Title: Weight Management, Nutrition
1Weight Management, Nutrition Exercise
- Bill Jackson
- Lifetime Wellness Fitness
- Campus Recreation
2Weight Management
3Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS,
1995(BMI 30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for
54 person)
4Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS,
2000(BMI 30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for
54 person)
5Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS,
2004(BMI 30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for
54 person)
6Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS,
2006(BMI 30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for
54 person)
7Ideal Body WeightWomen
- Take 100 pounds for the first 5 feet
- Add 5 pounds for each additional inch
- Subtract 10 for small to medium frame
- Add 10 for medium to large frame
- These 2 numbers give a healthy weight range
- Example 5 feet 5 inches tall
- 100 pounds 25 pounds 125 pounds
- Range 112.5 - 137.5 pounds
8Ideal Body WeightMen
- Take 106 pounds for the first 5 feet
- Add 6 pounds for each additional inch
- Subtract 10 for small to medium frame
- Add 10 for medium to large frame
- These 2 numbers give a healthy weight range
- Example 5 feet 10 inches tall
- 106 pounds 60 pounds 166 pounds
- Range 150.6 182.6 pounds
9Body Fat Recommendations
- Essential Body Fat
- Men 3 5
- Women 9 12
- Healthy Body Fat
- Men 10 - 18
- Women 17 24
10What Causes Weight Gain?
- Large Portion Sizes
- Overeating
- Irregular eating schedule
- Eating too few meals
- Eating fast food/in restaurants frequently
- Eating for pleasure and not health
- Lack of exercise
11Calories for a Meal at McDonalds
- Kcals Fat Grams
- Big Mac 560 30
- Large Fry 520 25
- Large Soft Drink 310 0
- Total 1390 55
12Energy Balance
- Energy Balance
- Energy input energy output stable body weight
- 2000 kcal - 2000 kcal 0
kcal - Positive energy imbalance
- Energy input gt energy output weight gain
- 2500 kcal - 2000 kcal 500 kcal
- Negative energy imbalance
- Energy input lt energy output weight loss
- 2000 kcal - 2500 kcal -500 kcal
13The Insidious Nature of Positive Energy Imbalance
- Positive energy balance
- average 35 year old gains between .2 and .8 kg of
fat yearly until age 60 - 3500 kcal 1 lb (.45 kg)
- .8 kg (1.76 lbs) 6174 calories/yr, or 17/day !
- Can we do anything about this?
14How much?
- Women, generally, should not consume less than
1200 calories a day - Men should not consume less that 1600-1800
calories a day - Intake depends on activity level
- Metabolism can slow if dont get enough calories
15How to maintain weight
- Eat only when you are hungry
- Drink lots of water
- Eat breakfast
- Be active!
- Make smart choices at restaurants
- Eat healthy snacks
- Watch late-night eating
16If you want to lose weight
- Starving yourself does not work
- Focus on healthy eating style, not dieting
- Lower calories by 500 per day
- Dont drink your calories
- Eat foods you enjoy in reasonable amounts
- Stop when you are full
- Dont deprive yourself
- Stay Active!
18You are what you eat
- What you eat influences
- How you look
- How you feel
- How you perform mentally and physically
- How you sleep
19Dietary Guidelines
- Eat a variety of foods daily
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Choose a diet low in fat
- Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and grain
products - Use sugar in moderation
- Use salt and sodium in moderation
- Alcohol is not recommended
- Water is essential for life
- 70 of body mass is water
- Need at least 64 ounces of water a day
- If you dont drink enough water you will retain
22Components of Fitness
- Cardiorespiratory Endurance
- Muscular Strength
- Muscular Endurance
- Flexibility
- Body Composition
23An Effective Fitness Program
- Aerobics
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Resistance Training
- Muscular Strength
- Muscular Endurance
- Flexibility Training
- Improves ROM and suppleness
24Training Considerations
- Frequency how many days per week to train
- Intensity how hard to train
- Duration how long to train
- Exercise selection
25Risk of Dying
- AIDS 1 1,000,000
- Murder 1 10,000
- Auto Accidents 1 5,000
- Heart Disease 1 2
- who die from Heart Disease per year 10 times
the number of Americans who died in Vietnam in 10
26Living a Healthy Life
- Dont smoke
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Get enough sleep
- Eat 3 to 5 well balanced meals per day
- Reduce the number of times you eat at restaurants
or eat fast food - Drink water
- Manage stress
- Exercise
- Are there any questions?
- If you think of questions later e-mail me at
- jackswi_at_auburn.edu