Title: A 360 Degree View for 365 Days
1" A 360 Degree View for 365 Days"
League of Women Voters
Holistic Planning Intentionally Building your
League Throughout the Whole Year!
2Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is
deciding how you will go about achieving it and
staying with that plan.
3 What is an annual calendar?
4What Does 360 Degree League Building Mean?
- Consciously planning
- Visibility
- Membership
- Fundraising
- into ALL of our issue
- forums, debates,
- voters guides and
- advocacy work!
5Why 365 Days a Year?
The Public thinks the LWV goes away after
elections . We know better! And we want them to
know were active throughout the YEAR!
6Why Bother?
7It helps boards to
8It helps boards to
Priority Issues Done in a 360 Degree way
(visibility, membership and money) A Strong
9AND Importantly..
- Printing the calendar in your VOTER is
- Encourages members to put League events on their
own personal calendars
- Illustrates the variety of ways they can be
10Creating A Calendar
- When does your Board create the calendar?
11 At the Planning Meeting Your Board Members
- Determine their goals for the year
- Decide on strategies
- Agree on events and activities
- Decide what job will be required
- Assign to board or off-board members
- Develop the calendar
12What is included in the calendar?
13Local League meetings
14State League and LWVUS Meetings
15Voter Service Information
16Special League Events
17When and where is it published?
18When and where is it published?
- In your Leagues Voter (or
- newsletter)
- Shared on your lists via email
- Public Calendar sections in local media calendar
19Somewhere there is a map of how it can be done.
20Administrative Calendar
- Detailed Calendar
- Important administrative deadlines
- Includes event listed for the general membership
- Due dates for consensus
- Due dates for program planning reports
- Newsletter articles
- Membership reports
- PMP payments
- Bylaws committee report
- Budget committee reports
- Nominating committee reports
21- MAY
- Annual Meeting
- State Convention (May or June)
- State or LWVUS Convention
- Fill remaining board positions
- Board orientation/retreat
- Review nonpartisanship policy
- Appoint board members to new nominating committee
22Sample Administrative Calendar
- Board calendar planning meeting
- Summer social event
- First quarter PMP due
- Audit/Review financial records
- Plan fall kick-off event, new member campaign and
voters service activities - Recruit committees
- Membership
- Action
- Study
- Voters service
- Fundraising
- Fall kick-off event
- Study committee(s) underway
- Voters service work underway
- State League fall workshops
- Candidates debates
- New member orientation meeting
- Second quarter PMP due
- Plan fundraising event
- Election day
- Follow up on membership renewals
- Year end membership recruitment
- Plan for holiday party
- Holiday Party
- Begin planning for annual meeting
- Nominating committee is working
- Update membership roster by January 31 for
state/LWVUS count - Appoint budget, bylaws committees
- State or LWVUS program planning meeting
- Third quarter PMP due
- Local program planning meeting
- Board approves program planning results for
state/LWVUS - Primary election voters service events
- Fundraising event
- Primary election
- Board determines recommendations for annual
meeting - Annual meeting kit preparations
- Fourth quarter PMP due
- Recommended program, budget, bylaws and
nominating committees reports sent to members
(annual meeting kit)
27Remember Planning Your Calendar AND
- Consciously planning
- Visibility
- Membership
- Fundraising
- into ALL of our issue
- forums, debates,
- voters guides and
- advocacy work!
Strong Leagues!!!
- Eleanor Roosevelt It takes as much energy to
wish as it does to plan. - Edmund BurkeYou can never plan the future by the
past. - Benjamin Franklin By failing to prepare, you are
preparing to fail. - Alan LakeinPlanning is bringing the future into
the present so that you can do something about it
29Just remember to have fun!