Title: Surviving and Maintaining a Viable Program
1When Your Federal Funding Ends!
- Surviving and Maintaining a Viable Program
2Lets Pick up from Last Years Program Remember
3The Tao of Victory
- One who knows when he can fight, and when he
cannot fight, will be victorious - One who recognizes how to employ large and small
numbers will be victorious - One whose upper and lower ranks have the same
desires will be victorious - One who, fully prepared, awaits for the
unprepared will be victorious - One whose general is capable and not interfered
with by the ruler will be victorious - -- Sun-tzu, from The Art of War, ca. 500 B.C.
4Management Strategy
- The purpose of planning, like the purpose of
organization and of most managerial work, is to
keep building capability. Build institutional
skill. Build corporate capability. Create what
the theorists call distinctive competence or
sustainable competitive advantage. - Waterman -- The Renewal Factor How the Best Get
and Keep the Competitive Edge
5 In other words,
- Sustainable Community Development
6What and Why of Sustainability
- Rural communities need someone to be with them
for the long haul - Discard notion that EZ/EC is just a grant
focus on your vision and your plan - Whole-systems thinking
- Key is learning and innovation
- A single vision can be achieved through multiple
7Elbert Hubbard Was a Wise Man
- Parties who want milk should not seat themselves
on a stool in the middle of a field in hopes that
the cow will back up to them.
8One Path - Foundation Largesse
Endless cycles of grantsmanship
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts
ATT Foundation
The Wachovia Foundation, Inc.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
BellSouth Corporate Giving Program
Ben Jerry's Foundation, Inc.
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Foundation, Inc
CPL Foundation, Inc.
Bert Mary Meyer Foundation, Inc.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
9One Path - Foundation LargesseEndless cycles of
- Your word processor is your best friend --
construction and reconstruction - Learn the cycles
- Cultivate your contacts in this sector with
tailored information - Believe that every task in every benchmark is
ripe for funding
10Another Path - Federal Trough
CFDA Programs that specify Admin Expenses or
Operating Capital as an eligible grant purpose
94.002 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.
94.011 Foster Grandparent Program. (FGP)
10.855 Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans
and Grants
94.016 Senior Companion Program. (SCP) 94.011
Foster Grandparent Program. (FGP)
93.570 Community Services Block
Grant-Discretionary Awards
10.420 Rural Self-Help Housing Technical
Assistance. (Section 523 Technical Assistance)
14.219 Community Development Block Grants/Small
Cities Program. (Small Cities)
11Another Path - Federal Trough
- EZ/EC designation is a plus for many Federal
programs - The funding cafeteria -- look for ways to build
capacity one small piece at a time - Stay on top of minor program changes
- Take advantage of the stovepipe multiply-fund
projects so the admin cut is bigger
12A Third Path - Co-lateral Duty
Partnershipping arrangements mean achieving
multiple goals simultaneously, sometimes by using
pieces of positions
Volunteers and Citizen Committees
County/City Economic Development Staff
Program Staff in an existing not-for-profit
College/University Staff
Tribal Govt Business Development Office
Private Sector Loaned Executives?
Special Hires to City or County compatible
CDC Staff
Other Duties as Assigned
Councils of Government Staff
Combinations of any or all of the above!
13A Third Path - Co-lateral Duty
- The whole can be greater than the sum of its
parts - Get it in writing! Working for free is not
freedom - Keep the letterheads straight
- Cafeteria approach works here too -- one trip
down the line - Virtual Staff and Culture -- Invisible no longer
14And a Fourth Path
Entrepreneurial Outlook, but beware of legal
Selling or Renting Your Organizational Skills
Grantsmanship for Hire
Angel Investors
Speculative Buildings
Cooperative Marketing
Venture Capitalization
Royalties from publishing what you know
Rental from Business Incubators
Niche Business Startups
Patents and Inventions
Bartering skills, information, expertise
15The Fourth Path, Entrepreneurism
- Profitable Proceeds Plowed Publicly in Progress
- Creative local brainstorming sessions might yield
unexpected results - Find your organizations niche in the local,
regional, or national economy
16The Fun Part
Any, or ALL of these strategies work
- Singly, or in combination, coordination is the
key - Unfortunately, it takes time, but...
- Payoff is a self-perpetuating organism
17The Fun Part -- Activated!
- Find out how your organization spends its time
- Inventory your resources -- physical, capital,
human - Analyze by comparing 1 against 2. If less than
about 20 of your organizations time is being
spent producing resources for your outfit,
reorder some priorities
18Discussion Questions
- Prime Question DO you want to survive as a
distinct organization? Pros Cons? - How do you set your own organizational
development goals and do they contribute to
sustainabilitiy? - What paths can you design that have the greatest
payoffs? - How do you claw your own way to the top of the
local/state/regional/national food chain