced in Au-Au
7?B/B ratios
No obvious onset of pQCD Ratios flat to pt 4GeV
All 3 collision types show similar ratios at mid-y
8Chemical Fit to Au-Au 200 GeV data
More points are coming including the resonances
9Ratio centrality dependence and dep. on s
- X Nonlinear function of Nch,
- 2 degrees polynomial ?
- L/Nch flat with centrality
Strangeness enhancement and saturation from
peripheral to central collisions. (similar when
compared to SPS results)
The drop of dNdy/Nbin is smaller for X than L and
pbar due to the enhancement effects.
10Resonance Ratios
STAR Preliminary
Au-Au and p-p vs200GeV
r -gt pp (1.3 fm/c) K -gt Kp ( 4
fm/c) L(1520) -gtpK (13 fm/c)
UrQMD signal loss
K(892) ?(1520) SPS (17
GeV) 1 66 50 RHIC
(200GeV) 2 55 30
11mt scaling in Au-Au and p-p
Left plots mt spectra
Works for p-p not for Au-Au Again evidence for
flow. However p-p spectra NOT identical for all
Right plots mt spectra divided by common power
law fit
12ltptgt for Au-Au and p-p collisions
Warning the Au-Au is still being sent to me so
more to come and it may move a small bit
13ltptgt vs Centrality
p, K, p - ltptgt increase with centrality -
Heavy mass increase faster All consistent with
radial flow
Sorry these should be merged but we havent done
that yet
f and X seems to flow differently Early
freeze-out too?
14Mult. Dependence of p-p
Harder collisions give higher mult. and higher
15Fitting Au-Au data to Blastwave
16Rcp for h-,K, L, X, W, and f
f follows K not L. Baryon meson effect. Not mass
17Strange V2
Good agreement with Hydro at low pt
Scaling by quark number works at intermediate pt
except for pions- resonance problem? partonic
coalesnce? Break down at pt/n lt 0.6 GeV
18The pT Scale of RAA and v2 for KS and ?
The saturation of v2 and fall of RCP are
correlated. In a scenario with partonic energy
loss followed by unmodified fragmentation, a
larger v2 would be associated with a smaller
RCP. At intermediate pT species dependence
contradicts a simple partonic energy loss and
unmodified fragmentation picture.
19L/K0s for different centralities
- UA1 data from?pp collisions at ?s 630 GeV.
- Very good agreement between UA1 and peripheral
AuAu. - Large baryon enhancement, relative to mesons, in
central AuAu.
20Rcp for Ks, ? and f in dAu
- Statistical error only
- Both reconstruction efficiency and vertex finding
correction included - ? Rcp is flat at 1.4 when pt gt 2GeV/c
- Ks Rcp is flat at 1.2 when pt gt 2GeV/c
- f Rcp is closer to Ks than L.
STAR Preliminary
21HBT vs mt
Wiedemann and Heinz expect to drop with
1/mat due to collective flow.
(a 0.5)
Rinv for K0s does not seem to obey same mt
Need more detailed studies before conclusive
statement made