Title: We are not here to give you simple answers
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5We are not here to give you simple answers But to
help you wrestle with living The Vision.
6The Vision Study
7 For all that is in the world the lust of the
flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
life is not of the Father but is of the
world. (1 John 216)
8The Rebel is
Dangerously pure The Lust of the Eyes Free
from materialism The Lust of the Flesh Without
fame from names The Pride of Life
9Adam and Eve
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was
good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also
desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and
ate it. (Genesis 36)
1. Tell these stones to become loaves of
bread. 2. If you are the Son of God, jump. 3. I
will give you all the kingdoms of the world if
you bow down and worship me. (Matthew 4)
11How do we rebel against temptation?
12In a world where senses are targeted, how can I
live dangerously pure?
13In a world where brands define us, how can I
laugh at labels?
14In a world where celebrities rule, how can I
excel and stay humble?
15Know the Formula
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17Apply the Formula
Whats the Temptation?
Wheres the Escape?
18Apply the Formula
Whats the Temptation?
Everyone has the latest Ericcson phone mine is
a year old and Im too embarrassed to take it out
in class. Am I the only one with a dinosaur in my
bag? Bape hoodie! Nike Airforce shoes!
iPhone! I cant live without them. If only I had
more money all my problems would be solved!!!
Wheres the Escape?
19What will spark the rebellion?
Loving Jesus and Living His Vision
20Remember, Jesus
21Saved you!
22Bought you!
23Called you!
24Look for and take the escape route
25The vision is an army of young people
dangerously pure, free from materialism
and unaffected by fame!
26Live the Vision