Title: 2. Bible
12. Bible Book in the Ancient World
- BIB586 Biblical Introduction
21.0.0 Introduction
- "In the beginning was the world and the word was
with God. Then human beings took it over. In many
languages they produced a flood of words. And the
world was filled with clay tablets, scrolls,
books, bookcases and libraries." Ellen van
Wolde, Words become Worlds Semantic Studies of
Genesis 1-11, ix
31.0.1 Why Study Bib. Lang.
- 1. If you believe in the inspiration of
scripture, then you value the words. - 2. Translations are good, but no translation is
able to convey the subtleties of language. - 3. Poetry and all figures of speech rely heavily
upon the sounds and meanings of the original
language. - 4. Literary devices and rhetorical structures
cannot be accurately interpreted from a
41.0.1 Why Study Bib. Lang.
- 5. Use of commentaries that make reference to
Greek and Hebrew. - 6. Other Resources written in Hebrew and Greek
Lexicons, word studies, theological works,
grammars, concordances, journal articles. - 7. Ability to critique the opinions of others. If
you do not learn Hebrew and Greek, you will
forever be dependent upon the thoughts and ideas
of someone else.
51.0.1 Why Study Bib. Lang.
- 8. Enables original research. You can research
questions with a concordance, lexicon, and/or
computer Bible program. Some of your questions
may not be answered in the standard reference
works. Furthermore, all reseachers have motives
that may not lead allow them to follow the same
pathway that you may wish to investigate. - 9. Enhances sermon and lesson preparation. Ideas
will come to you from the original languages that
would otherwise be unavailable.
61.0.1 Why Study Bib. Lang.
- 10. Side benefit Understanding of language in
general. Enhances communication skill. - Lee Martin, "History of the Hebrew Language,"
71.0.1 Why Study Bib. Lang.
- Old Testament Studies
- Hebrew
- Aramaic (also Syriac)
- Greek
- Akkadian
- Ugaritic
- Latin
81.0.1 Why Study Bib. Lang.
- New Testament Studies
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Aramaic (also Syriac)
- Latin
- Coptic
91.1 Hebrew Introduction
- "Most of the Old Testament was originally written
in Hebrew. The small residue was written in a
dialect of Aramaic known as biblical Aramaic, and
comprises three main pieces (Dan. 24b-728 Ezra
48-618 712-26), an odd verse in the middle of
Jeremiah (1011, presumably an early gloss), and
two words in Genesis (3147 "Heap of Witness,"
title name given by Laban to the Mizpah stone
which Jacob's clansmen set up in Gilead). The
fact that the central portion of the book of
Daniel is written in this dialect led ancient
scholars to call it Chaldee, under the impression
that this was the tongue spoken by the Jewish
exiles in Chaldea (Babylonia)." Snaith, "The
Language of the Old Testament," Interpreter's
Bible, CD-Rom Edition
101.1 Hebrew Name
- "In the Old Testament the language of the Hebrews
is described as the "language of Canaan" (Isaiah
1918), or the "language of Judah" (Nehemiah
1324 Isaiah 3611). The first occurrence of the
designation "Hebrew" is in the prologue to Ben
Sira, written approximately 130 B.C. The New
Testament writers and Josephus used the
designation "Hebrew" to refer both to Hebrew and
to the locally spoken Aramaic." Martin
111.1 Hebrew Name
- "In the literature of later antiquity, the
language is usually called "the holy tongue,"
with reference to the biblical corpus, and the
"tongue of the sages," when referring to the
language of the oral tradition - that is called
rabbinic or mishnaic or tannaitic Hebrew. It is
here that we come across the first explicit
reference to divergent literary styles."
Schramm, "Hebrew Structural Overview," Anchor
Bible Dictionary, CD-Rom Edition
121.1 Hebrew Name
- "Curiously enough, the term "Hebrew" as the
in-group common reference to its language is a
borrowing from Arabic, first introduced by Saadia
Gaon (882-942 c.e.) in his grammatical writings
(Skoss 1955). The new designation entered the
Hebrew language only when Jews began to write
their grammatical studies in their own language a
few centuries later." Schramm, "Hebrew
Structural Overview," Anchor Bible Dictionary,
CD-Rom Edition
131.1 Hebrew Name
- "Other than as the language of ancient Phoenician
colonialism, Canaanite never assumed a major role
in the ancient world. Rome defeated its archrival
Carthage in the west, and in the Levant Aramaic,
originally used east of the Phoenician hill
country, gradually spread its domain. As the
language of the Jews, Hebrew was the mother
tongue of only Jerusalem and its environs at the
beginning of the Common Era. In the northern
domains of the expanded Hasmonean Kingdom of
Judea a form of Aramaic was spoken, simply
because the local population
141.1 Hebrew Name
- carried on the speech habits of their ancestors
who were converted to Judaism during the reign of
John Hyrcanus I. The Idumeans to the south, who
had been converted at about the same time,
continued to speak their ancestral Canaanite
tongue." Schramm, "Hebrew Structural Overview,"
Anchor Bible Dictionary, CD-Rom Edition
151.1 Hebrew Name
- "Hebrew probably ceased to be a living language
(in the sense of a community mother tongue)
around the year 200 c.e. as the result of the Bar
Kokhba disaster, when the population of Judea was
decimated and the survivors fled northward to the
Galilee." - ". . . Aramaic which they spoke as a family
language was symbiotically linked to the Hebrew
they continued to use for more formal purposes."
Schramm, "Hebrew Structural Overview," Anchor
Bible Dictionary, CD-Rom Edition
161.1 Hebrew History
- Biblical Hebrew (BH)
- Early Biblical Hebrew (EBH)
- Late Biblical Hebrew (LBH)
- Rabbinical Hebrew, or Mishnaic Hebrew (RH)
- Medieval Hebrew, also called Rabbinic, the Hebrew
of the Middle Ages (MH) - Modern or Israeli Hebrew (IH)
171.1 Hebrew Origins
- "The family of languages to which Hebrew belongs
is grouped by linguists in a phylum called
Afroasiatic. The geographical range of
Afroasiatic covers northern and central Africa
and western Asia. In time, Afroasiatic languages
are attested from the 3d millennium b.c.e.
(although some languages of the phylum must have
existed for at least a millennium before this)
until the present." Schmitz, "Language-Hebrew
Early History of Hebrew," ABD, CD-Rom Edition
181.1 Hebrew Origins
- "The Afroasiatic phylum has five or six members
Egyptian (later called Coptic, now extinct) and
Berber in N Africa, the Chadic family (whose
best-known member is Hausa) in sub-Saharan
Africa, the Cushitic-Omotic family in the Horn of
Africa, and the Semitic family, which includes
Arabic and Hebrew. " Schmitz, "Language-Hebrew
Early History of Hebrew," ABD, CD-Rom Edition
191.1 Hebrew Origins
- "Hebrew belongs to the family of Afroasiatic
languages commonly referred to as Semitic
languages. The major division of this family is
between East Semitic and West Semitic. East
Semitic incorporates the group of dialects called
Akkadian West Semitic includes the Northwest
Semitic languages, Arabic, and South Semitic. . .
. " Schmitz, "Language-Hebrew Early History of
Hebrew," ABD, CD-Rom Edition
201.1 Hebrew Origins
- "The Northwest Semitic languages comprise the
Canaanite group and Aramaic. Evidence for early
Northwest Semitic begins in the 3d millennium (if
one admits some of the features of the language
of Ebla) and continues to the end of the LB II
period (around 1200 b.c.e.). Some of the
distinctive features of Canaanite can be observed
in these early Northwest Semitic samples, but the
distinction between Canaanite and Aramaic remains
difficult to impose until the Iron II period. A
recent survey concludes that the Iron Age
211.1 Hebrew Origins
- of Syria-Palestine are best viewed as a
continuum having Phoenician as one of its poles
and Aramaic as the other. Hebrew is probably to
be located near the center of this cline "
Schmitz, "Language-Hebrew Early History of
Hebrew," ABD, CD-Rom Edition
221.1 Hebrew Origins
- "The Canaanite languages include Phoenician
(which distinguishes the minority dialect of
Byblos from the more widespread dialect of Tyre
and Sidon), Hebrew (which distinguishes a
northern dialect, probably centered in Samaria,
from a southern, the dialect of Jerusalem and
Judah), Ammonite, Moabite, and Edomite. The
language of the Deir gtAlla texts should perhaps
also be included." " Schmitz, "Language-Hebrew
Early History of Hebrew," ABD, CD-Rom Edition
231.1 Hebrew Linguistic Affinities
- Hebrew Greek Affinities?
- Hamito-Semitic Affinities?
- Proto Semitic or Common Semitic
- Akkadian
- Ugaritic
- Moabite
- Ammonite
- Edomite
- Phoenician
- Deir gtAlla
241.1 Hebrew Proto-Semitic
- "Bauer and Leander, writing in 1922, assumed that
Hebrew was a fusion of an indigenous Canaanite
language and newer West Semitic elements brought
in by invaders and they were followed by
Birkeland in 1940 and Driver. R. Meyer holds that
the qat9al and yaqt9ulu systems have different
origins and represent a mixing of different of
different dialects which took place before the
entry into Canaan. . . . A. Bendavid accounts for
Aramaisms in biblical writing as a stylistic
device used by the authors for variation. Sekine,
however, assumes that there were two migrations,
Amorite and Aramean, both of which influenced
developments in Hebrew."
251.1 Hebrew Proto-Semitic
- Qal passive
- the prefixes b and l with the sense 'from'
- the cohortative and jussive modes
- -t as the indicator of the 3f.s., -a4h as the
adverbial marker, and the pronoun )a4no4k 'I'. - Later innovations are the assimilation of /g8/
and /)/, /h/ and /h9/ - the tendency to assimilate /n/
261.1 Hebrew Proto-Semitic
- the partial reduction of diphthongs
- the change from 3f.s. t to a4h
- the nota accusativi )e4t, which follows upon the
loss of case endings - later, the spirantization of /bgdkpt/
271.1 Hebrew Proto-Semitic
- "The Proto-Semitic phonological repertoire may be
reconstructed as having contained three vowels,
a, i, u, which could occur short or long (a4, 4,
u4), and 29 consonants (all still distinguished
in Old South Arabian). . . ." - "Semitic morphology is strongly characterized,
especially in its verbal forms, by what are
termed discontinuous morphemes, which usually
consist of three consonants . . . ." - "Nouns in Proto-Semitic may be reconstructed as
having three inflectional cases, each marked in
the singular by one of the short vowels e.g.,
281.1 Hebrew Proto-Semitic
- nominative ba(lum, 'lord,' genitive ba(lim,
and accusative ba(lam.
29(No Transcript)
30(No Transcript)
311.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Phonetics/Phonology
- Consonants
- Gutturals
- Profusion of Sibilants
- 6 letters with double pronunciations
- Emphatics
- Vowels
- matres lectionis - also called vowel letters
(letters "vav," "yod," "he," and to a lesser
extent "aleph")
321.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Vowel points
- Tiberias infralinear (The marks are under the
consonants). - Babylonian and the Palestinian supralinear (The
marks above the consonants).
331.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Grammar
- General Features
- Gender Mas. Fem.
- Number Singular, Dual Plural
- These are identified in the Nominal, Verbal,
Adjectival, and Enumeratives - Grammatical concord is not 100
341.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Grammar
- Nominals "Nominals are all words that may occur
as the subject of a clause and include the
principal subclasses of pronouns, proper nouns,
and substantives. Personal pronouns,
interrogatives, and demonstratives are partially
analyzable and are defined by lists. Personal
names, also partially analyzable, are
characterized by gender assignment and absence of
pluralization or dependency. Substantives are
subdivided into nouns of variable gender and
nouns of assigned gender."
351.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Grammar
- Verbals "Verbals comprise those items that may
occur as the heads of predicate phrases, include
the existentials, adjectives and verbs per se." - "The finite verbal system consists of two
indicative sets, a direct command imperative
limited to the second persons, and a parallel but
partial indirect command, the jussive/cohortative
system. One of the indicative paradigms is formed
by personal prefixes and gender/number suffixes
added to a stem the other is formed by a fused
set of personal and gender/number suffixes
associated with a second verb stem. The
imperative is formed by
361.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- gender/number suffixes attached to a stem
marginally different from the prefixed indicative
verb, while the jussive/cohortative is formed by
the addition of personal prefixes as well as
gender/number suffixes. " - "Nonfinite forms of the verb include verbal
adverbs (the "absolute" infinitives of
traditional grammars) and the true ("construct"
371.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Grammar
- Enumeratives "The enumeratives include an
adjective for the word "one," a defective noun of
symmetry for the word "two," substantives for the
higher items, including "hundred," "thousand,"
and "myriad," and true numerals for the items
between "three" and the multiples of ten. Switch
concord occurs as the distinctive syntactic
feature in numerical phrases between "three" and
381.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Grammar
- Particles "The term particle is the traditional
designation for all residual classes that are
neither analyzable nor derivable. This includes
the categories of coordinating conjunctions,
adverbials, subordinators, and relativizers. The
conjunctions and relativizers are defined only by
391.1 Hebrew Linguistic Overview
- Grammar
- Adverbials "Other than those adverbs that are
derived within the verbal system, this category
includes a short list of unanalyzable forms,
quantifiers like "also" and "even," and temporals
such as "then" and "now."
401. Bible Book in the Ancient World
- 1.2 Aramaic
- 1.3 Greek
- 1.4 Trilingualism
411.2 Aramaic Introduction
- "Aramaic is the best-attested and
longest-attested member of the NW Semitic
subfamily of languages (which also includes inter
alia Hebrew, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Moabite,
Ammonite, and Edomite). The relatively small
proportion of the biblical text preserved in an
Aramaic original (Dan 24-728 Ezra 48-68 and
712-26 Jeremiah 1011 Gen 3147 two words as
well as isolated words and phrases in Christian
Scriptures) belies the importance of this
language for biblical studies and for religious
studies in general, for Aramaic was
421.2 Aramaic Introduction
- the primary international language of literature
and communication throughout the Near East from
ca. 600 b.c.e. to ca. 700 c.e. and was the major
spoken language of Palestine, Syria, and
Mesopotamia in the formative periods of
Christianity and rabbinic Judaism." Kaufman - "Jesus and his disciples, according to the
stories in the Gospels, spoke Aramaic. Parts of
the later books of the Hebrew Bible, as well as
portions of the Gospels and Acts, are often
thought to be translations from Aramaic
originals, but even if not they are undoubtedly
431.2 Aramaic Introduction
- strongly "Aramaized" in their diction. Late
biblical Hebrew and rabbinic Hebrew were heavily
influenced by Aramaic in both grammar and
vocabulary." Kaufman - "Two of the major translation traditions of the
Hebrew Bible - the Syriac Peshitta and the Jewish
Targums - are in Aramaic, as are substantial
portions of rabbinic literature, the entire
literary corpus of Syriac Christianity, and that
of the Mandaeans (a non-Christian gnostic sect of
S Mesopotamia). After the Moslem conquest, Arabic
gradually displaced Aramaic as the literary and
colloquial language of the Near East." Kaufman
441.2 Aramaic History
- "Aramaic is attested over a period of almost
3,000 years, during which time there occurred
great changes of grammar, lexical stock, and
usage." - The major research project in the field - the
Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon
451.2 Aramaic History
- 1. Old Aramaic (to 612 BCE 925-700BCE)
- "This period witnessed the rise of the Arameans
as a major force in ANE history, the adoption of
their language as an international language of
diplomacy in the latter days of the Neo-Assyrian
Empire, and the dispersal of Aramaic-speaking
peoples from Egypt to Lower Mesopotamia as a
result of the Assyrian policies of deportation.
The scattered and generally brief remains of
inscriptions on imperishable materials preserved
from these times are enough to demonstrate that
an international standard dialect had not yet
been developed." Kaufman
461.2 Aramaic History
- 1. Old Aramaic (to 612 BCE)
- "This phase is represented by inscriptions on
stone and other materials written in the borrowed
Phoenician alphabet . . . . The evidence for this
phase comes not only from Northern Syria and
Upper Mesopotamia, as was known for a long time,
but also from Northern Palestine." Fitzmyer - "Deir (Alla. "This important but fragmentary
text, painted on the plaster walls of a cultic
installation, recounts a vision of "Balaam, son
of Beor," the Transjordanian prophet known from
Numbers 22-24. The fact that some scholars
classify the language of this text as a
Canaanite, rather than an Aramaic, dialect,
illustrates that there is no demonstrable
dividing line (or, in linguistic terms, a bundle
of isoglosses) separating Canaanite and Aramaic
at this time." Kaufman
471.2 Aramaic History
- 2. Official Aramaic (700-200 BCE)
- "During this period Aramaic spread far beyond the
borders of its native lands over the vast
territories of the Neo-Babylonian and even larger
Persian empires - from Upper Egypt to Asia Minor
and eastward to the Indian subcontinent.
Unfortunately, only a remnant of the undoubtedly
once vast corpus of administrative documents,
records, and letters that held these empires
together has been preserved, for such texts were
written in ink on perishable materials, in sharp
contrast to the more durable cuneiform clay
tablets of earlier W Asiatic cultures." Kaufman
481.2 Aramaic History
- 2. Official Aramaic (700-200 BCE)
- "The bulk of the finds, however, is from Egypt,
where the dry climate led to the preservation of
papyrus and leather along with the expected
ostraca and stone inscriptions. The major
Egyptian finds are (1) papyrus archives of the
Jewish military garrison at Elephantine/Syene
(including deeds of sale, marriage contracts,
formal letters to the authorities in Jerusalem,
and fragments of literary materials) (2) the
correspondence of the Persian satrap of Egypt,
Arsames (3) a packet of letters sent to family
members residing at Syene and Luxor, discovered
at Hermopolis and (4) Saqqarah a
late-7th-century papyrus letter from a Philistine
king (perhaps of Ekron) asking help of pharaoh
against the king of Babylon and legal and
economic records on papyri and ostraca from the
5th and 4th centuries." Kaufman
491.2 Aramaic History
- 2. Official Aramaic (700-200 BCE)
- "The Aramaic "official" letters in the book of
Ezra are almost certainly composed in Imperial
Aramaic, for both their language and their
epistolary style are appropriate to the period."
Kaufman - ". . . The majority of the letters normally have
the following schema (1) the praescriptio, (2)
the initial greeting, either religious or
secular, (3) secondary greetings, (4) the body of
the letter, and (5) a concluding statement." See
Fitzmyer, "Aramaic Epistolography," in A
Wandering Aramean, 183-204
501.2 Aramaic History
- 2. Official Aramaic (700-200 BCE)
- ". . . to Official Aramaic certainly belongs the
Aramaic of Ezra, and undoubtedly also the Aramaic
of Daniel." Fitzmyer
511.2 Aramaic History
- 3. Middle Aramaic (200 BCE 200 CE)
- "In the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Greek
replaced Aramaic as the administrative language
of the Near East, while in the various
Aramaic-speaking regions the dialects began to
develop independently of one another. Written
Aramaic, however, as is the case with most
written languages, by providing a somewhat
artificial, cross-dialectal uniformity, continued
to serve as a vehicle of communication within and
among the various groups. For this purpose, the
literary standard developed in the previous
period, Standard Literary Aramaic, was used, but
lexical and grammatical differences based on the
language(s) and dialect(s) of the local
population are always evident." Kaufman
521.2 Aramaic History
- 3. Middle Aramaic (200 BCE 200 CE)
- ". . . The emergence of "real local dialects."
This phase belong the dialects of (a) Palestine
and Arabia Nabatean, Qumran, Murabba)at, that of
the inscriptions on Palestinian ossuaries and
tombstones, of the Aramaic words preserved in the
Greek texts of Josephus and the NT, and some of
the texts of early Palestinian rabbinic
literature (b) Syria and Mesopotamia those of
Palmyra, Edessa, and Hatra, and perhaps also the
beginnings of the early Babylonian rabbinic
literature." Fitzmyer
531.2 Aramaic History
- 4. Late Aramaic (200 CE 700 CE)
- "These Aramaic texts of various areas and
dialects have further peculiarities that distance
them even more from Official Aramaic than those
in the Middle phase. They fall into two larger
geographic subdivisions (a) Western the
dialects of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, Samaritan
Aramaic, and Christian Syro-Palestinian Aramaic
(b) Eastern the dialects of Syriac (further
distinguished into a western Jacobite form and
an eastern Nestorian form), Babylonian Talmudic
Aramaic, and Mandaic." Fitzmyer
541.2 Aramaic History
- 4. Late Aramaic (200 CE 700 CE)
- "What is striking in the Late phase of Aramaic is
not only the elements that set off its various
local dialects, but also the mounting influx of
Greek words and constructions into almost all
dialects of the language. Though the
Hellenization of the eastern Mediterranean areas,
such as Palestine and Syria, began much earlier,
the sparse incidence of Greek words in Aramaic
texts of the Middle phase stands in contrast to
that of this phase." Fitzmyer
551.2 Aramaic Linguistic Overview
- 1. Phonology
- 22 alphabet
- Consonant differences with Hebrew
- z gt d
- v gt t
- c gt j
- c gt q
561.2 Aramaic Linguistic Overview
- 2. Morphology (Noun)
- "The most notable difference between Aramaic and
the other NW Semitic dialects is the presence of
the suffixed definite article -a4()). Probably in
origin the same form as the Hebrew and Phoenician
ha-, the suffixation of this deictic element
gives Aramaic the appearance of having three noun
states (absolute, construct, emphatic or
determined) rather than two (absolute and
construct) as in Hebrew. . . . "
571.2 Aramaic Linguistic Overview
- 2. Morphology (Noun)
- "Note, vis-à-vis Hebrew, the final nun as opposed
to Hebrew mem in the m. pl. abs. and likewise the
nun in the f. pl. abs. instead of the expected
taw. Standard Old Aramaic does seem to use the
taw f. pl. for attributive adjectives, however .
. . ."
581.2 Aramaic Linguistic Overview
- 2. Morphology (Verb)
- "The three basic conjugations (stems) are the
basic stem (Pegtal katab/yiktub, etc.), factitive
stem (Pagtel kattib), and causative stem (Hapgtel
haktib). Passives are expressed by internal vowel
modification of the active form (presumably using
the vowel pattern u-a in the derived conjugations
as in Hebrew Middle Aramaic has a basic passive
stem Pegt4 l in the perfect - identical with the
passive participle - but no evidence for such a
form is found this early.) No certain Nipgtal is
attested in normative Aramaic, . . . ."
591.2 Aramaic Linguistic Overview
- 2. Morphology (Verb)
- ". . . a separate jussive form exists, differing
morphologically (and orthographically) from the
imperfect in its absence of nunation in the 3 m
pl. and 2 m pl. (and, presumably, the 2 f. s, as
in later Aramaic) and in final weak roots, where
the imperfect ends in -h (presumably /e4/), the
jussive in -y (probably, simply /4/). "
601.2 Aramaic Linguistic Overview
- 2. Morphology (Verb)
- "The two forms are also distinct when they have
pronominal suffixes, where (as in Hebrew) the
imperfect inserts the so-called "energic" nun
between the stem and the suffix, while the
jussive does not. "
611.2 Aramaic Linguistic Overview
- 2. Morphology (Verb)
- "It is now clear that the so-called "imperfect
consecutive" narrative tense was common to Old
Syrian Aramaic and Hebrew. Its former designation
"converted imperfect" is a misnomer. It is a
remnant of the archaic prefixing preterite tense
surviving from some earlier stage of the Semitic
languages and still to be found in Old Aramaic .
. . ."
621.2 Aramaic the NT
- 1. "Though certain patristic writers, such as
Eusebius, Epiphanius, Jerome, and Julius
Africanus, were, in general, aware of Aramaisms
in NT Greek, the history of the inquiry into the
Aramaic substratum began only with the
Renaissance and the Humanists' return ad fontes."
Fritzmyer - 2. "The recovery of earlier Aramaic from
extrabiblical sources has been largely an
achievement of this century and when it comes to
Palestinian Aramaic of the first century it is
almost a matter of discoveries of the last two
decades. As a result, the older material that has
been written on the problem of Aramaic and the NT
can only be used today with great caution."
631.2 Aramaic the NT
- 3. ". . . the diversity of books in the NT and
the difficulty that this diversity causes for the
inquiry. How few Aramaisms are claimed for the
writings of Paul . . . . Most discussions of the
Aramaic problem have been limited to the Gospels
and Acts, but even there the problem differs,
depending on the gospel, whether it is a Synoptic
or John and each of them has problems that are
not the same as the Aramaic substratum of Acts,
if it exists at all." Fritzmyer - 4. ". . . so-called Semitisms and the Semitic
background of the NT. There are obviously times
when one can legitimately discuss maters that are
best grouped as pertaining to the Semitic
background of the NT . . . . But . . ., the
discussion of the Aramaic background of
641.2 Aramaic the NT
- the NT should be limited to Aramaic evidence,
and to Aramaic evidence of the period
contemporary with or slightly prior to the
composition of the Greek New Testament writings
themselves. The ideal period would be from the
first century and the beginning of the second up
until the revolt of Simon ben Kosiba (132-135)."
Fritzmyer - 5. ". . . in treating of the Aramaic background
of the NT, and especially the sayings of Jesus
within it, one has to reckon with (a) the
well-known refractory process of underlying oral
tradition (b) the coloring of the tradition by a
later faith-experience of the early Christians
(c) likely additions to the traditional
collections of sayings, made perhaps in a spirit
of a
651.2 Aramaic the NT
- genuine extension of his words or an adaptive
reinterpretation of them to new situation (d)
words actually put on his lips by early
Christians (e.g., in the Johannine discourses)
and (e) the language of the given evangelist.
When due regard is had for these legitimate
factors, then the real discussion about the
Aramaic substratum of the sayings of Jesus can be
undertaken." Fritzmyer
661.2 Aramaic the NT
- 6. ". . . the Aramaic background to the sayings
of Jesus has often been argued on the testimony
of Papias' statement about the First Gospel
Matqai/oj me.n oun VEbraltdi diale,ktw ta.
lo,gia suneta,xato, hrmh,neusen dV auvta. wj
hn dunato.j ekastoj, "Now Matthew compiled the
sayings in a 'Hebrew' dialect, but each person
translated (interpreted?) them as best he could"
(Eusebius, His eccl. e.39.16). Even granting for
the moment that VEbrailtdi diale,ktw most likely
means "in the Aramaic language," the collection
of logia so written remains an unknown quantity,
and the relation of it to the sayings of Jesus in
our Greek First Gospel is highly debatable."
671.3 Greek
- "Palestine stood at the crossroads of the Roman
Empire. Merchants and soldiers, travelers and
pilgrims from far and wide crowded into the Holy
City (Acts 29-11). Amid their babel of tongues,
three above all others could be detected. These
three were those in which Pilate wrote the
inscription fastened to the Cross Hebrew, Latin,
and Greek (John 1920)." Metzger
681.3 Greek Introduction
- "The Greek language has played several roles in
connection with the Bible of Jews and Christians.
Apart from the fact that the Greeks and their
language are mentioned in it, there occur first
of all some Greek loanwords in the later books of
the Masoretic Text (MT). - Second, Greek is the language of one of the
oldest versions of the OT, the Septuagint (LXX),
which was probably antedated only by the earliest
Aramaic Targums. It is, furthermore, the original
language of some additional books in the LXX
canon not
691.3 Greek Introduction
- included in the MT canon.
- 3. Finally, it is Greek in which the NT has come
down to us, parts of which (Pauline letters) are
undoubtedly to be seen as original compositions.
As the order of these different aspects reflects
the increasing importance of Greek with regard to
the Jewish people, it will be appropriate to
subdivide this article in accordance with it."
701.3 Greek Roots
- "What is the relationship of Greek to other
languages? By tracing certain linguistic features
various languages (especially stable lexical
terms e.g., parts of the body), linguists are
able to determine how languages relate to each
other genealogically (e.g., tres Latin, trei/j
Greek, and tryas Sanskrit). It is often
argued that although Sanskrit is not the mother
of Greek and Latin, it is their older sister. All
of these go back to a now lost Indo-European
language." Wallace - "The Mother Tongue of all languages apparently
had as many as ten children, each of whom were in
turn parents of rather large families. One of
these ten children was "Proto-Indo-European,"
from which we get Greek, Latin, Romance
languages, Germanic language, etc." Wallace
711.3 Greek History
- 1. Pre-Homeric (up to 1000 BCE)
- "As early as the third millennium BCE, tribes of
Indo-European peoples wandered into Greece. The
natural barriers there eventually created several
dialects. That is, as they settled they were cut
off from one another consequently, a different
dialect emerged for each local group.
Unfortunately, because we lack literary remains,
we know very little from this period about Greek
language." Wallace
721.3 Greek History
- 2. The Age of Dialects, or the Classical Era
(1000 BCE 330 BCE) - "Geography and politics (e.g., independent
city-state) caused Greek to fracture into several
dialects, four of which were predominant. There
exist today few literary remains of the other
dialects." Wallace - "The main dialects were Aeolic (whose extant
remains are only poetic, e.g., Sappho), Doric
(also with only poetic remains, most notably of
Pindar and Theocritus). Ionic (found in Homer,
Hesiod, Herodotus, and Hippocrates), and by fare
the most influential, Attic." Wallace
731.3 Greek History
- An offspring of Ionic, Attic was the dialect of
Athens, during the "golden age" of classical
Greek (4th-5th centuries BCE). In this golden
age, Athens was both the political and literary
center of Greece. "Classical Greek," though
technically referring to all four dialects, is
normally equated with Attic Greek, because of the
proliferation of literary works that come from
this dialect. . . . In it were composed the
tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides,
the comedies of Aristophanies, the histories of
Thucydides and Xenophon, the orations of
Demosthenes, and the philosophical treatises of
Plate." Wallace
741.3 Greek History
- 3. Koinh, Greek (330 BCE 330 CE)
- "The Koine was born out of the conquests of
Alexander the Great. First, his troops, which
came from Athens as well as other Greek cities
and regions, had to speak to one another. This
close contact produced a melting-pot Greek that
inevitably softened the rough edges of some
dialects and abandoned the subtleties of others.
Second, the conquered cities and colonies learned
Greek as a second language. By the first century
CE, Greek was the lingua franca of the whole
Mediterranean region and beyond. Since the
majority of Greek-speakers learned it as a second
language, this further increased its loss of
751.3 Greek History
- 3. Koinh, Greek (330 BCE 330 CE)
- subtleties and moved it toward greater
explicitness (e.g., the repetition of a
preposition with a second noun where Attic Greek
was usually comfortable with a single
preposition)." Wallace
761.3 Greek History
- 4. Byzantine (or Medieval) Greek (330 CE 1453
CE) - "Koine Greek was transformed into Byzantine Greek
when Constantine was converted. By reversing the
edicts of Diocletian's persecution (303-311),
Constantine gave the language a largely religious
hue. Ecclesiastical Greek was born." Wallace - "When the Empire split between East and West,
Greek lost its Weltsprache status. Latin was used
in the West (Rome), Greek in the East
(Constantinople)." Wallace
771.3 Greek the Bible
- 1. Greek loanwords in the Hebrew-Aramaic Bible.
- 2. Greek in Egypt as the Language of the
Septuagint - "The presence of a large number of Jews in Egypt
before the Hellenistic period is likewise an
established fact. The prophet Jeremiah was forced
to settle there, together with many others who
had remained in Palestine after the Exile (Jer
435-7). Possibly, however, the book of
Deuteronomy, which reflects King Josiah's legal
reform, implies that one of his predecessors
(that is before 640 b.c.) had bought horses in
781.3 Greek the Bible
- and paid with Israelite slaves (1716). The
Aramaic papyri from Elephantine, too, show that a
Jewish garrison was stationed there at the
southernmost border of Egypt during the 5th
century. And finally, the Letter of Aristeas
(12-14) makes mention of many Jewish prisoners of
war who were taken to Egypt by Ptolemy I (323-283
b.c.)." Mussies - "Quite naturally, in order to communicate they
made use of the official language of the new
rulers rather than the vernacular Egyptian or
Aramaic. The Elephantine papyri show that the
Jews in Egypt in their daily life had given up
Hebrew for Aramaic, the language of the
791.3 Greek the Bible
- Persian government, and no doubt they continued
to use Aramaic for some time among themselves
after Egypt had been liberated from Persian rule.
The fact, however, that the Hebrew OT had to be
translated into Greek shows that after some time
many of them no longer understood Hebrew and
Aramaic and could not make use of Aramaic Targums
(if they ever had them in Egypt in this early
period). Mussies
801.3 Greek Septuagint
- 1. "According to Aristeas, Ptolemy II motivated
the creation of the LXX version with two
arguments. First, he wanted the library at
Alexandria to contain a copy of the Jewish law.
This may reflect the historical reality of a
specific juridical need the king may have wished
to enable his officials to consult that law code
to which such large minorities in Egypt and
Palestine - which then formed part of his kingdom
- constantly referred." Mussies - 2. "Second, it is expressly stated that Ptolemy
wanted to bestow a favor through it (the LXX)
upon the freed Jewish slaves living in Egypt, on
the Jews in the Diaspora, and on those yet to be
born (Aristeas 38 Jos. Ant 12.48). This makes
sense only if it reflects a
811.3 Greek Septuagint
- reality in which many if not most Jews outside
of Palestine could not (or could not
sufficiently) read and understand the Hebrew
Torah, but spoke and were well versed in Greek.
In fact, Aristeas at the end of his letter
relates how the completed Greek version was read
in Alexandria to the assembled Jews, who approved
of it and even asked for a copy (Aristeas 308
Jos. Ant 12.107-8)." Mussies
821.3 Koine Greek Introduction
- 1. "Several characteristics of the koine
distinguish it from classical Greek of the fifth
and fourth centuries B.C. Perhaps the most
comprehensive term describing these various
features is the word "simplification." Shorter
and simpler sentences supplanted the highly
complex structure of classical syntax. Instead of
the wealth of coordinating and subordinating
conjunctions and particles--one of the "glories"
of ancient Greek--a relatively few of the more
commonplace connectives were forced to express
all kinds of relationships. Most people, in
conformity with the same tendency toward
simplification, preferred direct discourse, with
its less complicated syntax, to indirect
discourse. Again,
831.3 Koine Greek Introduction
- the special forms of verbs, nouns, and
adjectives which had been employed when but two
people or objects were referred to (the dual
number) fell into disuse and were then forgotten.
A similar fate was to be in store for the
optative mood--which appears but sixty-seven
times in the whole New Testament. In short, the
subtle refinements of form and syntax of
classical Greek failed to survive in the koine."
841.3 Koine Greek Introduction
- 2. "In addition to this tendency toward
simplification there was also a constant striving
for emphatic and vigorous expression,
characteristic of every vernacular. It is by this
proneness to emphatic expression that one
accounts for the noticeable growth in the use of
prepositions in composition with verbs as well as
with their objects. The increased use of pronouns
as subjects of verbs which do not require them,
the preference for compound and even
double-compound (sesquipedalian) words for simple
words, the use of the vivid present tense instead
of the future, the large number of words in the
diminutive formation, the replacement by
prepositional phrases of constructions originally
involving merely the proper case--all of these are
851.3 Koine Greek Introduction
- indications of striving after emphasis at the
expense of precise and refined expression."
861.3 Koine Greek Terminology
- "Koinh, is the feminine adjective of koino,j
("common"). The feminine is used because its
(implicitly) modifies dia,lektoj, a (second
declension) feminine noun. Synonyms of Koine are
"common" Greek, or, more frequently, Hellenistic
Greek (which normally implies that Greek is a
second language i.e., the speakers have become
Hellenized cf. Acts 6.1)." Wallace - "Both New Testament Greek and Septuagintal Greek
are considered substrata of the Koine. (The LXX,
however, is so heavily Semitized precisely
because it is entirely translated Greek that it
is normally treated as in a class by itself.)"
871.3 Koine Greek History Facts
- 1. "The golden age of Greek literature
effectively died with Aristotle (322 BCE)." - 2. "The Koine was born with Alexander the Great's
conquests." - 3. "Hellenistic Greek began with Alexander's
troops who came from all the regions of Greece.
The troops, then, produced a leveling influence." - 4. "It developed further as a second language of
conquered peoples, when new Greek colonies sprang
up due to Alexander's victories. The conquests,
then, gave Greek its universal nature."
881.3 Koine Greek History Facts
- 5. "Koine Greek grew largely from Attic Greek, as
this was Alexander's dialect, but was also
influenced by the other dialects of Alexander's
soldiers. "Hellenistic Greek is a compromise
between the rights of the stronger minority
(i.e., Attic) and the weaker majority (other
dialects)." - 6. "This new dialect, however, should not be
perceived to be inferior to Attic. It was not a
contamination of the pure gold of classical
Greek, but a more serviceable alloy for the
masses." - 7. "It became the lingua franca of the whole
Roman Empire by the first century CE."
891.3 Koine Greek History Facts
- 8. "When is Koine Koine? Though Koine Greek had
its birth in c. 330 BCE, this was its physical
birth, not its linguistic. One should not suppose
that all of a sudden, with the conclusion of
Alexander's final battle, everyone began speaking
Koine Greek! Just as a newborn baby does not
immediately speak, it took some time before Koine
really took shape." Wallace
901.3 Scope of Koinh, Greek
- 1. Time
- "Roughly, 330 BCE to 330 CE. Or, from Alexander's
conquests to the removal of Roman Empire's
capital from Rome to Constantinople. With the
death of Aristotle in 322 BCE, classical Greek as
a living language was phasing out. Koine was at
its peak in the first century BCE and first
century CE." Wallace
911.3 Scope of Koinh, Greek
- 2. Time
- "For the first time, Greek was universalized. As
colonies were established well past Alexander's
day, and as the Greeks continued to rule, the
Greek language kept on thriving in foreign lands.
Even after Rome became the world power in the
first century BCE, Greek continued to penetrate
distant lands. (This was due largely to Rome's
policy of assimilation of cultures already in
place, rather than destruction and replacement.)
Consequently, even when Rome was in absolute
control, Latin was not the lingua franca. Greek
continued to be a universal language until the
end of the first century." Wallace
921.3 Types of Koinh, Greek
- 1. Vernacular or Vulgar (e.g., papyri, ostraca)
- "This is the language of the streets-colloquial,
popular speech. It is found principally in the
papyri excavated from Egypt, truly the lingua
franca of the day." Wallace - 2. Literary (e.g., Polybius, Josephus, Philo,
Diodorus, Strabo, Epictetus, Plutarch) - ""A more polished Koine, this is the language of
scholars and litterateurs, of academics and
historians. The difference between literary Koine
and vulgar Koine is the difference between
English spoken on the streets and English spoken
in places of higher education." Wallace
931.3 Types of Koinh, Greek
- 3. Conversational (New Testament, some papyri)
- "Conversational Koine is typically the spoken
language of educated people. It is grammatically
correct for the most part, but not on the same
literary level (lacks subtleties, is more
explicit, shorter sentences, more parataxis) as
literary Koine. By its very nature, one would not
expect to find many parallels to this either in
the papyri (usually the language of uneducated
people) or among literary authors (for their
language is a written language)." Wallace
941.3 Types of Koinh, Greek
- 4. Atticistic (e.g.,Lucian, Dionysius of
Halicarnasus, Dio Chrysostom, Aristides,
Phrynichus, Moeris) - ""This is an artificial language revived by
litterateurs who did not care for what had become
of the language . . . ." Wallace
951.3 Summary of NT Koinh,
Semitic Local Dialect Conversational Literary
Revelation Mark John 1-3 John 2 Peter Pauline Epistles Matthew Hebrews Luke-Acts James Pastoral Epistles 1 Peter Jude
961.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- 1. Latin
- "The evidence of Latin in first-century Palestine
indicates that it was used mainly by the Romans
who occupied the land and for more or less
official purposes. Thus there are dedicatory
inscriptions on buildings and aqueducts, funerary
inscriptions on tombstones of Roman legionnaires
who died in Palestine, milestones on Roman roads
with Latin inscriptions, and the ubiquitous Roman
terra-cotta tiles stamped with various
abbreviations of the Tenth Legion . . . ."
971.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- 2. Greek
- ". . . it is not possible to document the use of
Greek in Palestine prior to Alexander or to
indicate what influence it might have had then.
The earliest Greek text found there is apparently
the bilingual Edomite-Greek ostracon dated in the
sixth year of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (227 BC) .
. . at Khirbet el-Kom. . . . Prior to this
discovery the earliest known inscription was that
erected by Anaxikles, a priest of the royal cult
of Ptolemy IV Philopator, who was installed a
Joppa shortly after the Egyptian victory over
Antiochus III at Raphia in 217 B.C. it gives
clear evidence of the use of the language by
foreigners, but says little about the use of it
by the indigenous population." Fitzmyer
981.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- "When the Hellenization of Palestine under
Antiochus IV Epiphanes began, his efforts were
aided by the Jews themselves, as both 1 Maccabees
and Josephus make clear. There seems to be little
doubt that the use of Greek language was part of
this assistance. . . . - "Though the names of a host of Hellenistic Jewish
litterateurs who wrote in Greek are known, and
some fragments of their writings are preserved in
patristic authors such as Clement of Alexandria,
or Eusebius of Caesarea, most important of these
are Justus of Tiberias and Flavius Josephus, both
of whom wrote mainly historical works. . . ."
991.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- Josephus, at the end of Antiquities "My
compatriots admit that in our Jewish learning I
far excel them. But I labored hard to steep my
self in Greek prose and poetic learning, after
having gained a knowledge of Greek grammar but
the constant use of my tongue hindered my
achieving precision in pronunciation. For our
people do not welcome those who have mastered the
speech of many nations or adorn their style with
smoothness of diction, because they consider that
such skill is not only common to ordinary freeman
but that even slaves acquire it, if they so
choose. Rather, they give credit for wisdom to
those who acquire an exact knowledge of the Law
and can interpret
1001.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- the Holy Scriptures. Consequently, though many
have laboriously undertaken this study, scarcely
two or three have succeeded (in it) and reaped
the fruit of their labors." - "Several famous Greek inscriptions are extant
from this period. There is the Greek inscription
forbidding non-Jews to enter the inner courts of
the Jerusalem temple, the Jerusalem synagogue
inscription which commemorates it building by
Theodotos Vettenos, a priest and leader of the
synagogue, the hymn inscribed in the necropolis
of Marisa, the edict of Augustus (or some
first-century Roman emperor) found at Nazareth
1011.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- concerning the violation of tombs, the Capernaum
dedicatory inscription, and the numberless
ossuary inscriptions, some written in Greek
alone, others in Greek and Hebrew (or Aramaic)
from the vicinity of Jerusalem. - "From the Murabba(at caves have come examples of
grain transactions (Mur 89-107). IOU's (Mur 114),
contracts of marriage and remarriage among Jews
(Mur 115-16), fragments of philosophical and
literary texts (Mur 108-12), even texts written
in a Greek shorthand (Mur 164). The letters from
a cave in the Wadi Habra indicate that Greek was
also used in a less official kind of writing.
From the period just before the
1021.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- Second Revolt there is a batch of letters which
are communications between Bar Cochba and his
lieutenants, and surprisingly enough written in
Greek." - "Soumaios to Jonathe, (son of) Baianos, and
Masabbala, greetings! Since I have sent to
you Agrippa, make haste to send me beams
and citrons. And furnish them for the
Citron-celebration of the Jews and do not do
otherwise. Now (this) has been written in Greek
because a desire has not been found to
write in Hebrew. Despatch him quickly for
the feast, and do not do otherwise. Soumaios.
1031.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- Acts 6.1 Problem
- ". . . Jesus' use of Greek. This question has
been raised from time to time for a variety of
reasons, and obviously little can be asserted
about it. "Galilee of the Gentiles" (Matt 4.15)
has often been said to have been an area of
Palestine where the population was more bilingual
than in the south, e.g., at Jerusalem. Hence it
is argued Coming from an area such as this,
Jesus would have shared this double linguistic
heritage. While it must be admitted that there
were undoubtedly areas where less Greek was used
than others, nevertheless the widespread
attestation of Greek material in Palestine would
indicate that "Galilee
1041.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- of the Gentiles" did not have a monopoly on it.
The general evidence that we have been
considering would suggest the likelihood that
Jesus did speak Greek." Fritzmyer - "However, what evidence there is that he used
Greek yields at most a probability if it be used
to insist that we might even have in the Gospels
some of the ipsissima verba Iesu graeca, actually
uttered by him as he addressed his bilingual
Galilean compatriots, then the evidence is being
pressed beyond legitimate bounds."
1051.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- 3. Aramaic
- "If asked what was the language commonly spoken
in Palestine in the time of Jesus of Nazareth,
most people with some acquaintance of that era
and area would almost spontaneously answer
Aramaic. To my way of thinking, this is still the
correct answer for the most commonly used
language, but the defense of this thesis must
reckon with the growing mass of evidence that
both Greek and Hebrew were being used as well. I
would, however, hesitate to say with M. Smith
that "at least as much Greek as Aramaic was
spoken in Palestine." In any case, the evidence
for the use of Aramaic has also been growing in
recent years."
1061.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- Before 1947
- The first of the rabbinical writings, Me6gillat
Ta(a6nt, dating from the first Christian
century. - Numberless ossuary and sepulchral inscriptions.
- "The most important to the extended texts are the
Uzziah plaque, commemorating the first-century
transfer of the alleged bones of the famous
eighth-century king of Judah, an ossuary lid with
a qorban inscription that illustrates the use of
this Aramaic word in Mark 7.11 . . . ." - Syntax of the NT
1071.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- "Since the discovery of the Qumran material it is
now evident that literature was indeed being
composed in Aramaic in the last century B.C. and
in the first century A.D. The number of extant
Aramaic texts of literary nature is not small,
even though fragments of them found in the
various Qumran caves may be. Only a few of these
texts have been published so far the Genesis
Apocryphon, the Prayer of Nabonidus, the
Description of the New Jerusalem, the Elect of
God text parts of such texts as the Testament of
Levi, Enoch, Pseudo-Daniel, a Targum of Job, and
a number of untitled text to which a number has
merely been assigned. Reports have been made on
still other Aramaic texts from Caves IV and XI,
1081.4 Multilingualism in 1st A.D.
- such as several copies of Tobit, of the targums
of Job and Leviticus, of a text mentioning "the
Son of God" and "the Son of the Most High" in
phrases remarkably close to Luke 1.32, 35. All of
this points to an extensive Aramaic literary
activity and an Aramaic literature, at least used
by Essenes, if not composed by them." - ". . . an Aramaic IOU, dated in the second year
of Nero (i.e., 55-56), came to light in one of
the Murrab