Title: SAPEC : EDFs standardized system for enhanced Safety
1SAPEC EDFs standardized system for enhanced
Safety Performance Periodic Tests on the PWR
- F. Gachon, C. Thomas, JM Favennec (EDF RD
Branch, Chatou, France) - E. Tournu (EDF Nuclear Generation
St-Denis, France)
2EDFs Nuclear Power Plants
- Installed capacity 67,000 MWe
- 58 operating reactors (on 19 sites)
- 34 900 MWe (3-loopers)
- 20 1300 MWe (4-loopers)
- 4 1450 MWe (4-loopers)
- PWRs (FRA design on Westinghouse license)
- 1 new reactor being built EPR (Flamanville 3)
- Mutualization on series of similar plants a
powerful motivation for nuclear RD projects - SAPEC 15 M project and investment
- for enhanced safety performance of operation
3Managing Safety Performance with key Periodic
Tests need for relevant accuracy and quality
secondary side
Pturbine inlet
Eelec power
Ffeedwater flow
primary side
CLIP (MWe losses detection on sec. system)
Pneutron power calibration BIL100?RPN
Fcoolant flow rate (BIL100 RCP114)
Pon-line thermal power calibration BIL100?BILKIT
4Example thermal power control and calibration
ltmonthly checkcalibrationgt
Secondary heat balance
Primary heat balance
WR SKc.Qbc (Hbc-Hbf)
5EDFs PWRs thermal power limits
Safety requirement 102 Pn
KIT check margin
KIT uncertainty
BIL100 uncertainty
Alarm set point 100.4 Pn
Thermal power instabilities
Operating limit in steady state 100.0 Pn
6Which Safety Performance Periodic Tests (EP)
are performed with SAPEC ?
- The Safety-oriented Periodic Tests are
- BIL100 high accuracy measurement of thermal
Power output on secondary side (between 87 and
100 nominal power) - RPN11/BIL100 check and re-calibration of
external nuclear power detectors - BILKIT/BIL100 adjustment and re-calibration of
BILKIT on BIL100 measurement - RCP114 primary coolant flow rate measurement
(by means of primary-secondary heat balance) - RGL4 adjustment of the position of grey
control rods with electrical power measurement - RGL102 check of rod falling time
- The Performance-oriented Periodic Tests are
- BIL100 High Accuracy Measurement of Thermal
Power output on secondary side (between 87 and
100 nominal power) - BILXXX measurement of Thermal Power output on
secondary side (between 30 and 100 nominal
power) - CLIP Thermal Performance Efficiency Monitoring
on the secondary side
IAEA TechMeet Increasing Power Output and
Performance by IC - May 29-31, Prague
7SAPEC what, how, why
EDFs standardized system for enhanced safety and
performance tests on the PWR fleet
Reliability Safety of operation
better SP Periodic Tests require Quality
measurements and monitoring
8SAPEC main functionalities
The goal is a guaranteed Quality from
sensors through data processing to
long time storage data
IAEA TechMeet Increasing Power Output and
Performance by IC - May 29-31, Prague
9SAPEC hardware architecture
Test Ressources Management
test sensors
Acquisition Devices
Hewlett Packard, SOLARTRON, AOIP, SFERE....
Site Information System
10SAPEC key elements, data acquisition
11SAPECs KME data transmission system a
digital fieldbus and multiplexing connection boxes
12A look at SAPEC in the real-world
13SAPEC EDFs standardized system for
enhanced safety and performance (SP) tests on
the PWR fleet
SAPECs mission is to centralise all Periodic SP
Tests on EDFs fleet of 58 PWRs with
- possibility of centralised (1300 MWe units) or
decentralised (900 MWe units) architecture for
measurement systems - standardized data acquisition and processing
under QA - bridges with other test systems
- analysis and data visualisation
- preparation of Test sequences for automatic
applications - long time storage, use of data and experience
IAEA TechMeet Increasing Power Output and
Performance by IC - May 29-31, Prague
14IAEA TechMeet Increasing Power Output and
Performance by IC - May 29-31, Prague
15SAPEC examples of user interface
16PATERN for data acquisition
- Initialisation and set up of measurement chains
- Data-acquisition measurements
- Conversion into physical values
- On-line parameters control
- Data storage (measurements and parameters)
- Post-analysis (calculations, curves, tables of
17Ling Ao calibration of HOLLYSYS with SAPEC
Comparison tests in Ling Ao
- parallel connexion of SAPEC HOLLYSYS on the
BIL100 plant sensors - validation of measurements
- joint result analysis
18SAPEC helping improve operation and
develop operators experience
- Making better use of SAPEC (a 15 M project and
investment) - Today
- SAPEC is the standardized tool on each of EDFs
58 PWRs - Allows exchange and sharing of experience
feedback - Big benefits with BIL100 (15 MWe/unit) and CLIP
(5 MWe/unit) - Tomorrow
- Adjusting organization to accelerate experience
feedback sharing - Adding new periodic tests
- Coupling test data with process control data
- Developing better monitoring of main components
(performance, reliability) - Sharing of unique database by all plant skills
control, test, maintenance, - Developing standard KPIs (Key Performance