Title: Pulsar Data analysis Desh, Anish RRI
1Pulsar Data analysisDesh, AnishRRI
- MWA Meeting
- Canberra, January 19-23 2009
2Pulsar Data analysisDesh, AnishRRI
- MWA Meeting
- Canberra, January 19-23 2009
3Pulsars Observed B083406 and B095008 Data
Taken on 18 Nov 2008 in the transit mode Length
of data analysed 600 S for each of the
pulsars ( 400 Pulses of B0834 and 200 Pulses of
B095008) Total BW of observation 1.2 MHz (fre
Chs used 256) Data Analysis Mode Preliminary
results available for incoherent addition Data
Analysis in coherent dedispersion mode in progress
4B083406 data
5(No Transcript)
6NAME B083406 DM 12.889 F0 0.78507 P0
1.27376 S400 89 S14004 W50 23.9 W10 33.9
SPINDX -2.7 RM 23.6
Numbers of Pulses Folded 400 Resolution BW
used 4.8 KHz
DM Dispersion measure (cm-3 pc) F0
Barycentric rotation frequency (Hz)F1
P0 Barycentric period of the pulsar (s) S400
Mean flux density at 400 MHz (mJy) S1400 Mean
flux density at 1400 MHz(mJy) W50 Width of
pulse at 50 of peak (ms). W10 Width of pulse
at 10 (ms). SPINDX Measured spectral
index RM Rotation measure (rad m-2)
7NAME B095008 DM 2.958 F0 3.95155 P0
0.25306 S400 400 S1400 84 W50 9.5 W10
20.6 SPINDX -1.7 RM -0.66
DM Dispersion measure (cm-3 pc) F0
Barycentric rotation frequency (Hz)F1
P0 Barycentric period of the pulsar (s) S400
Mean flux density at 400 MHz (mJy) S1400 Mean
flux density at 1400 MHz(mJy) W50 Width of
pulse at 50 of peak (ms). W10 Width of pulse
at 10 (ms). SPINDX Measured spectral
index RM Rotation measure (rad m-2)
8(No Transcript)
9Data taken on 18 Nov 2008 BW1.6 MHz Int time
5 min No data lost to RFI Self-cal