Title: Punahou School Presentation
1Internet Fundamentals for Web Merchants Workshop
2Oli e Kalai Oo
E Kumokuhalii, E Kupulupulu, E Kualanawao E
Kupaaikee E Kuhooholopali E ike mai iau
kalai oo He kauila ka oo mahiai au i ka
aina kula E ike mai iau, i ka mahiai
nui, Hoi i ka pulapula i ke ao, Amama, ua
noa O Ku-who-spreads-greenery, O
Ku-of-the-thickets, O Ku-in-the-mountain-regions,
O Ku Kupa-who-eats-defects, O
Ku-who-makes-slippery-the-pali, Look toward me as
I carve an oo An oo of kauila to be used on
the kula lands Look toward me, the mighty
planter Turn to your offspring of this
world Amama, the kapu of the prayer is freed
3Internet Fundamentals
- Defining e-Business
- End of geographic boundaries
- Getting Connected
- Website, email, and apps
- Hosting your content
- Customer expectations
- Nature of the Web
4What is e-Business?
The transformation of key business process
through the use of Internet technologies.
Your Company
Apply Internet technology to streamline all
aspects of business process
5What is e-Business?
Marketing (increase customers) Commerce (increase
sales) Operations (streamline business processes)
Traditional Business
E-Marketing E-Commerce E-Operations
e-Business e-marketing e-commerce
6Typical Website Functionality
Integrate Backoffice processes
Actively Sell Online
Actively Market Online
Establish a Web presence
Get connected
Getting started
7Millions of Web Sites
8Millions of Users
9Global Networks
10Getting Connected
- Dial Up
- Modems
- Broadband Connections
- Cable Modem
- Digital circuits
- Local Area Networks
- Ethernet
- Wireless
- Wifi (802.11b)
11Yourdomain.com (aka DNS)
- A domain name can be up to 67 characters long,
including the extension, such as .com, at the
end. - The name can include numbers and all letters of
the alphabet, but not special characters such as
_at_, , , ?, etc. - The exception is hyphens ( - ), but they can't
occur at the beginning or end of the name. - No spaces can be used within a name.
- A domain name is not case sensitive.
12Web Addresses
Hypertext transfer protocol
Internet domain of website
Identifies a server
13Email (the killer app)
- Addresses
- blum_at_mindwind.com
- Mail Servers
- POP, IMAP, Web access
14More applications
- Instant messaging
- E-commerce
- Online databases
- Streaming multimedia
- Bulletin Boards Forums
- Weblogs
- Image galleries
15Web Site Considerations
- Design
- Consistency, Standards, Templates
- Functionality
- Searchable, Navigation, Site Index
- Freshness/Stickiness
- Continuous update of content
- Marketability
- Technology
16Browsing the Web
- Browsers
- IE, Netscape, Opera, etc.
- Computers
- Macs, PCs
- Network
- Telecommunications
- Servers
- The Data Center
17Hosting Considerations
- Network Operations Center
- Server Infrastructure
- Content Repository - Mass Storage
- Backup and Restore Capability
- Emergency Power Backup
- Dual Fiber Entry
- 24x7x365 Operations
- Security and Procedure Oriented
- Help Desk, Technical Support
19Network Operations
- 24x7x365 Coverage
- Full Production Network
- Telecom Computing
- High Speed Local Network
- Technical Support
20Customers Expectations
- Information intensive content needs to be
compelling. - Needs to communicate company products and
services. - Well organized
- Easy to use
- Customer service and support
- And it needs to be immediate.
21Going online
- Freedom from physical limitations
- Extending the reach of your business
- Improved marketing
- Develop new trade partners
- Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
- Enhance your message
- Reduce business costs
- Shrink the competitive gap, level the playing
field - Reduce sales cycle
- Disintermediation, go direct
- Increase revenues through new distribution
22Nature of the Web
- Instant Communication
- Collaboration
- Cooperation
- Community
BUT 37 of online retailers FAIL to respond to
customers online requests.
23Think Internet
- Fundamentals of conducting business
- Its about info on customers, competitors,
suppliers and partners - Conducting online business is iterative, the
marketplace is dynamic - Find your niche
- Track your success, loyalty revenues
- Fast pace does not mean short term
- Plan for the long term, perseverance pays
24Mahalo and Aloha!
Check outwww.nativehawaiianhealth.net/nhhn/
(Papa ola Lokahi)www.kahoolawe.org (Protect
Kahoolawe Ohana)Bytemarks column (Tues.,
Honolulu Advertiser)