Applied%20systems%20based%20on%20computability%20logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Episode 17 Applied systems based on computability logic Computability logic as a problem-solving tool Knowledgebase systems based on computability logic – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Applied%20systems%20based%20on%20computability%20logic

Applied systems based on computability logic
Episode 17
  • Computability logic as a problem-solving tool
  • Knowledgebase systems based on computability
  • Constructiveness, interactivity and
  • Systems for planning and action based on
    computability logic
  • Applied theories based on computability logic
  • Computability-logic-based arithmetic

Computability logic as a problem-solving tool
The original motivations behind computability
logic were computability-theoretic the approach
provides a systematic answer to the question
what can be computed?, which is a fundamental
question of computer science.
Yet, the uniform-constructive nature of the
known soundness theorems for various fragments
reveals that our logic is not only about what can
be computed. It is equally about how problems
can be computed/solved.
In other words, computability logic is a
problem-solving tool.
As such, it has expected applications far beyond
the pure theory of computing.
In this episode we will very briefly examine
three potential application areas
  • Knowledgebase systems
  • Systems for planning and action
  • Constructive applied theories

What is Danas gender?
The reason for the failure of p??p as a
computability-theoretic principle is that the
problem represented by this formula may have no
effective solution --- that is, the predicate p
may be undecidable, such as the predicate Halts.
The reason why p??p fails as a
knowledge-theoretic principle, however, is much
simpler. Consider
Female(Dana) ? ?Female(Dana)
Sure! And a very simple one.
Does this problem have an algorithmic
OK, then please solve it (win the game).
You cannot, can you?
Thats exactly the point. The problem has a
solution, but the trouble is you do not know
that solution. In other words, you do not know
whether Dana is male or female.
Then how about the following one?
DanaMother(Tom) ? Female(Dana) ? ?Female(Dana)
This problem probably you can solve. Because
you know that only females can be mothers. But
what if you are unaware of the connection between
motherhood and gender?
If this sort of ignorance is hard for you to
imagine, then try to solve
????????(???) ? ????(????) ? ?????(????)
Probably you cannot, even though (3) is the same
as (2), only stated in Georgian.
In the machines shoes
????????(???) ? ????(????)??????(????)
Now how about the following problem?
?x(?y(x????(y))?????(x)) ? ????????(???) ?
This one you can solve. And not because I am
revealing the secret that it means the same as
the English
?x(?y(xMother(y))? Female(x)) ? DanaMother(Tom)
? Female(Dana)??Female(Dana)
But rather because you have been taking this
course and know computability LOGIC.
Looking at (3) and (4) will help you better
appreciate how a machine (robot, software)
feels when it receives a problem to solve.
Just like you have no understanding of Georgian
and have to exclusively rely on logic, so do
machines, with the difference that they do not
understand English either, nor do they understand
that only females can be mothers unless told so,
as done by the first conjunct of the antecedent
of (5).
To summarize, you (or a general-purpose
logic-based machine) can solve (4) but not (3)
because (4) is uniformly valid while (3) is not.
Going back to p??p, the reason why it fails as
a computability-theoretic principle is that it
is not valid, while the reason why it fails as a
knowledge-theoretic principle is that it is not
uniformly valid. That is why in applications
such as knowledgebase or planning systems we are
exclusively concerned with uniform validity
rather than validity.
Why the DNA test was invented
So, no matter how intelligent you (or a
computer system) are, without some special,
external resources, you cannot really solve
Female(Dana)??Female(Dana), or
Pregnant(Dana) ?
?Pregnant(Dana) --- the problem solved by
disposable pregnancy test devices sold at
Let us now look at the problem
Pregnant(Dana) ? ?Pregnant(Dana)
Any system can solve this problem because it is
an automatically won elementary game, and there
is nothing to really solve at all. Solving this
problem or any problem that is uniformly valid
requires no special (non-logical) knowledge. On
the other hand, the fact that Pregnant(Dana)??Preg
nant(Dana) is not uniformly valid signifies that
solving it does require some special ability and
that the problem is not trivial at all. If it
was, then the pregnancy test manufacturers would
go bankrupt!
Similarly, the problem is trivial and
automatically solvable. On the other hand, the
problem is not trivial at all (that is why the
DNA test was invented after all!). Solving it
does require some special, non-logical knowledge
or ability.
Knowledgebase systems
A knowledgebase system is a computer system
for knowledge management. It provides the means
for collection, organization, and retrieval of
There is no clear distinction between
knowledgebase systems and database
systems. Probably it is accurate to say that a
knowledgebase system is a database system, but
typically with some higher degree of
intelligence than primitive database systems.
That is, a knowledgebase is a database that
usually has some artificial intelligence
components. Expert systems are most common
examples of knowledgebases heavily using AI.
As advanced sorts of databases,
knowledgebases absolutely have to allow complex
logical expressions for storage and retrieval
(queries) of knowledge and, ideally, be able to
apply logic for nontrivial automated reasoning,
deduction and problem-solving.
Knowledgebases, in fact, are applied logic
systems. And the important question is what
logic should they be based upon. Typically
classical logic is not sufficient, and some
augmentations of it are sought. Most common is
augmenting logic with epistemic constructs such
as the modal know that operator. Epistemic
logics, however, face many problems and appear
to be far from satisfactory.
On the following few slides we show the
advantages of computability logic over the
traditional approaches to knowledgebase logics,
and its potential as a logic on which
knowledgebases can be built.
A good logic for knowledgebase systems should
be constructive ????.
Such a logic should be able to differentiate
between truth and actual ability to tell/find
what is true. The non-constructive
knowledge (informational resource) expressed by

?x?y(yFather(x)) is very different from
(and hardly as relevant as) the constructive and
nontrivial knowledge expressed by
?x?y(yFather(x)), which
implies potential knowledge of everyones actual
father rather than the tautological knowledge
that everyone has a father. Yet, classical
logic fails to see or express this important
difference. This makes it inadequate as a logic
of knowledgebases. Computability logic promises
to be adequate.
A good logic for knowledgebase systems should
be interactive ???.
Most of the actual knowledgebase and
information systems are interactive. And
computability logic, which is designed to be a
logic of interactive tasks, is a well suited
formal framework for them and an appealing
alternative to the more traditional frameworks.
Imagine a medical diagnostics system. What we
would like the system to do is to tell us, for
any patient x, the diagnosis y for x. Most
likely, the query that the system solves would
look like ?x(Q(x)??y(yDiagnosis(x))), where Q(x)
is a (counter)query with questions regarding
x's symptoms, blood pressure, cholesterol level,
reaction to various drugs, etc. And probably
Q(x) would not be just a ?-conjunction of such
questions, but rather it would have a more
complex structure, where what questions are
asked could depend on the answers that the user
gave to previous questions, yielding a long
dialogue with a series of interspersed moves by
both parties.
Or, remember your automated bank account
information system. You dial the bank-by-phone
number to inquire about your balance. But the
query that the system solves is not really as
simple as ?xMyBalance(x). If this was the case,
then you would be told your balance right after
dialing the number. Rather, you will have to go
through quite a dialogue, with all sorts of
questions regarding your preferences, account
type and number, secret PIN or even mother's
maiden name.
A good logic for knowledgebase systems should
be resource-conscious.
Possessing a disposable pregnancy test means
having the following informational resource
With this resource, you can tell if Dana (or any
other woman) is pregnant. That is, the following
conditional problem can be solved unconditionally
by an agent that knows logic but otherwise has
no additional physical or informational
?x(Pregnant(x)??Pregnant(x)) ? Pregnant(Dana)??Pre
But can such an agent also solve the following
?x(Pregnant(x)??Pregnant(x)) ? (Pregnant(Dana)??Pr
egnant(Dana)) ? (Pregnant(Jane)??Pregnant(Jane))
In other words, can an agent that has nothing but
pure intellect (perfect knowledge of logic) plus
a (one single) pregnancy test kit tell the
pregnancy status of both Dana and Jane? Not
really! The agent would need two rather than one
pregnancy test kits for that. That is, it would
need the resource
?x(Pregnant(x)??Pregnant(x)) ? ?x(Pregnant(x)??Pre
The traditional approaches to knowledgebases
systems are unable to see the important and
relevant difference between the resources (6) and
(7), and that is too bad.
A feel of computability logic as a query logic
To get a better feel of computability logic
as an interactive knowledgebase logic, consider
?x(?sSmpt(x,s) ? ?t(Pst(x,t)??Pst(x,t)) ?
  • Smpt(x,s) is the predicate patient x has the
    set s of symptoms
  • Pst(x,t) is the predicate patient x tests
    positive for test t
  • Has(x,y) is the predicate patient x has disease

While still overly simplified, (8) is a more
realistic problem for a real medical diagnostics
system to be able to handle than the problem
?x?yHas(x,y), solving which would require the
ability to diagnose an arbitrary patient without
any additional information on the patient.
Here is a possible scenario of playing this
1. At the beginning, the system is waiting for
the user (environment) to specify a patient to
be diagnosed. After the user enters the
patients name X, the game is brought down to
?sSmpt(X,s) ? ?t(Pst(X,t)??Pst(X,t)) ? ?yHas(X,y)
2. The system continues waiting until the user
also enters Xs symptoms, say S
Smpt(X,S) ? ?t(Pst(X,t)??Pst(X,t)) ? ?yHas(X,y)
3. Based on the information received from the
user, the system selects a test T to perform it
on X
Smpt(X,S) ? (Pst(X,T)??Pst(X,T)) ? ?yHas(X,y)
4. The user (doctor) performs test T on the
patient and reports that it is positive
Smpt(X,S) ? Pst(X,T) ? ?yHas(X,y)
5. The system reports back that patient X has
disease Y
Smpt(X,S) ? Pst(X,T) ? Has(X,Y)
A feel of computability logic as a query logic,
The scenario shown on the previous slide
brought the interactive query
?x(?sSmpt(x,s) ? ?t(Pst(x,t)??Pst(x,t)) ?
down to the elementary game (proposition)
Smpt(X,S)?Pst(X,T) ? Has(X,Y). The system wins as
long as patient X indeed has disease Y, or the
user lied or erred when reporting Xs symptoms
and test results.
The presence of a single copy of
?t(Pst(x,t)??Pst(x,t)) in the antecedent of (8)
signifies that the system may request testing a
given patient only once. If n tests were
potentially required instead, this would be
expressed by taking the ?-conjunction of n
identical conjuncts ?t(Pst(x,t)??Pst(x,t))
? ?t(Pst(x,t)??Pst(x,t)) ? ... ?
And if the system potentially needed an
unbounded number of tests, then we would write
?x(?sSmpt(x,s) ?
?t(Pst(x,t)??Pst(x,t)) ? ?yHas(x,y)) thus further
weakening (8) a system performing task (9) is
not as good as the one performing (8), because
it requires stronger external (user-provided)
informational resources.
Replacing the main quantifier ?x by ?x, on
the other hand, would strengthen (8), signifying
the system's ability to diagnose a patent purely
on the basis of his/her symptoms and test
result without knowing who the patient really is.
However, if in its diagnostic decisions the
system uses some additional information on
patients such their medical histories stored in
its knowledgebase and hence needs to know the
patient's identity, ?x cannot be upgraded to ?x.
Replacing ?x by ?x would be a yet another way
to strengthen (8), signifying the system's
ability to diagnose all patients rather than any
particular one obviously effects of at least the
same strength would be achieved by just
prefixing (8) with or .
Computability logic as a programming language
Formula (8) of the previous example is by no
means uniformly valid. Only other hand, a
logic-based system would and should be able to
solve only uniformly valid problems. Thus, the
logical problem that our imaginary system solves
is not really (8). Rather, it is KB?(8), where
KB is all the additional non-logical knowledge
and resources that the system possesses. It is
this KB part that we call the knowledgebase of
the knowledgebase system.
Formally, such a KB is a finite (multi)set of
formulas, which we identify with the
?-conjunction of its elements, so that KB can
also be thought of as a one single (probably very
long) formula.
Do not confuse a knowledgebase with a
knowledgebase system. The latter is just pure,
logic-based problem-solving software of
universal utility that initially comes to the
user without any non-logical knowledge
whatsoever. Indeed, built-in non-logical
knowledge would make it no longer universally
applicable Dana can be a female in the world of
one potential user while a male in the world of
another user and ?x?y(x?yy?x) can be false to a
user who understands ? as set-theoretic rather
than number-theoretic product. It is the user who
selects and maintains KB for the system, putting
into it all informational resources that (s)he
believes are relevant, correct and maintainable.
Think of the formalism of computability logic
as a highly declarative programming language,
and the process of creating KB as programming in
it. Continuing in this direction, a deductive
system for computability logic should be thought
of as a compiler (or interpreter) for such a
programming language. Among the appeals of such
a language would be full absence of the program
verification problem and, more importantly,
removing the problem-solving burden from the
human programmer, whose job would reduce to just
stating problems rather than writing programs to
solve them. But this, of course, is from
the realm of fantasy rather than reality at this
What could be in the knowledgebase
A KB can include anything. For example
  • Atomic elementary formulas expressing factual
    knowledge, such as

  • Female(Dana) or DanaMother(Tom)
  • Non-atomic elementary formulas expressing
    general knowledge, such as
  • ?x(?y(xMother(y))?Female(x))
    or ?x?y(x?(y1)(x?y)x)
  • Non-classical formulas, such as

  • ?x(Female(x) ? Male(x))
  • expressing potential knowledge of everyones
    gender, or

  • ?x?y(yx2)
  • expressing the ability to repeatedly compute the
    square function, or something more
  • complex and more interactive, such as

?x(?sSmpt(x,s) ? ?t(Pst(x,t)??Pst(x,t)) ?
The most typical informational resources,
such as factual knowledge or queries solved by
computer programs, can be reused and therefore
prefixed with a recurrence operator (we did not
use recurrences for the above elementary formulas
because elementary formulas are equivalent to
their own recurrences). But exhaustible and
limited informational resources such as
?x(Pregnant(x)??Pregnant(x)) provided by a
disposable device may as well come without such
Resource providers
  • With each resource R?KB is associated (if not
    physically, at least conceptually) its provider
  • --- an agent that solves the query R for the
    system, i.e. plays the game R against the system.
  • Physically the provider could be
  • a computer program allocated to the system, or
  • a network server having the system as a client,
  • another knowledgebase system to which the system
    has querying access,
  • or even human personnel servicing the system.
    E.g., the provider for

  • ?x?y(yBloodpressure(x))
  • would probably be a team of nurses repeatedly
    performing the task of measuring the blood
  • pressure of a patient specified by the system and
    reporting the outcome back to the system.

We should not think of providers as a parts
of the system itself. The latter only sees what
resources are available to it, without knowing
or caring about how the corresponding providers
do their jobs furthermore, the system does not
even care whether the providers really do their
jobs right. The system's responsibility is only
to correctly solve queries for the user as long
as none of the providers fail to do their job.
Indeed, if the system misdiagnoses a patient
because a nurse- provider gave it wrong
information about that patient's blood pressure,
the hospital is unlikely to fire the system and
demand refund from its vendor more likely, it
would fire the nurse.
Of course, when R is elementary, the provider
has nothing to do, and its successfully playing R
against the system simply means that R is true.
Note that in the picture that we have just
presented, the system plays each game R?KB in the
role of ?, so that, from the system's
perspective, the game that it plays against the
provider of R is ?R rather than R.
The big game
Assume KBR1?...?Rn, and let us now try to
visualize a system solving a problem F for the
user. The designer would probably select an
interface where the user only sees the moves
made by the system in F, and hence gets the
illusion that the system is just playing F. But
in fact the game that the system is really
playing is KB?F, i.e.
Indeed, the system is not only interacting
with the user in F, but --- in parallel --- also
with its resource providers against whom, as we
already know, it plays ?R1,...,?Rn. As long as
those providers do not fail to do their jobs, the
system loses each of the games ?R1,...,?Rn. This
means that the system wins its play over the big
game ?R1?...??Rn?F if and only if it wins it
in the F component, i.e. successfully solves F.
Thus, the system's ability to solve a
problem/query F reduces to its ability to
generate a solution for KB?F. What would give
the system such an ability is built-in knowledge
of computability logic --- in particular, a
uniform-constructively sound axiomatization of
it. According to the uniform-constructive
soundness property (see Slide 15.14 or 16.8), it
would be sufficient for the system to find a
proof of KB?F, which would allow it
to (effectively) construct a machine M and then
run it on KB?F with guaranteed success.
Notice that it is uniform-constructive
soundness rather than simple soundness of the
the built-in (axiomatization of the) logic that
allows the knowledgebase system to function.
Simple soundness just means that every provable
formula is valid. This is not sufficient for two
Why soundness should be uniform-constructive
One reason is that validity of a formula E
only implies that, for every interpretation , a
solution for the problem E exists. It may be the
case, however, that different interpretations
require different solutions, so that choosing the
right solution requires knowledge of the actual
interpretation, i.e. the meaning, of the atoms of
E. Our assumption is that the system has no
non-logical knowledge, which, in more precise
terms, means nothing but that it has no
knowledge of the interpretation . Thus, a
solution that the system generates for E should
be successful for any possible interpretation .
In other words, it should be a uniform solution
for E.
The other reason why simple soundness of the
built-in logic would not be sufficient for a
knowledgebase system to function --- even if
every provable formula was known to be uniformly
valid --- is the following. With simple
soundness, after finding a proof of E, even
though the system would know that a solution for
E exists, it might have no way to actually find
such a solution. On the other hand,
uniform-constructive soundness guarantees that a
(uniform) solution for every provable formula not
only exists, but can be effectively extracted
from a proof.
How about completeness?
As for the completeness of the built-in logic,
unlike uniform-constructive soundness, it is a
desirable but not necessary condition.
So far a complete axiomatization has been
found essentially only for the fragment of
comutability logic limited to the language of
CL4. We hope that the future will bring
completeness results for more expressive
fragments as well. But even if not, we can still
certainly succeed in finding ever stronger
axiomatizations that are uniform- constructively
sound even if not necessarily complete. One of
such axiomatizations is affine logic.
It should be remembered that, when it comes to
practical applications in the proper sense, the
logic that will be used is likely to be far from
complete anyway. For example, the popular
classical-logic-based systems and programming
languages are incomplete, and the reason is not
that a complete axiomatization for classical
logic is not known, but rather the unfortunate
fact of life that often efficiency only comes at
the expense of completeness.
But even CL4, despite the absence of
recurrence operators in it, is already very
powerful. Why don't we see a simple example (on
the next slide) to feel the taste of it as a
query-solving logic.
The acidity query
Let Acid(x) mean solution x contains acid,
and Red(x) mean litmus paper turns red in
solution x. Assume the knowledgebase KB of
a CL4-based knowledgebase system contains the
following two formulas
?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) and ?x(Red(x)??Red(x)).
The left one accounts for the knowledge of the
fact that a solution contains acid iff the
litmus paper turns red in it. And the right
formula accounts for availability of a provider
who possesses a piece of litmus paper that it can
dip into any solution and report the paper's
color to the system.
Then the system can solve the acidity query
?x(Acid(x)??Acid(x)). This follows from the fact
that CL4 ? KB ?
?x(Acid(x)??Acid(x)), as shown on the next
CL4 in work
1. ?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) ? ?Red(y) ? ?Acid(y)
from by Rule A
2. ?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) ? ?Red(y) ?
from 1 by Rule B1
3. ?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) ? Red(y) ? Acid(y)
from by Rule A
4. ?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) ? Red(y) ? Acid(y)??Acid(y)
from 3 by Rule B1
5. ?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) ? Red(y)??Red(y) ?
from 2,4 by Rule A
6. ?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) ? ?x(Red(x)??Red(x)) ?
from 5 by Rule B2
7. ?x(Red(x)?Acid(x)) ? ?x(Red(x)??Red(x)) ?
from 6 by Rule A
From facts to tasks
Now we outline how the context of
knowledgebase systems can be further extended to
systems for planning and action.
Roughly, the formal semantics in such
applications remains the same, and what changes
is only the underlying philosophical assumption
that the truth values of predicates and
propositions are fixed or predetermined.
Rather, those values in computability-logic-bas
ed planning systems are viewed as something that
interacting agents may be able to manage. That
is, predicates or propositions there stand for
tasks rather than facts.
For example, Pregnant(Dana) --- or, perhaps,
Impregnate(Dana) instead --- can be seen as
having no predetermined truth value, with Dana or
her husband being in control of whether to make
it true or not.
And the nonelementary formula ?xHit(x)
describes the task of hitting any one target x
selected by the environment/commander/user. Note
how naturally resource- consciousness arises
here while ?xHit(x) is a task accomplishable
with one ballistic missile, the stronger task
?xHit(x)??xHit(x) would require two missiles
Fighting with monsters
All of the other operators of computability
logic, too, have natural interpretations as
operations on not only informational but also
physical tasks, with ? acting as a task
reduction operation. To get a feel of this, let
us look at the task
Give me a wooden stake ? Give me a silver bullet
? Destroy the vampire ? Kill the werewolf.
This is a task accomplishable by an agent who
has a mallet and a gun as well as sufficient
time, energy and bravery to chase and eliminate
any one (but not both) of the two monsters, and
only needs a wooden stake and/or a silver bullet
to complete his noble mission.
Then the story told by the legal run ?1.1,
0.1? of the above game is that the environment
asked the agent to kill the werewolf, to which
the agent replied by the counterrequest to give
him a silver bullet. The task will be considered
eventually accomplished by the agent (the game
won) iff he indeed killed the werewolf as long
as a silver bullet was indeed given to him.
Planning problems
A planning problem would usually have the form

R ? G, where R represents the
available (physical or informational) resources
and G is the goal task.
Finding a solution for such a problem would
mean finding a uniform solution for R ? G.
In turn, finding a uniform solution for R ? G
would mean nothing but finding a proof of it in
the underlying uniform-constructive
axiomatization of the logic. As we already know,
an actual solution for the problem (winning
strategy) can then be automatically obtained
from the proof.
Below we consider a toy example of a planning
problem and its solution using CL4. More serious
applications, of course, would require more
expressiveness that CL4 has, and probably even
more expressiveness than the language of Episode
14 has. Adding sequential operators to that
language would greatly improve the applicability
of computability logic in systems for planning
and action.
There are several (sorts of) antifreeze
coolants available to us, and our goal is to fill
the radiator of the car with a coolant. Let the
universe of discourse be the set of all coolants,
and a,b be some two constants from that universe.
Toy example of a planning problem

Goal Fill the radiator with a safe
sort of coolant
And assume these are our informational and
physical resources for achieving the goal
Resource/knowledge base
Coolant is safe iff it does not contain acid
What we know
At least one of the coolants a,b is safe
Safe(a) ? Safe(b)
A piece of litmus paper
What we have or can do
Fill the radiator with any one coolant
This planning problem can be successfully solved
without any additional/eternal informational or
physical resources because (and only because) the
formula is uniformly valid. The following slide
shows a strategy.
(1) ? (2) ? (3) ? (4) ? (0)
Solving the problem
1. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))??x(Acid(
x)??Acid(x))??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
Use the litmus paper to find out whether coolant
a contains acid (move 0.2.a).
2. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))?(Acid(a)
??Acid(a))??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
Observe the result and, depending on it (move
0.2.0 or 0.2.1), go to step 3.a.1 or 3.b.1.
3.a.1. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))?Acid
(a)??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
Fill the radiator with b (move 0.3.b).
3.a.2. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))?Acid
(a)?Fill(b) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
Wash your hands.
3.b.1. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))??Aci
d(a)??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
Fill the radiator with a (move 0.3.a)
3.b.2. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))??Aci
d(a)?Fill(a) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
Wash your hands.
As this example illustrates, the notorious
frame problem and knowledge preconditions
problem remain out of the scene in
computability-logic-based planning systems.
Planning and acting with CL4
Had our direct and ad hoc attempt to find a
solution failed (which would probably be the
case if the example was more complex than it is),
a radiator-filling strategy could have been
effectively extracted from a CL4-proof of such
as the proof given below. This is guaranteed by
the uniform-constructive soundness of CL4.
)??Acid(x))??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
1. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))??Acid(a)
?Fill(a) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
from by Rule A
2. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))??Acid(a)
??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
from 1 by Rule B2
3. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))?Acid(a)?
Fill(b)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
from by Rule A
4. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))?Acid(a)?
?x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
from 3 by Rule B2
5. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))?(Acid(a)
??Acid(a))??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
from 2,4 by Rule A
6. ?x(Safe(x)??Acid(x))?(Safe(a)?Safe(b))??x(Acid(
x)??Acid(x))??x(Fill(x)) ? ?x(Safe(x)?Fill(x))
from 5 by Rule B2
Applied theories based on computability logic
The fact that computability logic is a
conservative extension of classical logic also
makes the former a reasonable and appealing
alternative to the latter in its most
traditional and unchallenged application areas.
In particular, it makes perfect sense to base
applied theories --- such as, say, Peano
Arithmetic (formal number theory) PA --- on
computability logic instead of classical logic.
Due to conservativeness, no old information
would be lost or weakened this way. On the other
hand, we would get by an order of magnitude more
expressive, constructive and computationally
meaningful theories than their classical-logic-bas
ed versions.
One way to construct such a theory would be
to have all formulas provable in an underlying
uniform-condtructively sound axiomatization of
computability logic (such as CL4, affine logic
or intuitionistic logic) as logical axioms, and
Modus Ponens plus perhaps the four other
uniform-constructive closure rules from Slide
14.9 as logical rules of inference. These
logical axioms and rules will be common for all
computability- logic-based applied theories.
In addition, each theory would have its own
non-logical axioms (and maybe also non-logical
rules, but we do not discuss this possibility
here for the sake of simplicity).
Is not this exactly what the constructivists have
been calling for?!
From each non-logical axiom of a
computability-logic-based theory T would be
required to be (under the interpretation fixed
for the theory) a computable problem and come
with a fixed algorithmic solution.
Then, the uniform-constructive soundness of
the underlying logic and the uniform- constructive
character of the rules would guarantee that
every formula F provable in T is also a
computable problem and that, furthermore, that an
algorithmic solution for F can be automatically
obtained from a proof of F in T.
For example, while the provability of
?x?yp(x,y) in classical-logic-based
theories merely signifies that for every x a y
exists such that p(x,y) is true, the provability
of the constructive version ?x?yp(x,y) of that
formula in a computability-logic-based theory
would mean that, for every x, a y with p(x,y) not
only exists, but can also be algorithmically
found. Furthermore, an algorithm computing y from
x, itself, can be constructed effectively based
on the proof of ?x?yp(x,y).
Computability-logic-based applied theories
would thus be not only cognitive, but also
problem-solving tools In order to find a
solution for a given problem, it would be
sufficient to express the problem in the
language of such a theory and then find a proof
of it (on your own or using a theorem-prover).
The rest --- specifically, constructing a
solution for the problem or actually solving it
--- would be automatically taken care of!!!
Computability-logic-based arithmetic
As an example, let us see what a
computability-logic-based version of formal
arithmetic ?? might look like.
Language All operators of the full language of
Episode 14. No general letters.
Only one constant 0. Only four elementary
letters E,S,A,M.
Interpretation E(x,y) means xy S(x,y)
means xy1
A(x,y,z) means xyz M(x,y,z) means xy?z.
Inference rules
? ???
Logical axioms All formulas provable in CL4,
affine logic or intuitionistic logic.
P0 ?x?yS(y,x)
Non-logical axioms The ?-closures of the
following formulas
P1 E(x,y)?E(y,z)?E(x,z)
P5 A(x,x,0)
P6 A(z,x,y)?S(z,z)?S(y,y)?A(t,x,y)?E(t,z)
P2 E(x,y)?S(x,x)?S(y,y)?E(x,y)
P3 S(y,x) ? ?E(0,y)
P7 M(0,x,0)
P4 S(x,x) ?S(y,y) ?E(x,y)?E(x,y)
P8 M(z,x,y)?A(t,z,x)?S(y,y)?M(u,x,y)?E(t,u)
P9 ?(0) ? ?x?y(S(y,x)??(x) ?(y))
?x?(x) (for any formula ?(x))
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