Title: Introduction to HTML
1Session 1
- Adapted by Sophie Peter from original document by
Charlie Foulkes
- Stands for Hypertext Markup Language
- HTML allows for the sending of unformatted text,
between tags containing instructions on how to
display the text (and images) which are then
interpreted by the receiving browser. - Initially this was at a rather simplistic level,
and designers are still struggling with the
restrictions that HTML puts on design.
3Understanding HTML
- HTML documents therefore consist of text and tags
(images are not embedded). - Most tags come in pairs - opening and closing
instructions to the browser. - Bad things happen if you do not close tags that
are meant to be closed. For example, choosing to
ltcentergt a paragraph but forgetting to include a
closing lt/centergt tag will mean that the whole
document will then be centred.
4Understanding HTML
- HTML can be written in CAPITALS or lowercase.
Note JavaScript is case sensitive. - HTML uses American English keywords e.g. bgcolor
(this attribute sets the background colour) or
ltfont colorFFFFFFgt. - White space is ignored. There is only 1 space
after a full stop in HTML no matter how many you
type in. Unless you use something called a
non-breaking space - nbsp
- HTML files should be named as followsexample.htm
l or example.htmdepending on what web server
the site will be on. Be consistent - using both
is a recipe for disaster.
6HTML - Understanding Tags
- HTML ltbgtMake this text boldlt/bgt
A closing tag. This means STOP making the text
bold NOW. The back-slash denotes this.
An opening tag. Roughly interpreted, this means
START making the text bold NOW.
Displayed by browser Make this text bold
7HTML - Understanding Tags
- Browsers are built to understand and interpret
more than just HTML documents. As you know,
computers are also pretty stupid and need to be
given instructions in a precise way. The first
tag you type in any HTML document must therefore
beltHTMLgt - this tells the computer that this is an HTML
document lt/HTMLgt - this tells the computer that this is the end of
the HTML document
Web Server
Phone Lines
ltheadgt The first part of the HTML document to
be received and interpreted by the computer and
ltbodygt The rest of the web page including text
and images which will be displayed.
The ltheadgt of an HTML document is the brains of
the outfit, and includes tags which tell the
receiving browser about the document. The most
obvious of these is lttitlegt - the text displayed
in the title bar of the browser. It can be left
blank, but if success with Search Engines is
important to you, make sure each page on your
site has a unique title.
The ltheadgt is also the correct place for all the
clever stuff like JavaScript and other scripting
languages. It is also the right location for
links to other useful files such as Cascading
Style Sheets and external JavaScript
files. ltlink relstylesheet typetext/css
hrefstyles.cssgt ltscript srcmyJavaScript.jsgt
The ltheadgt also has an important role to play in
making pages Search Engine-friendly. This is
done by using ltmetagt tags. Not all Search
Engines use them, but it gives you (yet another)
weapon in the fight for publicity! ltmeta
namekeywords contentHendrix, Janis Joplin,
Cream, The Whogt ltmeta namedescription
contentWelcome to 60s music heaven.gt
The ltbodygt of an HTML document contains
everything displayed on screen (apart from the
title). In essence, the visible part of the
HTML. However it also has attributes of its own
which can be changed, such as ltbody
bgcolor000000gt - changes the background colour
to black ltbody backgroundpic.jpggt - changes
the background to a tiling image Note you cant
have both!
You can also set a general colour for text.
Careful with your syntax, now! ltbody
text000000gt ? ltbody text000000gt
? ltbodytext000000 gt ? ltbody text 000000gt
14Basic HTML Structure
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtExample Documentlt/titlegt lt/he
adgt ltbodygt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
TIP for Success! Type all this into Notepad first
before doing any further editing.
15Formatting Tags
ltbgtBold Textlt/bgt ltbrgt ltstronggtStrong
Textlt/stronggt ltbrgt ltigtItalic Textlt/igt ltbrgt ltemgtEmp
hasised Textlt/emgt ltbrgt
Bold Text Strong Text Italic Text Emphasised
16Nesting Tags
- What if you need to make text bold and italic?
The HTML instructions must be nested in order to
work properly, as shownltbgtltigtMy bold and
italic text.lt/igtlt/bgt ? ltigtltbgtMy bold and italic
text.lt/bgtlt/igt ? ltbgtltigtMy bold and italic
text.lt/bgtlt/igt ?
- HTML features 6 built-in heading styles for text.
They are fairly handy, especially when using
Cascading Style Sheets but are not anti-aliased
and so do not produce the most aesthetically
pleasing text when used at the largest size lth1gt. - They are used as belowlth1gtLarge
Textlt/h1gtlth6gtTiny Textlt/h6gt
lth1gt lth6gt
- This screen shot from Dreamweaver shows what they
look like. It also shows the standard fonts
available in HTML.
- HTML limits us to using around 4 different fonts
because the font is not embedded in the web page,
it is provided by the computer upon which the
page is being displayed. - If the computer does not have the specified font
installed, it substitutes it for one which it
thinks is similar - so alternative font should
normally be specified in the HTML rather than
relying on the computers judgement! - Therefore, if you want to use unusual fonts to
set a mood, they have to be graphics rather than
text - i.e. a picture of some text.
- What is available? As you can see each has a
different look and feel - Times New Roman (default)
- Arial
- Courier
- Verdana
- Georgia
- Example of the font tag in action
- ltfont face"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
- sans-serif" size"2"gt
- Starts by specifying the choice (Verdana) then
lists alternatives that behave in a fairly
predictable way that hopefully wont spoil the
design. The tag then specifies what size the
text should be.
- The most reliable way of ensuring blank space or
a return where needed is to insert a break
ltbrgt.This should forceltbrgta breakThis should
forcea breakThis should forceltbrgtltbrgta
breakThis should forcea break
23Lab Exercise 1
24Lists - Unordered
- To produce a bulleted list on a web pageltulgt
ltli typesquaregtOnly one bullet!lt/ulgt?
Only one bullet! - Other types of bullet include circle and disc,
the default being disc, which looks like the
bullet for this paragraph - an opaque circle.
25Lists - Ordered
- To produce a numbered list on a web pageltolgt
ltligt List Item One ltligt List Item Twolt/olgt1.
List Item One2. List Item Two - Again, can have choice of numberber including
roman (iv)
- Most normal text on web pages falls into this
category. Like headings, ltpgt inserts a clean
line break before and after text. It doesnt
need a closing tag if you begin the next
paragraph with another ltpgt.ltpgtThis is the
beginning of an example paragraph about dull
stuff blah blah blah...
27Words Pictures
- ltimg srcimages/me.jpggt
- Refers to the graphics file in the images
directory. The picture cannot be embedded in the
HTML file like a Word document - the image is a
computer file in its own right and is downloaded
separately. This tag points to the location of
the graphics file on the web server and does not
need a closing tag.
28Words Pictures
- ltimg srcimages/me.jpgheight119 width79gt
- Including the dimension attributes makes for a
quicker download time. The browser is then
prepared for the graphic rather than having to
calculate the size. - Options for me.jpg
- hspace40 or vspace40width50
29Hyperlinks - Anchor Tags
- The whole purpose of the internet is to link to
other documents, and there are two main ways to
do this - 1. Relativelta hrefinteresting.htmlgtClick
here!lt/agt - 2. Absolute lta hrefhttp//www.blah.com/interes
ting.htmlgt Click here!lt/agt
30Using Images as Hyperlinks
- The coolest hyperlinks are pictures. Especially
rollover images. The way to turn an image into
a hyperlink is by putting the image tag in
between the anchor tags. - lta hrefmyHomePage.htmlgtltimg srcme.jpg
height119width79gtlt/agt - Design point it is good netiquette to provide
text links as well as images.
31Mailto Hyperlinks
- These are hyperlinks which (should) automatically
open the users email package with a blank email
addressed to whatever address you specify in the
code. - Mail me on lta hrefmailtome_at_blah.comgtme_at_bla
32Lab Exercise 2