Title: Comportements%20des%20consommateurs%20Cours%203:%20L
1Comportements des consommateursCours
3Lapproche psychographique
- Jacques Nantel Ph.D.
- winter 1995
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7Valeurs et psychographie plusieurs systèmes
- Vals (USA)
- PMB (Canada)
- http//pmb.com
8Un exemple dapproche psychographique
9VALS Values and lifestyleshttp//future.sri.com
10Self-Orientation People pursue and acquire
products, services, amd experiences that provide
satisfaction and give shape, substance,
and character to their identities. They are
motivated by one of three powerful
self-orientations principle, status, and
action. Principle-oriented consumers are guided
in their choices by abstract, idealized criteria,
rather than by feelings, events, or desire for
approval and opinions of others. Status-oriented
consumers look for products and services that
demonstrate the consumers' success to their
peers. Action-oriented consumers are guided by a
desire for social or physical activity,
variety, and risk taking.
11Resources Resources refer to the full range of
psychological, physical, demographic, and
material means and capacities people have to draw
upon. It encompasses education, income,
self-confidence, health, eagerness to buy things,
intelligence, and energy level. It is a continuum
from minimal to abundant. Resources generally
increase from adolescence through middle age but
decrease with extreme age, depression, financial
reverse, and physical or psychological impairment.
12PMBPrint Measurement Bureauhttp//www.pmb.ca/fr
13Lapproche psychographique de PMB
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16Psychographie et bénéfices recherchés