Title: Sell Safety ''to Your Employees ''to Management
1Sell Safety..to Your Employees..to Management
- Dianne Grote Adams, CIH, CSP, CPEA
- www.safex.us
- 1-866-SAFEX US
2Presentation Objectives
- Putting safety in business terms
- Negotiating outcomes
- Modeling servant leadership
- Qualities of selling self
3You cannot sell anything until you, yourself are
4Safety and the PL
- Track and report costs and savings
- Speak managements language
- Track performance
- Get safety performance on the agenda
- Professional Safety, Presidents Message Sept.
5Accident Report Medical Costs Lost
Work Time(Hourly wage) x (lost hours)
Investigation Time (Supervisor hourly
wage) x (time) Associates Lost
Time(Hourly wage) x (lost hours) Damaged
Product Damaged Equipment Lost
Production Time (product/minute) x (minute)
Total Accident Costs _________________
6How to Report Costs Savings!
- Value of goods or services each worker must
produce to offset the cost of work injuries - 1,120 per employee 2004 Injury Facts
7Reporting Costs Savings
- Our annual cost of accidents
8Calculate ROI
- Determine investment
- History of injuries/illnesses
- Predicted future of injuries/illnesses
- Cost of injuries/illnesses over time period
- Calculate ROI
- Know the expected ROI for capital funding
9Performance Measures
- Accident statistics
- Incident investigations
- Inspections
- Safety meetings
- Safety training
- Safety as a measurable goal in all associates
10Get Involved in Manufacturing and Quality
- Lean Manufacturing
- Safety Key
- Management Systems
- Safety IH
- Sustainable Development
- Write program goals
11Business Communication
- Identify the outcome
- Establish expectations
- Educate and communicate
- Find the motivation
- Demonstrate
- Hold accountable
12First Comes the Dream
- Visualize the outcome
- Set a goal
- Its not a priority - its a value to live by
13Establish Expectations
- SMART Goals
- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,
Timely - Performance Measures
- Leading and Lagging
- Rewards
- Short term and Long term
14 Educate Communicate
- Work Directions
- Tool Box Talks
- Programs
- Training
- Feedback
- Utilize variety of resources
- Memos
- Bulletin boards
- Meetings
- Paycheck Stuffers
- Posters
- Employee Involvement
- Resources
15Find the Hot Buttons or Motivators
- Money or fear of losing money
- Romance, love, sex
- Health or self preservation
- Recognition, glory, pride
- Reinforcement of New Behavior
16Demonstrate - Walk the Talk
- Top down
- No Exceptions
- top, subs
- Encourage participation
- Accept criticism
- Act on suggestions
17Hold Accountable
- Enforce the Safety Program
- Managers, supervisors, crew leaders, peers
- Performance Measures
- Supervisors, Managers, Employees
- Discipline Program
- Consistent with rest of your policies
18Safety Culture Evolution
- Open, honest and trusting communication
- Why?
- We dont have all the resources
- To create opportunity
- To achieve commitment/buy in
- How the game is played matters more than who
wins. Steven P. Cohen
20Art and Craft of Negotiating
- Prepare
- Position vs Interest
- Why
- Interest is building block of lasting agreements
- Creative
- Everyone looks good
- Fair
- More committed
21Art and Craft of Negotiating
- Commit
- Active Listener
- Relationship importance
- Separate the people from the problem
- Practice
- This is a story about four people named
- Everybody
- Somebody
- Anybody
- Nobody
- Leadership
23Organizational Responsibility for Safety
- Associates
- Supervisors/Team Leaders
- Managers
- Safety Manager
- VP
- President
- Are they leaders?
24Your Role as a Leader
- Articulate the goal
- Solicit support to achieve the goal
- Draw out, inspire and develop the best and
highest within people from the inside out
(servant leader) - Inspire each person to use his/her unique talents
to independently and interdependently achieve the
shared vision (servant leader)
25Your Role - Beyond Leader (?)
- Cheerleader
- Motivator
- Regulatory Expert
- Advisor
- Presenter
- Salesman
26Qualities You Must Possess!
- Unshakable Self Confidence
- Unending Enthusiasm
- Boundless Energy
- Countless Ideas
- In-depth Regulatory Knowledge
- Excellent Presentation Skills
- Sales Ability
- Very Hard Head
- Crucial Conversations - Tools for Talking When
Stakes are High Kerry Patterson - Servant Leadership - A Journey into the Nature of
Legitimate Power Greatness Robert K. Greenleaf - Leadership Safety Excellence, Professional
Safety , October 2004
28In closing...
- Asking me to overlook a simple safety violation
would be asking me to compromise my entire
attitude toward the value of your life Safety