Title: Chapter 9 SOFTWARE
- Introduction on software hardware interfaces
- Software programming language types
- Computer ports for communication
- Interface using C language
3Software Type
- Machine Language development software
- - Assembly, Pbasic, C
- - For firmware programming purposes
- High Level
- - C/C, Cobol, Fortron
- - HTML, XML, Php etc.
- Application Level
- - Visual Basic, LabVIEW, Multimedia
Developer - - Virtual system, interactive, user friendly
- - User interface
- Interface card system (I/O card)
- Application machines
- - ATM, Vending, petrol pump etc.
- Computer communication media
- - Coxial cable, Fibre optic, RF wave etc.
- Computer ports and protocol
- - Parallel port, serial port,
- Universal Serial Bus (USB) etc.
- Communication Protocol
- - RS232, RS422, RS485, TCP/IP etc.
5Basic Computer Communication ports
- Serial port
- - Using for RS232, RS422 and TCP/IP protocol
- - Commonly DB9 and DB25 pins
- Parallel port
- - Using printing purposes
- - Commonly DB25 pins
- Universal Serial Bus (USB)
- - Multi-purposes port
- - Commonly have several USB ports in one PC.
- - Suitable for high storage data. Eg
6Serial Ports Pin Configuration
DB9 pin
DB25 pin
7USB Ports Type
Type A Port
Type B Port
8Parallel Port
Pin Configuration
9Parallel Port DB25 Pin details
10How to program Parallel Port using C
- The calculation
- The value that send via program is binary number
- Data pins configuration and decimal value
11How to program Parallel Port using C
- Function in C
- porttalk need to be installed to set the
"pt_ioctl.c - library. Base address of data for LPT1 is 378
(0x378) -
- Basic function - OpenPortTalk (),
outportb(0xBase,0xn), ClosePortTalk () - Formula
- 0xn
- which n b0b1b2.
- Example
- If Pin 2 and 3 want to be set as HIGH (Logic
1). So, the n - value that need to be stated in the
- LPT port function in C
- n 12 3
12Example program code in C
OpenPortTalk () outportb(base_addr,0x00) //Low
voltage (0-0.3VDC) to all Data ports
(D0-D7) ClosePortTalk () for(x0xlt10x) pr
intf("Output will be HIGH\n") OpenPortTalk
() outportb(base_addr,0x01)//High voltage
(5VDC) to port D0 only ClosePortTalk
() getch() return (0)
include ltstdio.hgt include ltwindows.hgt //call
os (windows)
"pt_ioctl.c // talking to device driver include
ltconio.hgt define base_addr 0x378 // initialize
parallel port address main() int k,
x for(k0klt10k) printf("Ouput will be
13void main(void) outportb(0x378,0xFF)
Example C program for the motor
void main(void) outportb(0x378,0x01) //pin 2
high outportb(0x378,0x00) //switch off pin
14Example C program for the motor
includeltstdio.hgt includeltconio.hgt
includeltdos.hgt main() outportb(0x378,0x00
) ---------STOP MOTOR sleep(2)
outportb(0x378,0x01)---------MOVE MOTOR(CCW)
sleep(2) outportb(0x378,0x02)---------MOVE
MOTOR(CW) sleep(2) outportb(0x378,0x03)-------
--MOVE MOTOR(Break!) sleep(2) return 0
eg sleep(2)-----delay or sleep for 2 seconds eg
delay(500) -------delay for 500
- http//www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Serial-Progr
amming-HOWTO.html - http//www.beyondlogic.org/spp/parallel.htm
- http//www.epanorama.net/circuits/parallel_output.
html - http//www.experts-exchange.com
/Programming/Programming_Languages/C - http//www.logix4u.net/parallelport1.htm
- http//www.geocities.com/gear996/sub/parallel.html