Forwardlooking Taylors Rule Applied on Slovak Conditions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Forwardlooking Taylors Rule Applied on Slovak Conditions


AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov. Rudolf Gavliak, Vladim r ... persistence in expectations with linear trend and strong seasonal variation the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Forwardlooking Taylors Rule Applied on Slovak Conditions

Forward-looking Taylors RuleApplied on Slovak
Rudolf Gavliak, VladimĂ­r ĂšradnĂ­cek, EmĂ­lia
Zimková Faculty of Economics Matej Bel
University, Banská Bystrica
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

1. Theoretical overview2. Specification of
Forward-looking Taylors Rule and Data 3.
Empirical Results4. Conclusion
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Rules-versus-Discretion Debate over Monetary
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Rules-versus-Discretion Taylor Rule (1993)
  • Where
  • is federal funds rate,
  • is the rate of inflation over previous 4
  • is the deviation of real GDP from target.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Forward-looking
The original Taylor rule models the nominal
interest rate in dependence on inflation gap and
GDP gap. If estimating a forward-looking Taylor
rule, the nominal key interest rate model could
be rewritten as Where denotes the
desired nominal rate if output and inflation are
at their target levels, denotes the
percent change in price level at period t,
denotes the target level of inflation in t-th
quarter, is the measure of average output
gap in t-th quarter, is the expectation
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Expectations
  • The forward-looking equation turns to classical
    Taylor rule equation, if the expected inflation
    and output gap are estimated as a function of
    inflation and output gap reached in previous
  • The expected inflation is formed with respect to
    expectations in previous period and to actual
  • If the expectations show some inertia, then
    exponential smoothing is quite good tool to model
    the central bank expectations.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Expectations
  • If we expect persistence in expectations with
    linear trend and strong seasonal variation the
    Holt-Winters additive (three parameters)
    smoothing is most appropriate.
  • The formula used to estimate the inflation
    forecast is
  • Where
  • is the expected inflation in v (tk)-th
  • is the additive seasonal factor.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Expectations
  • The three coefficients in smoothing equation are
    defined by the following recursions
  • Where
  • is actual rate of inflation in t-th
  • are the damping (smoothing)
  • is the seasonal frequency (for quarterly
    data s  4).
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Real interest rate
  • If the consideration of central bank are formed
    in respect to real rate values, then the reaction
    function could be derived from the
    forward-looking equation
  • Where
  • denotes the average target level of
    inflation (long-run equilibrium value).
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Systematic
The Taylor rule is quite restrictive to describe
actual changes in key interest rate because of
following reasons
  • The central bank meets the decision about
    interest rate setting by consensus (voting in
    governors board).
  • Central bank should react only to systematic
    changes in output and inflation and not to
    temporary fluctuations.
  • Central bank has the tendency to smooth the
    deviations in output and inflation gap.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Interest rates
If the actual key interest rate is a smoothed
value of proposed interest rate settings, it
could be modelled as exponential weighted average
of key interest rate past values and interest
rate level proposed by Taylor rule
is interpreted as degree of smoothing of
interest rate changing.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Interest rates
Substituting interest rate adjustment equation
into forward-looking Taylor rule we get
Part of right side term in this equation
could be considered to equal an error term with
zero mean.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Final model
Unfortunately the error term is serially
correlated so, the Generalised Method of moments
(GMM) estimator should be used to estimate the
following model with correlated error term
The condition, which has to be met, means
independence among residuals and instruments
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Interest rates
The estimated adjusted model contains large
number of lagged values of past nominal interest
rates setting. To reduce the number of estimated
parameters, we use the polynomial distributed
lags (PDL) specification. A polynomial
distributed lag model with order p restricts the
coefficients to lie on a p-th order
polynomial of the form
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Interest rates
The formula of the p-th order polynomial holds
for h 1,2,.....n and the constant c is given
by If we have closer look at interest rate
adjustment equation the nominal key interest rate
setting proposed by Taylor rule could be
expressed in this form
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Interest rates
After substituting the parameters in interest
rate adjustment equation and adding constant term
to the formula we have the h-lagged terms model
of key interest rate setting depending of
proposed past settings by the Taylor rule
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Two-steps
  • Our goal is to estimate the mathematically
    formulated model in two step procedure
  • In first step we estimate (using GMM estimator)
    the following model with correlation of an
    unknown form present in residuals
  • In second step we substitute the values of key
    interest rate setting proposed by Taylor rule (
    ) to interest rate adjustment equation and
    estimate the one step-ahead setting ( ).
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Data
The data used to estimate the model in Slovak
conditions are
The dependent variable is the National Bank of
Slovakia (NBS) limit interest rate for 2W REPO
time series (If the interest rate changes during
a quarter, the interest rate is calculated as
weighted arithmetic average with days used as
  • The following independent variables
  • quarterly real GDP time series are used (NBS
  • quarterly reported y-on-y inflation time series
    (NBS forecast),
  • quarterly targeted inflation values (before year
    2005 the NBS prognosis as inflation target
    equivalent were considered).
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Specification of rules and data Data
The instrument variables set contains
  • quarterly time series of lagged inflation rate,
  • lagged National Bank of Slovakia (NBS) limit
    interest rate for 2W REPO time series,
  • lagged GDP gap time series,
  • lagged M2 growth rate and
  • lagged producer price index in coal and oil
    production sector.

The estimation was carried out with help of
Eviews 4.1 and the analysed period was Q12000 to
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Empirical results Problems and solutions
  • The quarterly targeted inflation values are
    accessible only since year 2005.
  • The targeted inflation values for previous
    period are not reported, but we have used the end
    year inflation forecasts published in monetary
    program instead of targeted inflation.
  • Using the Winters-Holt additive exponential
    smoothing algorithm we computed forecasts of
    inflation until year 2008.
  • The potential GDP was estimated by the
    Hodrick-Prescott filter, which is smoothing out
    the real GDP time series.
  • The independent variables (output and inflation
    gap) are stationary.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Empirical results Independent variables
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Empirical results Resulting model
  • Because of high inflation pressures at the
    beginning of the year 2000 we shifted the
    beginning of input data period to first quarter
  • The resulting estimation form of the first stage
    estimated equation is
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Empirical results Resulting model
  • In second step we estimate the autocorrelation
    structure of interest rate setting using the
    polynomial distributed lags (PDL) specification
    and consequently to estimate ?. The estimated
    dependence among proposed key interest rate
    setting ( ), current and historical setting (
    ) is
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Empirical results Resulting model
  • Expressing the nominal interest rate we could
    compute an one step-ahead forecast as a function
    of interest rate proposed by Taylor rule and past
    nominal key interest rates.
  • When replacing the nominal interest rate with
    the one step-ahead estimate, we can estimate a
    projection of key interest rates setting from 3rd
    quarter 2006 till 4th quarter 2008.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Conclusion Concluding remarks
The economic interpretation of estimated
parameters is following
  • Parameter Ăź shows that if inflation gap changes
    per 1 p.p. the nominal key interest rate of the
    central bank will change in average by 0.17 p.p.
  • Regarding estimated parameter ?, if GDP gap
    changes per 1 p.p. the nominal key interest rate
    of the central bank will change by 19.47.
  • Large differences in estimated parameters
    reflect different volatility of independent
    variables. While the inflation gap is highly
    volatile, the output gap is rather smooth.
  • Estimated ? parameter shows that change by 1
    p.p. is in average reflected by 0.46 p.p. in the
    real key interest rate setting change.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Conclusion Concluding remarks
  • According forecast of the model the key interest
    rate of the central bank at the end of 2007
    should increase by 1,3 p.p. on the level 5,3.
  • An increase of the key interest rate is also
    expected by the financial markets due to fact
    that in the next year the real gross domestic
    product is expected to be above its potential and
    real inflation is expected to be above the
    targeted level.
  • The Taylor rule should not be taken as ultimate
    advice but they should serve as a starting point
    for discussions on the key interest rate setting.
  • After the Slovak elections in June 2006 the
    prediction of any economic variable became rather
    difficult and it will be more reliable when first
    steps of new government will be known.
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov

Thank you for your attention !
Rudolf Gavliak, VladimĂ­r ĂšradnĂ­cek, EmĂ­lia
Zimková Faculty of Economics Matej Bel
University, Banská Bystrica
  • AMSE 2006, August 31 September 1, Trutnov
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