Title: Variations in El Nino Activity
1- Variations in El Nino Activity
- F-F Jin
- Workshop on Western Tropical Pacific
- 11/26-28, 2007
- Collaborators
- J.-S. Kug, A. Timmermann,
- L. Bejarano, S.-T. Kim
- Florida State University
2Two types of El Niño events Warm-pool El
Niño Cold-tongue El Niño
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5Zonal Mean Sea Level (140-270E)
Warm Pool El Nino
Cold Tongue El Nino
El Nino Decaying
Mature Phase
El Nino Developing
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7Some possibilities
(1) Internal dynamics different ENSO modes
coexist and interact ---gt intermittency? (2)
Climate state changes e.g. trade winds in
weakening due to global warming, climate regime
shift etc? (3) Enhanced Noise activity?
8Persistent warming in NINO4 Region
Time Series of NINO4 SST (1-yr moving )
9Bursting behavior of ENSO in QQ-QB regime
10According to AR4 simulations ,Mean-trade wind
stress reduce about 10 for every degree warming
in the tropics. Thus for CO2 doubling with 3
degree warming, the trade can reduce about 30
Held et al 2006, Vechi et al 2006, 2007
11 Changes in instability due to mean wind weakening
BJ instability index for ENSO (Jin et al 2006,7)
A B dynamic and thermodynamic damping C, D, E
three positive feedbacks, each depending on three
factors (i) The natures of the basic state,
(ii) The sensitivity of the atmospheric surface
wind responses to SSTA in the ENSO
region. (iii) The sensitivity of the oceanic
responses to surface winds.
12- Growth rate (left) and period (right) computed
from SSTA time series (red dashed line) and from
BJ index (black line) as a function of coupling
coefficient for reference simulation
13The correlation between NINO3 and anomalous
running variance of the equatorial surface
intraseasonal wind (15-90 days)anomalies
14(3) ENSO-MJO interaction as modeled by
multiplicative noises
ENSO-MJO/WWB interactions play an important
role G1BT
Jin, Lin, Timmermann, Zhao, 2007, GRL
Noise-induced destabilization effect for
15B factor doubled !
- There are two-types of El Niño events, likely
related to two different coupled modes, one is
recharge oscillator mode, the other is mode
mainly owing to the advective feedback. - BJ index formula provides an useful estimation of
the growth rate for leading ENSO modes. - There is an strong interaction between ENSO and
the intraseasonal surface zonal wind variability
and it destabilizes both warm-pool and cold
tongue El Niño through the noise induced
instability. - Future ENSO activity may depend on changes both
only in the climate state and the intensity of
the ENSO-MJO/WWB interaction
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18Changes in ocean basic state due to mean wind
- (a) Mean SST, (b) zonal currents, (c) upwelling,
and (d) sea level height along the equator
obtained from forced runs with mean winds of
different intensity. Intensity of mean wind is
reduced or increased by 20 (aW0.8, or aW1.2),
and 10 (aW0.9, or aW1.1) from the reference
wind (aW1.0).
19- Dependence of El Niño amplitude on growth rate
- Growth rate (left) and period (right) computed
from SSTA time series (red dashed line) and from
BJ index (black line) as a function of coupling
coefficient for reference simulation