Hebrew: The Living Letters - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hebrew: The Living Letters


Noah died only two years before the birth of Abraham ... The word 'aleph' literally means 'ox.' The ox is the most basic land animal. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hebrew: The Living Letters

HebrewThe Living Letters
An in-depth teaching series on the Hebrew Alef-Bet
An ancient Hebrew stone dating a few decades
prior to Messiah birth has suddenly become the
hottest topic among archaeologists. On the
three-foot tall stone are 87 lines of Hebrew
words, some of which may refer to a messiah who
would die and rise again three days later. The
stone labeled Gabriels Revelation, has been
coined by one expert as a Dead Sea Scroll on
This teaching will cover
  • History of Hebrew language
  • Importance of Hebrew study
  • How Hebrew s being restored
  • The first Hebrew letter
  • Meaning of the word echad
  • How YHWH blesses us through Hebrew
  • How the aleph declares YHWHs name

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Why is the Hebrew language important?
We can call upon the name of YHWH as He has
Elohim, furthermore, said to Moses, Thus you
shall say to the sons of Israel, YHWH, the
elohim of your fathers, the elohim of Abraham,
the elohim of Isaac, and the elohim of
Jacob, has sent me to you ' This is My name
forever, and this is My memorial-name to all
generations,Exodus / Shemot 315
And it shall come to pass that everyone who
calls on the name of Yahweh shall be saved. For
in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be
those who escape, as YHWH has said, and among the
survivors shall be those whom Yahweh calls, Joel
232And I will put this third into the fire,
and refine them as one refines silver, and test
them as gold is tested. They will call upon my
name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'They
are my people' and they will say, 'Yahweh is my
Elohim, Zecharayah 139
When we use the original name of our Savior we
can learn of Him from a proper perspective.
We can easily recognize the value of the Hebrew
name of YHWH Yshua.
Well, how much more valuable
are the remaining words of the Scriptures!
Much meaning is lost in translation!
Translations in the KJV 7 Hebrew words as
black8 words as axe12 words as beauty14
words for dark22 words for branch66 words
for break
Therefore wait for Me," declares YHWH, "For the
day when I rise up as a witness indeed, My
decision is to gather nations, to assemble
kingdoms, to pour out on them My indignation, all
My burning anger for all the earth will be
devoured by the fire of My zeal. For I will give
to the peoples purified lips a clean tongue,
that all of them may call on the name of YHWH, to
serve Him shoulder to shoulder, Zepheniah /
Zepheniyah 38-9
In the Messianic Kingdom we will know and speak
the original language of Hebrew!Like Adam in
the Garden of Eden, we will learn Hebrew from
YHWH Yshua.
YHWH spoke Hebrew to Adam After the flood, the
world continued with one Hebrew language as seen
in Gen 111Nimrod led a rebellion at Bavel
which led to various tonguesShem, the son of
Noah, was not involved with the Tower
The word shem means nameShem used Hebrew
and guarded the name of YHWHThe Shemites /
Semites continued using HebrewShem lived 99
years along his Great-grandfather Methuselah
Methuselah shared a 243 year life span with Noah
and a 600 year life with AdamNoah died only two
years before the birth of AbrahamShem lived
until Abraham was 150 years old and Isaac was 50
Genesis 1021 states that Shem is the father of
all the children of Eber. From eber we get the
word Hebrew.Genesis 1412-13 calls Abraham a
Hebrew or Ivrim.Hebrew / Ivrit is the language
of the children of Abraham!
At the tower of Babel the languages were
scattered.During the end of days a leader will
come from Babylon to fight Israel.
Death and life are in the power of the HEBREW
tongue, And those who love it will eat its
fruit, Proverbs 1821 / Mishlei 1821
The Aleph is the first Hebrew letter.
The aleph is symbolic of the books of Genesis and
Matthew.In the beginning was the alpeh. John
In Eden all things were Echad.In the Garden
all things were unified and of one source.
Key Hebrew wordECHAD
to unite, to join together, to be
oneDeuteronomy 64John 1721
Yshua gave His life to restore creation to
Himself to be echad. YHWH desires his people
to be echad.
The aleph shows us the power of echad.
The aleph has no sound. It is silent.
The aleph becomes one with its surrounding
letters or vowel points.
Principles from the Alpeh
In the spiritual realm, closeness is determined
by similarity.
Principles from the Alpeh
What is stopping us from being one with
Yshua?The alpeh itself!!
Principles from the Alpeh
Sadly, we are not like YHWH, our thoughts are
not like His. Therefore we are not one with Him.
Principles from the Alpeh
The word aleph literally means ox. The ox is
the most basic land animal. Oxen are symbolic of
our fleshly nature that pulls us down towards the
earth and away from YHWH.
Principles from the Alpeh
Our mind must be renewed and our souls changed
through the Living Aleph Yshua!
The design of the aleph gives us the plan of
Father YHWH loves us
Sinful man is separated from YHWH
Yshua was the mediator
Father YHWH loves us
Sinful man is separated from YHWH
Yshua was the mediator
The formation of the Aleph is the foundation of
YHWHs Name!
Yod 10
Vav 6
Yod 10
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As we understand the Aleph and its purpose we can
agree with King Dawid about its meaning.
ash.rei te.mi.mei-da.rekh ha.hol.khim be.to.rat
YHWH ash.rei nots.rei e.do.tav be.khol-lev
yid.re.shu.hu af lo-fa.a.lu av.la bid.ra.khav
ha.la.khu a.ta tsi.vi.ta fi.ku.dei.kha
lish.mor me.od a.kha.lai yi.ko.nu de.ra.khai
lish.mor khu.kei.khaaz lo-e.vosh be.ha.bi.ti
el-kol-mits.vo.tei.kha od.kha bei.sher le.vav
be.lam.di mish.pe.tei tsid.ke.kha et-khu.kei.kha
esh.mor al-ta.az.ve.ni ad-me.od
Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk
in the law of YHWH. Blessed are they that keep
his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole
heart. They also do no iniquity they walk in
his ways. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy
precepts diligently. O that my ways were
directed to keep thy statutes! Then shall I not
be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy
commandments. I will praise thee with uprightness
of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous
judgments. I will keep thy statutes O forsake
me not utterly, Psalm / Tehillim 1191-8
Some Aleph words inlcude
Echad Ahava Elohim Amein Asher Abba Ima
Av Adam Ayn Sof El Eloah Adon Adonai
Aliyah Abram Elul Aharon Ester Etrog Adar
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