Title: WBS 1'2'2 Preradiator
1WBS 1.2.2 Preradiator
Prepared by Toshio Numao Nov. 23, 2004
- Whats in the estimate and whats NOT in the
estimate. - Corrections and changes since the last meeting.
2Whats in the cost estimate?
Material and labor costs for the preradiator
module - Chamber, cables, Readout
electronics, LVHV PSs, DAQ interface,
crates. - Scintillator, WLS fibers, PMTs,
Bases(Preamp w-counting?),
cables(PMT?edge), Readout electronics,
controller, crates. - External PV
(everything). Support structure, Shipping,
Whats NOT in the cost estimate?
- Racks for PR electronics (Ext.PV cost seems to
include this). - Cables for PR scintillators from the edge to the
readout.?TBI - LV/HV PSs for PR scintillator.?T.B.Included
- Gain monitor system for PR scint and ExtPV
systems (New).
3Changes and Corrections
- WLS fibles now includes waste
660K ? 1000k - No. of Ext. PV error in calculation 4x8x45
1500 ? 1440 - WBS Simulation has been transferred to
Offline analysis. - WBS now includes Installation
oversight. - Pre-installation work the same
as before ( - Installation oversight 1.28
phys, 1.28 eng, 2.56 tech. - Will introduce a common scaling factor for
Cdn?US . - Will include physicists in PR electronics.
- Anode readout 1.5 phys.
- Cathode readout 1.5 phys.
- Construction schedule will be updated in a month
to include more - details.