Title: Muon Fake Rates
1Muon Fake Rates
- Concept determine rate of
- fake muons due to pion/kaon punch-through (PT)
- muons out of pion/kaon decay-in-flight (DIF)
- METHOD 1 Use source of identified high-pt
pions/kaons - reconstruct Ks pp
- reconstruct D0 Kp
- METHOD 2 Use generic tracks (min bias)
- METHOD 3 Use simulated pions and kaons (fake
2Ks Selection
- Use B_CHARM dataset
- L1 (2 XFT tracks, opp. charge, Df lt 1350 , SPt
gt 5.5) or (7 tracks w/ Pt gt 2) - L2 2 SVT tracks, c2 lt 25, Pt gt 2, 100 mm lt d0
lt 1 mm - L3 2 SVX-COT hybrid tracks, Pt gt 2, h lt 1.2,
120 mm lt d0 lt 1 mm, - opp. charge, DZ0 lt 5 cm, 20 lt Df lt
900, Lxy gt 200 mm, SPt gt 5.5 - Offline selection
- Track cuts Nax gt 24, Nst gt 24, Z0 lt 60 cm,
h lt 1.2, Pt gt 2 - Track pairs opp. charge, DZ lt 5 cm, 20 lt
Df lt 900, 1 leg Pt gt 5 - Secondary vertex fit CTVMFT algorithm, x2 lt 8,
Lxy gt 1 cm, - d0(Ks) lt
0.3 mm (SVX) / d0(Ks) lt 0.3 cm (COT)
3Ks Peak BCHARM sample
Peak 0.46 lt Mpp lt 0.53 SB 0.425 lt Mpp lt 0.46
0.53 lt Mpp lt 0.565
Mpp GeV
4Pions Kinematics
d0 (COT)
d0 (SVX)
d0 (SVX) both legs have silicon hits d0 (COT)
only one leg or none have silicon hits
Pt GeV
5Muon Cuts
- Use same cuts as in s(W mn) analysis
(summer) - Tracking Nax gt 24, Nst gt 24
- Calorimeter, isolation E(Rlt0.4)corrected for
track lt 2 - (will apply this later, study fake rate as
function of iso) - Calorimeter, MIP Eem lt max(2, 20.0115 (Pt
100)) - Ehad lt max(6,
60.028 (Pt 100)) - Matching DxCMU lt 3 cm, DxCMP lt 6 cm, (no
cut for CMX)
6Fake Rate Ks
- Ks in peak 74,843
- (Ptgt2) 149,686
- is m 598 0.40 - 0.02
Muon fake rate from - is CMU m 405 0.27 - 0.01
PT and DIF - is CMP m 183 0.12 - 0.01
- is CMUP m 133 0.09 - 0.01
peak SB - is CMX m 146 0.10 - 0.01
all m 0.38 - 0.02 -
CMU m 0.26 -
0.01 - Events in SB 2,925
CMP m 0.11 - 0.01 - p (Ptgt2) 5,850
CMUP m 0.08 - 0.01 - p is m 52 0.89 -
0.12 CMX m 0.09 - 0.01 - p is CMU m 26 0.44 - 0.09
- p is CMP m 19 0.32 - 0.07
- p is CMUP m 13 0.22 - 0.06
- p is CMX m 21 0.36 - 0.08
7Fake Rate differential distributions
Muon phi degrees
8Fake Rate different datasets
9Fake Rate data and MC
10Other samples
electron sample
photon sample
Mpp GeV
Mpp GeV
11Physics Bias ?
Study physics bias in different data samples
fakerate dependent on business of
the event In muon enriched samples the pion
track gets accidentally matched to the stub from
a real muon nearby Check 1 loosen / tighten
Dx cut on CMU, CMP fake rate / Check 2
difference between isolated/non-isolated
tracks/muons ?
12Muon Matching
Tendency also seen in electron datasetbut within
statistical error
Dxlt15 cm Dx lt 3 / 6 cm Dx lt 1 cm
BCHARM dataset (two-track trigger) is muon
enriched (heavy flavor)
13Track Isolation
pions from Ks pions from D0 kaons from D0
14D0 Selection
- Based on same BCHARM dataset as Ks selection
- Selection close to the one in the D0 branching
ratio analysis - Use only SVT matched offline tracks
- foffline fSVT lt 0.015 , curvoffline
curvSVT lt 0.00015 , c2SVT lt 25 , NSVXrf gt 3 - Extra cleanup
- d01 d02 lt 0 (for K-p pair)
- not used reconstruct D peak (D-gtD0 ps) , cut
on q(ps) ! q(K) , - cut on Dm m(Kpps)-m(Kp)
15D0 Peak
Peak 1.83 1.90 GeV Sidebands 1.765 1.80
1.93 1.965 GeV
16Fake Rate D0
17Fake Rate diff. distr.
- from Ks
- from D0
- K from D0
18Fake Rate charge dependence
- from Ks
- from D0
- K from D0
19Comparison to Run1 Numbers
- Method in Run1
- use inclusive photon sample, look for isolated
high-pt tracks therein - compute probability for PT per track from
hadronic interaction lengths - compute probability for DIF per track from ctp /
ctK - sum over all high-pt tracks in sample
- see Thesis by J.Berryhill, PRD of note 5569 no
dedicated note found
- Results
- In Run1
- 1.87 - 0.99 PT background events
- 1.08 - 1.20 DIF background events
- 2.95 - 2.19 background events DIFPT
- Using (0.49 - 0.04) fake rate for Run2 (1/3 K
2/3 p) - Combine with 398 high-Pt tracks
- 1.95 - 0.16 - 0.88 background events
estimated with this method (DIFPT)
20METHOD 3 Single Pions and Kaons - 1
Simulate single pions and kaons with fake-event
generator 10 particles per event flat pt
spectrum apply track and muon cuts as in METHOD
1 Pions
Kaons 0.24 - 0.02
(all tracks) 0.58 - 0.03
0.31 - 0.06 (ptlt5 GeV)
0.68 - 0.09 55.5 are DIF
67.9 are DIF
21METHOD 3 Single Pions and Kaons - 2