Title: Why dogs don't live as long as human beings'''
1Why dogs don't live as long as human beings...
2I am a veterinarian, and they asked me if i
could check an Irish Wolfhound,
called Belker.
3The Owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little
son Shane, were fond of Belker and waited for a
miracle to happen
4I examined Belker and found that he was dying of
cancer. I told the family that there wasn't
anything to do for the old dog, and offered
myself to practice euthanasia
5While we were doing the final arrangements, Ron
and Lisa asked if it would be good for little
Shane, who was four, to watch the procedure. They
thought that he could learn something from this
6The day after, i felt sick while Belkers family
was around him.
7Shane, the little one, seemed calm, caressing the
old dog for the last time. I wondered if he could
understand what was happening.
8Some minutes later, Belker was gone, peacefully.
Little Shane appeared to be accepting Belkers
death, without anger or grief.
9We sat around, after Belkers departure, talking
about animal's lives, thinking how sad it was
that they are shorter than human's.
10Shane, that had been listening, said
I know why."
11Stunned, we looked at him.His words amazed me.I
have never heard such acomforting explanation.
12He said- People are born to learn how to live
a good life, love everyone all the time and be
good, isn't it true?"
13And he continued...
- Well, dogs are born knowing how to do these,
therefore, they dont need to live any longer
14(No Transcript)