Title: Evaluation of a Novel TwoStep Server Selection Metric
1Evaluation of a Novel Two-Step Server Selection
- Presented by
- Karthik Lakshminarayanan
- 11-26-2003
2Problem statement
- Goal Client wants to download content from the
best of k servers, i.e. minimize total time to
transfer a document - Issues to consider
- Cost of choosing the target server
- Lightweight mechanisms preferable
- Stability of ordering (over a period of time)
- More energy can be expended if stability is high
- Nature of content and corresponding workloads
- Frequency of downloads, and size of documents
- Problem statement
- Proposed algorithm
- Existing/possible approaches
- Methodology
- Results
4Novel two-step server selection
- Pick k best servers out of the entire set by
using pings (k 5) - Retain the subset for a period of n days
- Choose servers from the subset of k servers
- Choose from this subset randomly
- Can choose from subset based on other metrics
- Call this Ping-twostep for convenience
- Main delay due to network delays, not server load
5Selection metrics
- Dynamic metric (adapt to network condition)
- Ping
- Transfer of small files
- Ping-twostep
- Static metric (oblivious to network condition)
- Number of hops
- Number of AS hops
- Random
Summary Ping-twostep performs best!
- Six client machines (USC, UNC, UCSC, Umass, UDel,
Purdue) - 193 servers in tucows.com mirror network
- Collected info continuously for 41 days
- Each run comprised
- 5 ICMP pings
- Traceroute
- Transfer times of files from 10KB 1MB
- More extensive set of servers than previous work
7Comparison Ping metric
- RTT not always indication of transfer time
- Not surprising!
- Some oddities experienced with
- Purdue
- Relative positions between ping 10k vary
across nodes - Do not care about the low end of the bw spectrum!
8Comparison Small file transfers
- Improved with size of transfer
- Low correlation between time for small transfer
vs. time for large transfers
9Comparison Static selection
- Hop count
- Mostly equivalent to random selection when used
to estimate transfer time - Little correlation (restricted to USA and Canada)
10Comparison Static selection
- Hop count
- Mostly equivalent to random selection when used
to estimate transfer time - Little correlation (restricted to USA and Canada)
11Comparison Static selection
- Hop count
- Mostly equivalent to random selection when used
to estimate transfer time - Little correlation (restricted to USA and Canada)
- AS hop count
- Does not work well for them
- Global IP-Anycast (GIA) uses this
- Queried using BGP
- Small hop counts miss many servers, large hop
counts would result in too much traffic
12Stability of server ranking
- 70-98 of changes in rank are between zero and
ten for top servers - Average servers experience much higher change in
Rankings of top servers is stable
13Stability of server transfer times
- Consider a subset of servers
- How many of them were ever
- at the top in the 41-day period
- Caveat they consider only
- the top server
- Consider different sizes of subsets of 193 hosts
- Number of top servers in an n-subset is a small
fraction of the size of subset (lt10) - Little overlap of top servers across clients
- Motivation revisited
- Ping technique
- Low overhead
- Good performance
- Top servers stable over time
- Choosing from the small subset
- Random provides load-balance
- Ping use ping again among that set
- Ping-best (for comparison)
15Performance of Ping-Random
- Ping-ping gt Ping-random gt (10k, Ping)
- Ping-ping might not perform load-balance well
16Effect of size of ping sets
- Influenced greatly by the size of ping sets
chosen - 40 of servers ever ranked first were in 20 of
the pings
17Effects of selection algorithms
- Load-balancing
- Different clients have different top servers
- Oscillations
- Respond to changing network conditions
- Fortunately, it is unlikely that many clients
would be running tests at the same time - No quantitative results!
- How do we use this in practice?
- Useful for large file transfers
- What about small web transfers?
- GNP, Geoping approaches might work
- Set of servers is static?
- How can DHTs help in anycast?
- DOLR network for proximity
- Embed location information in Ids
- Use longest-prefix matching tricks (like i3)