Algorithm Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Algorithm Analysis


System with. an algorithm. Example - is a value present? ... A proxy method for absolute running time and absolute space usage is required to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Algorithm Analysis

Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Algorithm Analysis
  • Dr. Zumao Weng

  • Algorithm Analysis
  • Permits estimation of resource consumption of an
  • Permits the relative costs of two of more
    algorithms to be compared.
  • which search to use
  • which sort to use etc
  • Permits the analysis of system behaviour to be
    estimated prior to software development.
  • saving cost of development if behaviour likely to
    be poor.

Choosing Algorithms
  • How do we choose?
  • What does efficient mean?
  • How do we measure efficiency?

System with an algorithm
Example - is a value present?
  • boolean is_present(int my_vals, int target)
  • for (int i0 iltmy_vals.lengthi)
  • if (my_valsi target)
  • return true
  • return false
  • An array stores a collection of values.
  • A for-loop is used to inspect each value stored.
  • A return statement specifies the results of the

Sequential Search 26 present?
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  • i 0
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  • i 1
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  • i 2
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  • i 3
  • return true as result

  • An array provides a simple mechanism for storing
  • What if one does not know how many elements might
    be stored?
  • What if the number of elements changes
  • What if the method is_present is used frequently?
  • What does it mean to say that the solution is
  • Is there a better solution?
  • Question must be asked in the light of other
    application code.
  • What is the determinant of speed of execution for
    method is_present?

is_present Version 2
  • Suppose it is feasible, perhaps even desirable,
    for the array of integers to be in sorted order
  • the_valsi lt the_valsi1 0 lt i
  • It is possible to use the sorted order to aid
    searching the array.

is_present Version 2, Binary Search
  • boolean is_present(int the_vals, int target)
  • int left0, rightthe_vals.length-1
  • while (left lt right)
  • int pivot (left right)/2
  • if (the_valspivot target)
  • return true // found
  • else
  • if (the_valspivot gt target)
  • left pivot 1 // search right
  • else
  • right pivot-1 // search left
  • return false

Binary Search 54 present?
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Binary Search 11 present?
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  • 11 13 21 26 29 36 40 41 45 51 54 56
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Binary Search Analysis
  • Operates by reducing the search space in half at
    each comparison
  • if the array is large this is significant but if
    the array is small then it is less so
  • Binary search requires that the array is sorted
  • sorting is a time-consuming activity
  • The measure of complexity is how much the search
    space can be reduced to achieve a result
  • by implication the number of comparisons
  • If search finds elements at the start of the
    array then binary search will not be better than
    sequential search
  • behaviour of application and data type is
    important in understanding performance.

Algorithm Cost Estimation
  • Will the system meet memory constraints?
  • e.g. mobile phone software, telephone switches
  • Space complexity
  • Will the system meet target response times?
  • e.g. online banking system interacting with users
  • e.g. a robot which must react to real-time
  • Time Complexity
  • Memory usage and time can be traded.
  • if one holds a value for future use it requires
  • if one re-computes something then additional
    processor time is required.

Formal Algorithm Analysis?
  • Is appropriate for applications with real
  • can be time consuming and technically challenging
  • makes assumptions about an algorithm and about
    its everyday operation.
  • assumptions can be wrong!
  • Is an important part of your CS education!
  • Analysis of standard algorithms
  • understand algorithm constraints.
  • understand the trade-off between execution time
    memory usage.
  • guide your choice of algorithm for a particular
  • building your repertoire of standard algorithms.

Goal of Algorithm Analysis
  • introduce the concept of growth rate in
    understanding performance.
  • introduce the concepts of upper and lower bound
    on performance.
  • introduce the cost of an algorithm and the cost
    of solving a problem.
  • many algorithmic solutions may exist for the same

Comparing Algorithms An Example
  • A system has an array of integers and this array
    must be placed in sorted order.
  • there are many sort algorithms
  • which sort algorithm should be used?
  • how can sort algorithms be compared

Approach 1 Empirical
  • Write programs for the candidate algorithms
  • Run the programs using suitable data and time the
    execution of the programs.
  • The best algorithm is the one that sorts the
    array fastest
  • Problems
  • Writing programs is hard work.
  • Only one implementation is required!
  • One program might be implemented more efficiently
    than the other(s).
  • Test cases might distort performance.
  • Not a realistic test of the algorithms.
  • All algorithms may not meet constraints.
  • must investigate more algorithms!.

Approach 2 Asymptotic Analysis
  • Measure efficiency of a program as input size
    becomes very large.
  • a program (as an algorithm solution) is taking an
    input set and delivering an output result.
  • can give an upper bound, a lower bound and an
    average case for an algorithm.
  • Problems
  • does not say anything about small input sets.
  • Sorting small data sets will not take much time
  • cannot say that one algorithm is slightly faster
    than another.
  • naïve analysis often ignores disc access and RAM

Performance Factors
  • Time Complexity or execution time is usually the
    most important factor.
  • Influenced by
  • The speed of the CPU
  • Bus speed between memory and CPU
  • Disc speed
  • cf CD ROM versus Hard Disc versus Floppy
  • Competition for the CPU
  • Quality of code produced by compiler
  • The coding efficiency
  • A more complete picture is given by including the
    Space Complexity
  • RAM required, disc space used

Execution time
  • Previous factors affect execution time but tell
    us little about relative merits of algorithms.
  • most factors will be the same for all algorithms
    and thus cancel out in a comparison.
  • Absolute running time is a noisy measure.
  • A proxy method for absolute running time and
    absolute space usage is required to permit
    algorithm comparison.
  • we do not want to execute algorithm
  • we wish to compare in the absence of a machine
    with real CPU speed, disc speed etc.
  • yet have a measure that will accurately reflect
    observed running times.

A First Analysis Preliminaries
  • Asymptotic time complexity counts the number of
    basic operations.
  • e.g. the number of swaps in a sort
  • e.g. the number of comparisons in a search.
  • Estimates the total number of basic operations
    required for a certain input size.
  • e.g. the number of items to be sorted or searched
  • Definition of a basic operation is chosen for
    the algorithm being analysed.
  • the time of execution for a basic operation must
    be independent of data it involves
  • swapping two array elements does not depend on
    which elements are involved.
  • a comparison will be the same cost for data

A First Analysis Largest Value Sequential Search
  • largest value in an array of n positive integers

int largest (int vals) int
current_largest 0 for (int i 0 i lt
vals.length i) if (valsi gt
current_largest valsi
return current_largest
  • The input size is the size of the array to be
  • independent of the algorithm
  • lets say there are N elements
  • The basic operation is comparing two array
  • does not depend on values of the elements

  • int largest (int vals)
  • int current_largest 0
  • for (int i 0 i lt vals.length i)
  • if (valsi gt current_largest)
  • current_largest valsi
  • return current_largest
  • If c denotes the time for a basic operation then
    the algorithm time complexity is c times N
  • There are N comparisons to find the largest value
    in the array.
  • T(n) c N

  • T(n) c N
  • This is the growth rate for the algorithm
  • a linear growth rate
  • We need not know what the actual cost c is or how
    many elements N there are in the array.
  • The measure can be used to compare this algorithm
    with other algorithms for the task.
  • measure does not depend on CPU speed.
  • measure does not depend on RAM/BUS speed

  • int largest (int vals)
  • int current_largest 0
  • for (int i 0 i lt vals.length i)
  • if (valsi gt current_largest)
  • current_largest valsi
  • return current_largest
  • The basic operation cost includes
  • loop cost
  • assignment cost
  • The measure is thus an approximation.

  • v a1
  • Assume that the copy takes time c1
  • T(n) c1
  • This statement has constant running time

  • int sum 0
  • for (int i0 i lt n i)
  • sum
  • The basic operation is increment.
  • Loop executes n times
  • T(n) n c1
  • a linear growth rate

Nested Loops
  • int sum 0
  • for (int i0 i lt n i)
  • for (int j0 j lt n j)
  • sum
  • The basic operation is increment.
  • Inner loop n times, outer n times
  • T(n) n2 c1
  • growth rate of n2

Statement Sequences
  • int sum 0
  • for (int i0 i lt n i)
  • sum
  • for (int j0 j lt 2n j)
  • sum
  • The basic operation is increment.
  • T(N)loop1 N c
  • T(N)loop2 2N c
  • T(N) T(N)loop1 T(N)loop2 3N c

  • if ( .... )
  • ----- then part
  • else
  • ----- else part
  • The cost is the higher cost..

Growth Rates
Growth Rates
Complexity League
Best, Worst, Average Cases
  • int largest (int vals)
  • int current_largest 0
  • for (int i 0 i lt vals.length i)
  • if (valsi gt current_largest)
  • current_largest valsi
  • return current_largest
  • There is only one case.

Best, Worst, Average Cases
  • boolean is_present(int my_vals, int target)
  • for (int i0 iltmy_vals.lengthi)
  • if (my_valsi target)
  • return true
  • return false
  • Best case is when element is first
  • Worst case is when element is last
  • Average is probably midway
  • depends on distribution of values.

Best, Worst, Average Cases
  • boolean is_present(int my_vals, int target)
  • for (int i0 iltmy_vals.lengthi)
  • if (my_valsi target)
  • return true
  • return false
  • T(N) best c O(1)
  • T(N)worst n c O(N)
  • T(N)average n/2 c O(N)
  • nature of data usage is important here!

Big Oh Notation
  • Simplify analysis of complexity expressions
  • Big Oh defines an upper bound on the asymptotic
    growth of a complexity measure.
  • For T(N) is O(F(N)) if there are positive
    constants c and N0 such that
  • T(N) lt c F(N) when NgtN0
  • T(N) O(F(N)) is read as T(N) is of order F(N)
  • i.e. for the complexity measure T(N) the
    function F(N) is at most a constant factor larger
    than its actual complexity function.
  • Big Oh is similar to less than or equal
  • Big Omega (gt), Big Theta (), little o (lt)

Big Oh
  • E.g. T(N) O(N2)
  • for some value N0
  • The process is one of identifying the largest
    term in an expressions and making it a unit
    co-efficient expression.

Big O Simplifications
  • T(N) O(2N) ? O(N)
  • we can drop the cost of the basic operation
  • T(N) O(N c) ? O(N) if c constant
  • T(N) O(N2) but convention is smallest function
  • T(N) O(N2 N) ? O(N2)
  • T(N) O(N3 N2 N) ? O(N3)
  • T(N) O(2n N4) ? O(2n)
  • The simplifications apply to best, worst and
    average cost expressions

Useful Identities
  • ?i1 i n i n(n1)/2
  • number of times loops performed.
  • ?i1 i n 2i an1 - 1 / (a-1)
  • binary search approximations
  • ?i1 i n i2 ? n3 / 3
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