Title: Promoting active learning
1Government and the Firm
2Policies towards Monopolies and Oligopolies
- Competition policy in the EU
- EU policy towards restrictive practices
- Article 81
- focus on behaviour (rather than on structures)
- EU policy towards monopolies
- Article 82
- EU policy towards mergers
- 1990 merger control measures
- experience of merger control since 1990
- recent moves on merger control
- Assessing EU policy
3Policies towards Monopolies and Oligopolies
- UK competition policy
- the OFT and the Competition Commission
4UK competition legislation
5Policies towards Monopolies and Oligopolies
- UK competition policy
- the OFT and the Competition Commission
- restrictive practices policy
- Chapter 1 prohibition
- types of anti-competitive behaviour
- powers of the OFT
- monopoly policy
- Chapter 2 prohibition
- market-share criterion
- market contestability
- anti-competitive practices
6Policies towards Monopolies and Oligopolies
- UK competition policy (cont.)
- merger policy (2002 Enterprise Act)
- role of OFT and Competition Commission
- criteria for judgment
- Assessment of competition policy
- focus on behaviour and its effects rather than on
market structure - prohibition of certain practices
- tougher powers to identify secret collusion
7Policies towards Research and Development
- Importance of RTD to business
8World top 21 RD spenders (1999)
9UK top 20 RD spenders (1999)
10Policies towards Research and Development
- Targets of technology policy
- invention
- innovation
- diffusion
- Technological change and market failure
- RTD free riders
- monopoly power
- duplication
- risk and uncertainty
11Policies towards Research and Development
- Forms of intervention
- the patent system
- public provision
- RTD subsidies
- co-operative RTD
- diffusion policies
- other policies
12Gross expenditure on RD as a percentage of GDP
13Gross expenditure on RD as a percentage of GDP
14Gross expenditure on RD as a percentage of GDP
15Gross expenditure on RD as a percentage of GDP
16Gross expenditure on RD as a percentage of GDP
17Policies towards Research and Development
- Forms of intervention
- the patent system
- public provision
- RTD subsidies
- co-operative RTD
- diffusion policies
- other policies
- Technology policy in the UK and EU
18Policies towards Research and Development
- Forms of intervention
- the patent system
- public provision
- RTD subsidies
- co-operative RTD
- diffusion policies
- other policies
- Technology policy in the UK and EU
- UK policy
19Policies towards Research and Development
- Forms of intervention
- the patent system
- public provision
- RTD subsidies
- co-operative RTD
- diffusion policies
- other policies
- Technology policy in the UK and EU
- UK policy
- EU policy
20Policies towards Training
- Training and economic performance
- labour productivity
- innovation and change
- costs of production
- Training policy
- approaches to training policy
- training polices adopted in specific countries
- Germany
- France
- UK