Title: Kwun Tong Government Secondary School Project Learning Course
1Kwun Tong Government Secondary SchoolProject
Learning Course
- How to design surveys and questionnaires
Lau Kwok Chi
2Survey design involve the followings steps
- Define the objectives of the survey What you
want to know - Determine the target population
- From whom you will collect opinions
- sampling methods How to find out some people
from your target population so that their views
are representative of the population - sample size - How many people in your target
population you will collect their views
4Choose appropriate method of reaching the people
- personal interview
- telephone interview
- Internet
- mail
5- Write the questionnaire What you will ask
- Try out the questionnaire Is the questionnaire
good enough ? - Send out and collect questionnaires
6- Analyze and present the data
- Interpret the Results
7Tips in designing questionnaires
- Keep the questionnaire brief and concise
- Start with an introduction or welcome message
- Avoid embarrassing questions on private matters
8Tips in designing questionnaires
- Reassure your respondent that his or her
responses will be kept confidential - List answers in order
- 1) Strongly disagree 2)Disagree
- 3) agree 4)strongly agree
9Tips in designing questionnaires
- Write questions in both positive and negative
directions, and then separate them apart - Examples
- I like doing project.
- I dislike doing project.
10Tips in designing questionnaires
- Avoid leading question/answers
- Excellent
- Great
- Good
- Fair
- Not so Great
- Is KTGSS the best school you have ever
studied in ? yes/no
11Tips in designing questionnaires
- Avoid hypothetical question, for example
- If you were governor, what would you do to stop
12Tips in designing questionnaires
- Give more precise answers
- 1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Disagree 4)
Strongly Disagree - 1) Agree 2) Disagree
- Every Day or More
- 2-6 Times a Week
- About Once a Week
- About Once a Month
- Never
- Very Often
- Often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
13Tips in designing questionnaires
- Avoid open-ended questions
- Avoid the answer "others"
- Avoid the too much answers
- Never 2) Rarely 3) Occasionally 4) Fairly often
5) Often 6) Very often 7) Almost always 8) Always
14Tips in designing questionnaires
- Do not put two questions into one.
- "Do you buy frozen meat and frozen fish?"
- "Have you ever bought Product X and, if so, did
you like it?" - Avoid technical terms which most people dont
15Tips in designing questionnaires
- Include neutral answers only when it is necessary
- 1) Agree 4) Tend to disagree2)
Tend to agree 5) Disagree3) Undecided /
Dont know / not applicable (neutral answers)
16Sampling methods
- Convenience Sampling
- - "man on the street"
- Simple random sampling
- use computer to randomly select some people
from the population.
17Sampling methods
- Stratified Random Sampling
- - dividing your population into subgroups and
then taking a simple random sample in each
subgroup - Purposive sampling
- - sample with a purpose in mind
18- Sample questionnaires
- http//leolee.uhome.net/epa/main.htm (good
example of errors by students) - http//www.finet.com.hk/book/questions.htm
- http//www.hkptu.org.hk/bl23/
- Presentation of results of questionnaire
- http//www.dphk.org/survey/medi000223.htm
- http//www.dphk.org/survey/recreation010323.htm
- Web questionnaire production
- http//www.my3q.com/index.phtml?intID28