Title: The HEART
2as it navigates each of us through the
fog... of our experiences
3it can become a barren wasteland of neglect and
4or a wellspring of forgiveness, compassion and
5but still, differences aside, the heart unites us
in sadness, grief and sorrow
6and in joy, in celebration, and success
7It anchors us in times of need
8it makes us wonder, think and reflect it makes
us weigh and measure our existence
9we begin listening to our heart very early in
10it follows us... everywhere... until the very end
11So, as we work in the education arena, Lets
look at who we teach for a moment
with our hearts
12Tessa is 4 years old. She is so excited about
starting school next year that she already
plays school at home on her chalkboard
in anticipation of what the school years will
13She doesn't yet understand that her IQ is in the
lower quartile, and that school will be a
struggle throughout her childhood and
14She will never make it unless she
encounters adults... with great heart
15Trang lives in two worlds. At home she is
Vietnamese. Her parents barely speak English. At
school she is American. It can be a tough
balancing act.
16Preston is a tremendous athlete with a great
future in college sports, but he will have to
pass 5 state SATP exams and survive the
ACT. Tough as he is... he will need some help
17Jeremy thinks he's Superman. He will turn 8 this
year. . . he will also qualify for Special
Education this year . . . and begin dealing
with a lifelong disability.
18Shelley is fearless, exuberant and excitable...
But inwardly she is suddenly terrified. Her
parents are splitting up this year. She will need
19Bobby. Big house. Great parents. All the toys and
more. A great attitude and social skills. Life is
a blast . . . he loves school . . . and we love
Bobby. He's easy.
20Jake. Never met his Dad. Raised by a struggling
single Mom. Watches the other kids drive their
own cars, go on vacation, go boating and jet
skiing. He feels cheated. . . and he's mad.
21Tonya is bi-racial. Things can get
complicated. Lots of questions, lots of
looks. She just wants to be . . . herself
22They say Ginger is wild and outgoing. They don't
know that she is bipolar. Depression will take
her this year.
23Sarah is 15. She is beautiful and intelligent,
but she doesn't know it. No one has ever told
her. She will be pregnant before year's end...
and not finish school.
24Shelley's Dad was killed in Iraq two years
ago... and now Mom has been diagnosed with
cancer... Shelley doesn't know what to do
25the HEART... fragile as it is can be a
raging battleground
26a struggle between doing nothing . . . or doing
the right thing
28Think about it or reach out?