Title: Caviar Communications On a SardineSized Budget
1Caviar CommunicationsOn a Sardine-Sized Budget
- Get the RIGHT Message
- To the RIGHT Audience
- In the RIGHT Way
- At the RIGHT Time
2Caviar Communications(On a Sardine-Sized
- Looking for effective ways to be the megaphone
and spotlight for your agency without spending
a lot of dough? - Well, join us as we learn about tested methods
and tools that will help market, promote and
build public awareness.
3My mantras. Shall we chant together?
- The pyramids were not built in a year. Move
forward, keep breathing, and set a winning pace. - You dont work for NASA and you dont have a
patient on the operating table. - A Buick is great for now. Try for a Lexus in two
4 Step 1 Develop clear message(s).
- Why? Average American receives 3,000 marketing
messages a day - Information overload and lots of clutter
- Takes 3 x to get message (see it, say it, do
it) - Clarity drives everything else
5No smoke signals allowed.Gotta be real clear
with your messages.
- Leadership sets the tone, message
- How can I say yes? (5-star customer service)
- Once theyre in the door
- Its all about building a relationship
- Explain the mission in tangible ways
- Its ok to make mistakes be innovative
- Authenticity and honesty are non-negotiable
- Photos, testimonials
6Rule 2 Build your brand.
- How can my agency stand out in the crowd?
- Its like a cattle drive, Ma. I know my cows from
the herd because they are unique. - What makes your agency unique?
- History? Founders? Programs? Years? Impact?
Location? - Create an annual slogan that says something
- Create quarterly key messages
- Logo (yours, A2H)
- Colors
- Look feel (fonts, paper, etc)
- Whether it is the website or a printed pieceit
all comes from the same family
8Rule 3 Define Your Audience(s)
- Horizontal marketplace (wide audiences)
- Define your service area
- Is it the general public?
- People in a particular zip code?
- People with a certain zip code?
- Ethnic? Age? Gender?
- Make a one-pager that lists
- Your mission
- Your programs
- Who you serve (describe your clients)
- Benefits to clients
9Define your audiences, cont.
- Vertical Marketplace (segmented groups)
- Employees
- Board of Directors
- Donors (indiv, corps, fnds, other)
- Food Drive donors (indiv, corps, fnds, other,
food drives) - Volunteers
- Other supporters (people who care)
- (continued)
10 define your audience(s)
- (continued) Vertical Marketplace
- Prospective donors (indiv, fndn, corps, etc)
- Media (print, TV, radio, Web, faith, ethnic,
trade) - Faith groups
- Elected officials (local, county, state, fed)
- Governmental agencies (USDA, etc)
11Yikes! Thatzz a lot of folks in my marketplace!
Im on overload!
- True but that is the pool of water in which you
will you will throw your line. - YOUR MINDSET you are providing the opportunity
for these people (market segments) to be engaged
in a cause that is VERY meaningful and rewarding.
You are presenting them with a BENEFIT, WIN-WIN
proposition. - People are looking for MEANING in their LIVES!
12Now what do I do?
- Create a database and code each segment so you
can pull unique groupings out. - WHY? Because you should communicate with each
segment in the way THEY want to receive
information. - OTHERWISEtheyll tune you out.
13Step 4 Your target markets
- Board Members (they dont want a lot of info
just enough to keep them informed of the right
stuff) - Quarterly newsletter
- Special event invitations
- Opportunity to sign up to e-zine
14Your target marketscont.
- Donors
- Direct mail letters
- Newsletter
- Event invitations
- Opportunity to sign up for e-zine
- Personalized notes (based on giving level)
15Target markets
- Media
- Ask your key media how they want to receive info
- Email or Fax press releases/advisories
- Newsletter with a cover letter
- Handwritten thank you note after coverage (or
16Step 5 Create your Communications PlanUsing
Your Toolbox
- Create a Communications Plan built off your
agencies annual strategic plan - NTFB To be THE MAIN source for food banking
issues in North Texas - Make your plan achievable and measurable, with a
little stretch. (remember - NASA?)
17Build your Communications Planusing tools
- Communications Tools
- Website (make it a magnet)
- 1 way people get info today
- Our website mission Inform, educate, engage
- Feeling of hope, uplifting, results
- Accurate, timely, intuitive (never have an
incomplete page up) - Educate on nutrition, programs, hunger info
- Ways to help (, food, volunteer, advocacy, etc)
- Staff photos, bios, email link
- Show value of agency (awards, ratings, press
- Printed materials (collateral)
- Expensiveso make it count
- Brochures
- Fliers
- Postcards
- Greeting cards
- Newsletter
- Its all about thanking the donor and showing
them how their efforts (, food, volunteering
- - Newsletter pays for itself
- Communications materials
- Post on your website
- E-mail blasts to promote events
- Monthly e-zine (email newsletter)
- Your email signature (consistent for all staff)
- Add your logo or seasonal image within e-mail
- Style Guide
- Keeps your images consistent
- Hard copy Digital
- Post on website
- Email to vendors (printers, artists, direct mail
- Speakers Bureau
- Low cost, fabulous way to get your message out
- Train staff (diversity helps)
- Post on website
- Provide tools for speaker (video, fliers, etc)
- Speakers Bureau Box
- Report back on audience size etc
- Warehouse Tours
- Post presentation checks on walls
- Post other signage, messages
- Introduce visitors to warehouse staffers enroute
- They share what they do with visitors (dual
- Giveaways
- Annual message on t-shirt
- Mugs, note pads, pens
- Pallet pads
- Keep it simple, branded, inexpensive yet quality
- MIB (Mobile Information Box) for drivers (they
are your ambassadors, too!)
- Volunteer Program
- Very, very, very, very.important!
- 25 of our new donors came from vol. program
- Make it a memorable experience from the front
door to their departure exceed their
expectations! - Treat them like houseguests arriving at your home
- Train employees or front office receptionist
26Toolsyour Volunteer Program
- Front door
- White board welcome messages
- Nametags (I helped end hunger today.)
- Sign in (capture contact info for TY notes, etc)
- Mini-tour enroute to work station
- Trained warehouse staff (cheerful, informative)
- Tell them how their efforts helped (lbs boxed)
27More tools
- Fact Sheets (annually)
- Key Messages (seasonal, quarterly)
- Boilerplate (annually)
- Biographies (annually)
- One person responsible
- Post on website
28Got my toolsnow, how do I use them?
- Look at your target audiences
- Determine best way to keep each target group
engaged - Dont overload with too many communiqués
- Less is better.
29Step 6 Measure your work.
- Track of volunteers, speeches, tours, donations
by type-of-donor - Track media hits (s of media stories)
- Track of new donors, formerly volunteers
- Survey groups (volunteers, food drive
coordinators, etc) - TOOL Survey Monkey (www.surveymonkey.com)
30Step 7 Motivate your team.
- You are the coach (staff, volunteers)
- You are one of the chief storytellers. Tell it
with true passion, and remember, you are bringing
a benefit to your listener (a way for them to
engage in meaningful work) - Let your enthusiasm be contagious.
- Acknowledge successes of your team -
31Motivating your team
- Skills needed to accomplish all of this?
- People with a passion for the cause
- Strong writers
- Energy (no flat EKG screen lines wanted)
- Can they roll up their sleeves?
- Three non-negotiables
- Honesty
- Honesty
- Honesty
- Awwwwrightieso what else?
- Authenticity in visuals, words. (nuttin canned
except for food drives! ? ) - Make it tangible
- Good communications is not just about having a
brochure, business card and an open front door. - Good communications infuses everything in an
organization. (Think of a tea bag dropped inside
a clear glass of water. See the clear water turn
into golden amber? Good communications flows into
everything in your food bank world)
- You have a passionate opportunity to present to
another personsomething that will add meaning
and fulfillment to them. - Share the message appropriately and you will
receive the anticipated response - Deepen the relationship
- Exceed the expectation of the person and you
will... - Make them Caviar Ambassadors for your Agency!
35How may I help you?
- Colleen T. Brinkmann
- North Texas Food Bank
- Colleen_at_ntfb.org
- 214-330-1396, x122
- www.ntxfoodbank.org
- Call anytime! Were all in this together!