The Miracles of Nature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Miracles of Nature


Swan. Swan a kind of swimming birds from the row of the ... Maria Rodziewicz wna. Gooseberry. Species of the bush from the family of Saxifragaceae. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Miracles of Nature

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The final project of Socrates Comenius Culture
as national heritage 2008/2009
Authors The Plan arose from the participation
of partner schools Reischlesche Wirtschaftschule
from Ausburg, Forum Greek Rivate School from
Pera Chorio, Veit- Hoser- Gymnasium Bogen from
Bogen, Liceo Ginnasio Statale M.Morelli from Vibo
Valentia, Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Lajos
Gyakorlo Altanos Iskolaja from Debrecen, Instiuto
Tecnico Commerciale e Per II Turismo G. De Felice
Giluffrada from Catania. Graphic cover Kinga
Juszczyk and Dominica Hibner under the
supervision of Mrs Agnieszka Kaluzna.
The flower lives, loves and starts to speak a
beautiful language.
Peter Rosegger
Kind of an annual plant, two-year plant and a
perennial plants from the family of the
papaveraceae, oil plant, characteristic for
Eurazja, Africa and the North America. About 120
kinds rank among it.
Flower of the wild rose
Species of the bush from the family rosaceous. It
is found in moderate and warm areas of the
northern hemisphere. It is likely to be met
almost in the entire Europe, in the areas up to
1500 metres above sea level, in North Africa, on
the Canary Islands, on Madeira Island, in Asia.
The wild rose also grows in Poland and is a
common plant.
Not treasure is friends, but friend are our
You can see the Gentian mostly in the north of
the mountains. In the Alps there are 35 kinds of
this plant. They stand for loyality because of
its blue colour. They are under preservation.
The flower which blooms does not make any noise
Friedrich Ruckert
Garden pansy
Species of a biennial plant, came into existence
as a result of crossing of three wild species of
the violet the wild pansy, the yellow violet and
the Altaian violet. In Poland it is often planted
as an ornamental plant sometimes grows wild.
Kind of a plant belonging to the family according
to the Reveala system Syringa vulgaris (in other
systems to the Caprifoliaceae or the Adoxaceae).
there are about 20 well-known kinds appearing in
the northern hemisphere and in the temperate
climate to subtropical one.
There is no such harm which is impossible to be
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski
The Alpine rose can become a bush up to 1 m high.
You can find this plant near woods.
The corn poppy can grow from 30 to 80 cm. Its
blossom is 5 10 cm wide. You can find the corn
poppy in the fields near woods. They love warm,
dry and sunny places.
Nothing, really nothing is worth living apart
from love.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The moment we invite habit, love is gone..
Michel Quoist
This linden tree has a girth of 11, 65 meters.
Its between 400 and 700 years old. A swedish
officer, who died in the 30-year-long war, is
burried under this tree.
He climbed higher who experienced suffering.
Friderich Hold
The fortress of Füzér It is one of the
earliest strongholds of Hungary. This fortress
was built at the beginning of the 13th century.
It is situated on the top of the volcanic cone of
Zemplén mountain . It is one of the most
beautiful sceneries of Hungary. Its very
difficult to come near it. You can find a lot of
protected species of plants in the mountain.
People who are loved with all heart never grow
Ernst Penzoldt
The Bodensee is the third biggest lake in
Central Europe and adjoins three countries
Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Lindau is the
biggest place on the German side. It covers an
area of 536 km² and reaches a maximal depth of
254 m.
With what dream for the body, with it the
friendship for the ghost - it refreshes powers.
Body of water, rather shallow (on the entire
surface a rooted flora appears, like offshore),
it is usually smaller than the lake. Similarly to
lakes they don't have the direct link with the
sea. Some of them are being powered by river
waters. Artificial banking often surrounds them.
All sizes of the world aren't worth as much as a
good friendship.
The Wettersteingebirge is a mountain range from
north Kalkalpen to east Alps.
Rocks are big deposits of homogeneous or diverse
minerals. On the account of coming into existence
rocks are divided into sedimentary and
transformed igneous rocks (metamorphic).
The biggest wonders are arising in greatest
Willhelm Raabe
The Schwäbische Alb spread out from Nördlinger
Ries southwest. It amounts 200 kilometers and
the average width is 40 kilometers.
It is worthwhile to follow a good friend even
into depths.
Korean proverb
Life consists of moments when you can be a bit
Oskar Wilde
Atmospheric deposit, forming small ice crystals
into figures of needles rising on some base. Drop
of the temperature is a condition when frost is
formed (0.01 C), there is a direct change of
steam into a solid body known as resublimation.
The greater wisdom is being found in nature than
in books.
Bernard from Clairvaux
One of the most populous and the most diversified
bunches of molluscs, sometimes ranked among the
subtype Helix.
Swan a kind of swimming birds from the row of
the anseriformes (Anseriformes), waddling family,
Anatidae subfamily.
It is fibre produced by spiders, serving to build
their network. It is a very tough material
expressed in the density about five times tougher
than steel. Moreover, it is elastic and can
increase its length by about 40 without
We love what we get with the greatest
difficulty .
Autumn - one of four basic seasons in nature in
the zone of the temperate climate. It is
characterized by restrained air temperatures with
the decreasing twenty-four hour average and the
highest atmospheric fall per annum . In the world
of plants and animals it is a period of hoarding
of supplies before the consecutive winter. At the
end of summer and autumn some animals migrate to
warmer climatic zones. In autumn leaves of trees
change colours in order to fall before winter,
and the thickest green parts of plants undergo
All excellent ripens slowly
Arthur Schopenhauer
Its better to be something square than round
Ice in the form of the swelling hanging from the
edge of a roof, the branch or other similar
place. It most often comes into existence when
the air temperature is a little bit below zero
Celsjus. The operating sun causes warming up of
snow or ice lying on the stretch of the roof or
on the branches of the tree and thus causing
Christian Friedrich Hebbel
Clusters of steam condensed into small drops or
crystals of ice observed in the atmosphere.
Cooling down reduces the ability of air to
restrain steam. Furthermore, cooling down below
the so-called temperature of the dew point causes
satiation (saturation) and after that the
condensation takes place.
Even the smallest puddle reflects the sky.
Lithuanian proverb
The sky lies at the feet of mothers.
Persian proverb
One of the four seasons in nature, in the zone of
the temperate climate. It is characterized by the
lowest air temperatures per annum, with moderate
amount of atmospheric fallout, usually with
solidified (frozen) form of fall and atmospheric
deposit. Majority of the world of plants and
animals experiences the period of deep sleep.
Goodness of the heart is the most beautiful
Nikolaus Lenau
One of four basic seasons in nature, in the zone
of the temperate climate. It is characterized by
restrained air temperatures with the increasing
average twenty-four hour and moderate number of
the atmospheric fall.The world of plants and
animals is undergoing the period of coming back
to life, and then the first phase of the period
of reproduction.
The beauty is present, all you need is to want
to see it or at least do not close one's eyes
deliberately .
Theodor Fontane
Hoar frost
Deposit of ice coming into existence from
freezing of small, over-cooled droplets of water
(fog or clouds). It consists of crystals of ice
joined together and sometimes reaches
considerable thickness.
Bushes rise upwards outside the window as if a
yearning call of silent Earth
Rabindranath Tagore
The Bush
Perennial plant of woody stalk, sometimes also
roots, height exceeding 0.5 m. Bushes have a
short main rush from which equivalent branching
One should not disregard mere trifles because
excellence depends on them.
Michal Aniol
Drop of water
Liquid Body usually of small volume limited
entirely or in majority by free surface. The
examples are rain drops, dew or fat particles in
sour cream.
Keep your eyes wide open and slowly open your
The kingdom belonging to eukaryotic organisms,
depending on the systematic recognition in the
rank of the kingdom or subkingdoms. The existence
of mushrooms was observed in all climatic zones,
above all on lands, more rarely in waters.
Chinese proverb
The presentation of the man is his title page.
Persian proverb
The Lanner It used to be a generally frequent
bird of the flat parts of Euroasia. Today it is
very rare. Hungary is the only country where you
can see it nowadays.
Physical phenomena
As a result of transformation only physical
properties of the body or the physical object
change. However, chemical properties remain
unchanged. A definition used by chemists. A
physical phenomenon are changes and processes
taking place around us in nature, e.g. melting of
ice. Power is needed for physical phenomena to
occur. Different interactions are power, e.g.
basic interaction such as the electric, the
magnetic, and the gravitational interaction or
derivative interaction such as intermolecular or
One should organize the life in such a way that
every moment is important.
Iwan S. Turgieniew
In meteorology its a very strong electrical
discharge in the atmosphere coming into existence
naturally, usually accompanying thunderstorms. A
sonic bang and a light phenomenon called the
lightning often accompany lightning. It can be of
various shapes and lengthiness, can form straight
lines or branch up and down. Lightning can be
visible only as a brightening of the surface of a
cloud or appear in the split of a second and
resemble a luminated necklace of pearls.
Suffering is like stormy clouds from afar they
look black, above us grey.
Jean Paul
Walk towards your happiness!
Aldona Rózanek
Visual and meteorological phenomenon appearing in
the form of the characteristic colourful bow,
visible when the Sun luminates drops of water in
the terrestrial atmosphere. The rood screen is
formed as a result of decomposition of the light
refracted and reflected inside a drop of water
(e.g. rain) of a shape similar to spherical.
Kind of a perennial plant belonging to the family
of rosaceous. It is found universally in a zone
of temperate climate. There are about 25
well-known self-set kinds, a few of them appear
in Poland (mainly as crop plants).
Always follow the sunny side of life
Maria Rodziewiczówna
Species of the bush from the family of
Saxifragaceae. It is found growing in the wild
state in Europe, Asia, Africa. In Poland it is a
crop plant yet quite often running wild.
Roots of the earth dont demand any award for
the fact that they give fruit to branches.
Rabindranath Tagore
Strawberries and wild strawberries
Mongrel of two species of the wild strawberry
from the family of rosaceous. It has a lot of
vernaculars pineapple wild strawberry, the wild
strawberry large-fruit, however it is most often
called a strawberry.
There is no light shining for itself. Every
happiness brightens up the world
Hans Margolius
Species of a biennial plant from the family of
Allium. It comes from the Asia Minorgt Tt was
being planted for consumption purposes in ancient
Egypt, Greece and Rome. It encountered areas of
Poland in the Middle Ages. It is also one of the
national symbols of Wales.
The man isn't defenceless against the evil of
this world after all he has a family!
Ewa Glinska
Kind of herbaceous plant from the family of
Brassicaceae including over 100 kinds. Wild
growing plant Of this kind can be found in the
Mediterranian region of the Inland sea and
southern and central Asia.
Desire is half of life, indifference is half of
Gibran Kahlil Gibran
Deep collapse often leads to great happiness.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Kind of plants from the family of the solanaceae.
It comes from the South America
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