Title: Towards a Combined Atmospheric Analysis
1Towards a Combined Atmospheric Analysis
Andy Blake Cambridge University Tuesday January
30th 2007
- Slide shown at December collaboration meeting
Next 6 months develop a combined atmospheric
analysis. - Initial plans in place but much
work still to be done. Would like to aim for
- Preliminary results by Athens (April 2007).
- Conference results and draft publication by
Ely (June 2007).
- Manpower available to work on combined
atmospheric analysis - - Andy (part time), Brian (part time),
others(?). - It will be difficult to achieve our goal without
any full time support. - - Part time analyses tend to incur delays!
- Analysis only possible because there is little
new work involved.
Andy Blake, Cambridge University
Combined Analysis, slide 2
3(I) Proposed Goals for Athens
- (II) Combined Selection.
- Default plan for selection
- - Standardize the pre-selection.
- - Use Johns selection for contained
- events and short up-going muons.
- - Use Brians selection for standard
- up-going muons.
- - Use Bens electron neutrino selection.
- Use new short atmospheric ntuples
- (contain all the atmospheric variables,
- documentation exists, easy to use).
- (I) Combined Monte Carlo.
- Would like to have a unified upward muon
- contained vertex MC (using BARR flux and
- NEUGEN cross-section models since we
- have in-house expertise for these models).
- Proposed solution develop a re-weighting
- scheme that can convert the current upward
- muon MC to use these models.
- Develop analysis using old MC and insert
- re-weighted MC when ready.
Andy Blake, Cambridge University
Combined Analysis, slide 3
4(II) Proposed Goals for Ely
- (I) Physics Analyses.
- Combined charge ratio.
- Numu-Nue double-ratio.
- Combined oscillation fit.
- Default plan
- - Contained events binned in L/E
- and divided up by resolution
- (as before).
- - Upward muons binned in cos?
- and divided up by momentum
- (as before).
- - Electron neutrinos used to
- (II) Analysis Cross-checks.
- Charge identification.
- Veto shield efficiencies.
- Determine backgrounds.
- Others ?
(III) Draft Publication?
Andy Blake, Cambridge University
Combined Analysis, slide 4