Title: Lobelioids
2 - How and when did Lobelioids come to arrive in
Hawaii? - In what ways have they adapted to Hawaiian
habitats? - How have each of the endemic species adapted?
- What are the causes of some species disappearing?
3How Lobelioids reached the Hawaiian archipelago
- Indo-pacific region
- tropical climate
- growing conditions
- Andes fleshly fruited lobelia
- Centropogon, Burmeistera
- Seeds carried by muddy birds
- 4,000 mile trip
- roughly 5 million year ago
4Makai to mauka
- Deposited along coast the islands
- Adapted inland to less harsh climate
- Makai to mauka coast to forest
- Arborescence
- Gigantism
- Protection
- Dispersal
- Pollination
Most all of these adaptations can be attributed
to Hawaiis mild climate which stimulates year
round growth
6Arborescence becoming a tree
- Weedy forms okay as colonist
- Evolve to be more treelike to match densely
vegetated areas - Woody forms can compete best for light
- Rosetta/whorl of leaves
7 - Gigantism
- Seeds, leaves (rosette), height
- Dispersal
- Termatolobia
- salt shaker
8 - Protection
- spikes/teeth on some juvenile plants of cyanea
and rollandia - Fall off when adulthood reached
- some permanently juvenile
- Cyanea marksii
- Land snails and some insects
- Pollination
- Hawk moth
- Honeycreepers
- Clermontia excessive flower types
- Delissea
- Cyanea
- Rollandia
- Clermontia
- Lobelia
- Trematolobelia
- Brighamia
- Best represents features of immigrants
- Large seeds
- Numerous flowered inflorescent
11 - Distinguished by
- Large wrinkled seeds
- Pimple like projection on flower
- Habitat dry forest
- Site of original colonization
12Cyaneahaha, haha nui, haha lua, 'aku'aku,
popolo, pua kala, 'aku
- Much more diversified and common than delissea
- Habitat wet shade forests
- Spikes/spines on juvenile plants
- Absent when adulthood reached
- Cyanea marksii never grows up
- Stamens are adherent to collola
- Rosetta treelike species has adapted to many
varied habitats - Lower wet to upper dry areas
- R. lanceolata wide hairy leaves
- Deep shady gulches
- R. pinnatifida juvenile plant has toothed
leaves adult losses teeth - Windy wet ridges
- R. st johnii short stem, leaves curled with
protective shiny surface
14Clermontia 'oha, 'oha wai, 'oha wai nui, haha,
- Diversification in flowers
- Sepals unusually long, some as long as the petals
- Main pollinator honeycreeper
15Lobelia oha or ohawai
- Only genus occurring else where in the world
- Typically wet places world wide
- Large rosettes on top of huge stalks
- Plant dies after fruiting
16Trematolobelia kolii
- One species, with many varieties
- Specializes in seed dispersal
- Lives in the wettest places
17Brighamia puaala, aluli, ohahah
- Grows on the steep cliffs of Kavai, Molokai (
formerly Niihau)
Characteristically a single rosette of leaves on
top of a thick succulent stem
18What are some causes of disappearance?
- Loss of dispersibility
- Loss of competitiveness
- Invasive species
- Human activity
- Loss of habitat
- Introduction of livestock
- Loss of pollinators
- Mamo and Iiwi
- Fewer Hawk moths
- Unknown reasons
19 - 95 of native Hawaiian plants occur nowhere else
in the world - Hawaii has 100s of species of plants and animals
on the endangered species list - More plants and animal species have disappeared
from the Hawaiian islands than all of North
20 - Lobelioids arrived in the Hawaiian archipelago
millions of years ago and have since has uniquely
adapted drastically in - Habitat
- Growth form
- Pollination requirements
- Although many lobelioid species have become
obsolete many are still thriving and surviving!
- Carquest, Sherwin. Hawaii A Natural History.
Honolulu SB printers,inc.1980 - Carr, Dr. Gerald. U of Hawaii Botany Department.
lthttp//www.botany.hawaii.edugt - Fosberg, Raymond F., and Dieter Mueller-Dombois.
Vegitation of the Tropical Pacific Islands. New
York Springer-Verlag.1998 - Herbst, Sohmer, and Warren L. Wagner. Manual of
the Flowering Plants of Hawaii.2vols. Honolulu U
of Hawaii Press.1990 - Millen, Priscilla. U of Hawaii Distance Education
Web Page. lthttp//emedia.leeward.hawaii.edu/mille
n/bot130/gt - New York Botanical Garden. Vascular Plant Type
Catalog. lthttp//www.nybg.org/bsci/hcol/vasc/campa