Title: Analyzing Assessment Data for HS School Improvement
1Analyzing Assessment Data for HS School
- Division of School Improvement
- Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Department of Education, Kathy Cox, State
Superintendent of Schools, November 23, 2004, All
Rights Reserved
2Big Picture During this workshop we will
review how to
- Interpret Your Hard Copy Reports for EOCT and
HSGT - Summarize electronic student level data to gain
information on overall performance, strand
performance, and performance by subgroup. - Re-roster students to look at performance by
student group or classroom.
3Big Picture
- This analysis will allow us to provide
information useful to school administrators as
well as classroom teachers. - Questions will guide us
4Guiding Questions for Administrators
- How did my school perform in relation to the
other schools in my system? - Do any relative strengths or weaknesses stand out
in relation to overall content performance? - How do student groups/classes compare in relation
to one another?
5Guiding Questions for Teachers
- How did my students perform?
- Do any relative strengths or weaknesses stand
out in relation to overall content performance? - How can I use student level data to assist
students? - -Re-roster assessment data for the students in
my class/group - -Which 11th Grade First-time Test Takers did not
pass and what are his/her needs? -
- Review of Reports
- Pivot Tables
- Pivot Charts
- Re-roster
- Flagging
- Filtering
- Introduction
- Report Interpretation
- Pivot Tables/Pivot Charts
- Break
- Re-Roster
- Work with your Data
8Pivot Tables/Charts
- Recreate Summary Reports and Display Results
Graphically - Generate Information at a Deeper Level than the
Paper Reports - Easily Disaggregate the Data
- Separate students by classrooms/groups
- Flagging Inserting a character that carries a
meaning of Yes - Filtering Selecting cases that meet your Yes
- Your Hard Copy Reports
- The workshop uses sample HSGT data to protect the
confidentiality of students. - Your folder also contains resources and
step-by-step instructions on pivot tables and
11Building Capacity to Make Research-Based
PracticeCommon Practicein Georgia
- The purpose of the EOCT is to assess student
achievement of the Quality Core Curriculum (QCC)
standards in core courses and to provide
diagnostic data in support of improved student
14EOCT to be Tested
- American Literature and Composition
- Ninth Grade Literature and Composition
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Biology
- Physical Science
- U S History
- Economics/Business/Free Enterprise
15EOCT Courses to be Tested
- If a student is earning graduation credit for one
of the EOCT courses, he/she must take the EOCT. - Example The student is taking Applied Biology
and will receive Biology credit for graduation.
The student must participate in the Biology EOCT.
16EOCT Students to be Tested
- Any student, regardless of grade level, enrolled
in an EOCT course - Middle School students enrolled in an EOCT
course, whether or not they receive HS credit for
the class - Students taking a college course, an online
course, or a correspondence class who are
receiving credit towards graduation for an EOCT
course - Systems/schools are responsible for approving
courses that meet the QCC objectives for the
course in which the student is earning credit - Level the field for all students regarding high
school issues (e.g., class rank, eligibility,
17EOCT Test Administration
- The EOCT is the final exam for the course
- The EOCT will count as 15 of the students final
course grade (15 EOCT score/85 course grade
final course grade) - Online courses, correspondence courses, PSO
courses - Student scores will be a part of the student
transcript for Winter 2003 and Spring/Summer 2004 - For 04-05, the EOCT score must be on, in, or
with the student report card.
18EOCT Resources
19EOCT Resources
- http//www.doe.k12.ga.us/curriculum/testing/eoct.a
sp - EOCT Brochure
- EOCT Study Guides
- EOCT Content Descriptions
- Sample Items
- Interpretive Guide
20Class Rosters
- The System TC will receive an electronic file
within 5 days of receipt of the materials by
Pearson - Information can be shared with schools in either
electronic or paper format
21EOCT Interpretive Guide
22Class Roster Report
- Student name, DOB, FTE, Grade, Form
- May indicate Braille form
- Number of questions in each domain may differ for
Braille form - Scale score, Performance Level, Grade Conversion
Score (for calculation of grade) - Domain performance (number correct out of number
possible) - Class averages at end of report
- Class roster reported electronically ONLY
23(No Transcript)
24Posted on etest.ncs.com
25Hard Copy Reports
- Hard copy reports will be shipped after all
scoring is complete - System student data file can be purchased after
all scoring is completed - 150
26Individual Student Report
- Student name, class, school, system, and test
date - Scale score with performance bar
- Performance Level Does Not Meet, Meets, Exceeds
- Grade Conversion Score to be used in final
grade calculation - Performance Level Description
- Domain Descriptions Points possible/Points
27Individual Student Report
28School/System Summary Report
- Student Group All students, Regular Program
Students, All Special Education, Gender, Ethnic
Group, PTNA - Number tested
- Mean scale score
- Pass (Includes Meets and Exceeds)
- in each Performance Level
- Will add in each Performance Level for State
to next report
29(No Transcript)
30School/System Content Area Summary Report
- Number tested
- Mean scale score for School, System, and State
- Content Domains
- Number possible in each domain
- Mean number correct for school, system, state
31(No Transcript)
- State law requires that curriculum-based
assessments be administered in Grade 11 for
graduation purposes. - Results are used to identify students who may
need additional instruction in content area
objectives considered essential to earn a high
school diploma in Georgia. - Assessments cover a sample of the knowledge and
skills that constitute a comprehensive high
school education.
34Content Areas Strands
- English/Language Arts
- Reading/Literature
- Critical Thinking
- Writing, Usage, Grammar
- Mathematics
- Number and Computation
- Data Analysis
- Measurement and Geometry
- Algebra
35Content Areas Strands
- Science
- Process/Research/Safety skills
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Social Studies
- World Studies
- U. S. History to 1865 and
- U. S. History since 1865
- Citizenship/Government
- Map Interpretation Skills
- Information Processing Skills
36HSGT Administration
- Who should test? When?
- First-time test-takers Spring of 11th grade
year - Students will have 5 opportunities to test prior
to graduation
37GHSGT Prior to Spring 2004
- ELA consisted of 50 and Math consisted of 60
items - Spring administration also included 5 field test
38Enhanced HSGT
- Designed to comply with NCLB
- More cognitively complex items have been added
from the GHSGT test bank - Spring 2004
- ELA 60 Items
- Subtract 2 items from the original 50 item test
50 - 2 48 - Add 7 enhanced items 48 7 55
- Add 5 field test items 55 5 60
39Enhanced HSGT Math
- Mathematics 70 items
- Subtract 2 items from the original 60 item test
60 - 2 58 - Add 7 enhanced items 58 7 65
- Add 5 field test items 65 5
- Pass and Pass Plus standards are used for student
Diploma Purposes - Proficient and Advanced standards used for
school level AYP determinations
41Are Students Held to the Same Standards for
Diploma Purposes?
- YES! Even though the test is enhanced, the
performance standard has not changed. A student
who scores 500 or better will pass.
42Cut Scores for AYP
- Pass (All content areas) 500
- Proficient
- ELA 511
- Math 516
- Advanced
- ELA 538
- Math 525
43Hard Copy ReportsStudent Content Area Summary
Provides Scale Score Percentile Rank Number
Correct in each strand Overall performance level
44Student Achievement Roster
Lists all students by school and provides scale
score and performance level. Final page of
roster provides school achievement summary.
45Remediation Retest Roster
Provided for each content area test. Lists all
students who did not pass along with scale score
and strand performance.
46Content Summary
- Includes summary data for the school, system,
RESA, and state. - Data are based on 11th grade, regular program
students who are first time examinees
47Classification Report
Provided at the school and system
level. Includes performance data for regular
program, special education, and LEP students.
Also provides summary results for students
attempting 2 or more times.