Title: BSI Product Line
1BSI Product Line
Register Computer, LAN, Internet E-mail
Pos Store Forward
PDA Kitchen Magician
Archive Sales Detail Transfer Info to Home
Office Graphical Sales Analysis Departments,
Sub-departments, Sell Items with price cost
for 100 Stores
Inventory Recipes Menus Cost Nutrition
Company, Employee Info Scheduling, Regular and
Job, Labor Costs, Recommends of employees By
type by half hour Sales volume, Future
interfaces To QB Payroll, POS Store
Forward In/out records
Sales Detail Today export/import
Inventory Inventory Counts Vendor
Payables Pos Sales Detail
Labor Scheduling
Sales Detail Maintains inventory Today export
and Import
Sales Detail Accounts Parent References Prices,
Costs Sell Items
Inventory Parent References Sell Items Sales
Detail Prices Costs Vendor Invoices
Inventory Sell Items
Recipes, menus, Costing Inventory Purchasing Recei
ving Nutrition
BSI Accounting Bridge
Transfer Info From BSI to QB QB to BSI
Event Management Room Diagrams Customers Billing E
mployee Scheduling
BSI Cater (unannounced)
2 Deployment Scenarios
Pizza Fast food Simple Costs, Prices Communication
s Graphical Sales Analysis
Fine Dining Retirement Communities Food
Service Cafteria Costing Tools Nutrition Recipes M
enus Inventory Inventory Reconciliation Desktop
info on Handheld
POS Store Forward 600/Store
POS Store Forward 600/Store BSI Accounting
Bridge CookenPro Suite - PDA Kitchen
Magician Sales Module 800/Desktop
Same as Above Plus Sales Detail, COGS
to QuickBooks
POS Store Forward 600/Store BSI Accounting
Fine Dining Retirement Communities Food
Service Cafeteria Catering Costing
Tools Nutrition Recipes Menus Inventory Inventory
Reconciliation Desktop info on Handheld
POS Store Forward 600/Store BSI Accounting
Bridge CookenPro Suite - PDA Kitchen Magician Sale
s Module 800/Desktop BSI Cater 800/Desktop
Fine Dining Retirement Communities Food
Service Cafteria Costing Tools Nutrition Recipes M
enus Inventory
POS Store Forward 600/Store BSI Accounting
Bridge CookenPro 600/Desktop