Title: National Programme for Information Technology NPfIT
1National Programme for Information Technology
- WMS SHA Update for
- Local Health Communities
- March 2005
- Early PASs
- P1R2
- Choose and Book
- Infrastructure
- Change Management
- Programme and Contract Management
- 3 PASs planned to go live on Tactical Instances
- Worcester Community/Mental Health
- Pilot early April, full rollout early June
- Coventry PCT
- Pilot mid April, incremental rollout
- Big Bang implementation end May first large
PAS in Cluster - Subsequent PASs on Strategic Instance available
August - Hereford August
- South Warks, GEH Sept / Oct
- Further work required on migration and management
of strategic instance
4WMSHA Early PAS risks
- Availability of tactical and strategic instances,
migration approach - Logon times
- Expectation of 20-28 secs by May
- NPfIT commitment to redesign for P1R2
- Spine dependence and reliability
- Significant improvements
- N3
- Early adopters still not connected fully -
escalated - End User Training environments
- Cluster have purchased 150 available by mid
June - Further work by end March on medium term
requirement, ownership and management of
5P1R2 and Clinical Systems
- Full P1R2 delayed to December 05 (first
implementations March 06) - NPfIT plan to de-risk clinicals by loosening
coupling of spine and local NCRS - May see Order Comms release ahead of full P1R2
- Announcement expected re CSC/EMIS relationship
- May offer short term (hosted services) and long
term (strategic integration) solutions - Fit with GP Lorenzo needs clarity
- Recent guidance has clarified improved
financial and business case issues - Cluster solution still has significant
outstanding issues - Functionality
- Technical architecture
- Early implementations in Cluster in doubt no
full PACS implementations expected till Sept 05 - Worcestershire has deferred Cluster PACS
implementation, procured interim mini-PACS - Alternative proven solution for UHCW still
under discussion with NPfIT
7Choose and Book
- Dec 05 target clarified
- 80 of referrals using approved technical
solution - All patients offered choice and ability to book
- All PCTs / Trusts submitted revised profiles to
DH Feb - Incentive payments (capital) for early take up
- Dentists included in target
- Key risks remain GP engagement, guaranteed
bookable appointments in Acute, availability of
technical solution - All GP practices to have N3 access by April 05
8Secondary Uses Service
- Rollout delayed now expect phased rollout from
June - Training plan being developed nationally
- Outstanding issues re effective information
support for Payment by Results - Further national work re SUS and practice based
- Registration Authorities remains high risk
- Difficulties registering early users
- Role based access control (RBAC) proving complex
and time-consuming - SHA providing support to LHCs
- N3
- Delivery of connections still unacceptable risk
to early PASs - Still significant outstanding issues re
- Group connections (incorporating COINs and VPNs)
- Full understanding exploitation of N3 contract
- Support for PACS
- WMS reviewing arrangements for N3 co-ordination /
support / escalation
10Change Management
- Cluster reviews of Hedra and change workstreams
ongoing - WMS
- Need to communicate PAS successes widely when
achieved to build confidence - Planning clinical event May 05 for LHC clinical
leads, WMS clinicians involved in Cluster
workstreams - Emerging guidance on linking NPfIT, 10 High
Impact Changes and workforce from Government
Productive Time Programme
11The Productive Time Programme
Productive Time has three key elements
Each element contains projects
With significant cost savings
With individual products and benefits realisation
And collectively enabling quality service
12Programme Management 3 Year IMT Plans/
Benefits Realisation Plans
- All LHC plans now show
- 0.25 revenue increase
- Financial balance (broadly!)
- All LHCs asked to improve sections on strategic
alignment and benefits by end March
13Programme Management Detailed Implementation
- Cluster DIP still not baselined
- Agreement of which projects are additional to
original contract not finalised - Re-pricing of plans not agreed with CSC not
clear whether WMS has saved enough, still risk - 6 SHA DoFs are working on future financial
management of DIP
14Programme Management Governance and Programme
Management Review
- Reviews at Cluster, WMSHA all issued in draft,
discussed at Boards - WMS workshop on implementation of recommendations
- Will lead to increased standardisation and rigour
in - Risk and issue management, escaltion
- Change Management
- Planning
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Decision making clarity of authority at each
level - Detailed, resourced action plans should be
available at April Programme Boards