Title: P1249598119syaLi
1Trade Politics and Bilateral Trade Agreements
Report Delivered October 9, 2008 By Stefanie
- Trade Politics History
- Bilateral Agreements To date
- Politics of Bilateral Agreements
- Problems
- Solutions
3History of Trade Politics
- From the start of our country until 1934, US
trade politics was inward looking - 1934 Secretary of State, Cordell Hull
- Great Depression had discredited protectionism
- Post World War II
- 1960s support for trade liberalization began
to lessen - Trade Adjustment Assistance
- 1974 Trade Promotion Authority
- It's not the facts on the ground it's the
politics in the air Charlie Rangel
4Bilateral Trade Agreements
- Definition
- 1985 -- Israel, President Ronald Reagan
- 1989 Canada, President George H.W. Bush
- 1994 - NAFTA
- 2000 Jordan, President Bill Clinton
_______________________________________ - Trade Diversion Trade Creation
- Economic/Security Interests
- Undermine the WTO Multilateral System?
5Status of Free Trade Agreements Negotiated Since
Trade Promotion Authority was Restored in 2002
Country Negotiations Launched Negotiations Completed Approved by Congress Entry into Force
Chile X X X January 1, 2004
Singapore X X X January 1, 2004
Australia X X X January 1, 2005
Morocco X X X January 1, 2006
DR-CAFTA Costa Rica Dominican Rep. El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua X X X El Salvador and the United States Mar. 1, 2006 Honduras April 1, 2006 Nicaragua April 1, 2006 Guatemala July 1, 2006 Dominican Republic March 1, 2007
Bahrain X X X August 1, 2006
Oman X X X
Peru X X X
Colombia X X
Panama X X
Korea X X
Source U.S. Chamber of Commerce
6Trade Politics of Today
- May 10, 2007 fundamental change to US trade
policy - labor, environmental regulation, intellectual
property, port security, and investment in trade
agreements - Peru FTA passed in 2007
- Colombia under TPA, vote to stop the clock
- TAA needed
- Colombia, Panama and South Korea signed but
pending Congressional Approval
7Bilaterals and Trade Politics
- So many votes on FTAs since 2002
- Difficult for Congress
- Communication between Administration and Capitol
Hill - Bilaterals Flare points more easily identified
8Current Problem
- TPA Power of Congress
- Significance of Bilateral Agreement
- Economic Gain
- Foreign Policy Imperative
- Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership
Agreement (P-4) - Singapore, New Zealand, Chile, and Brunei
- Stop negotiating bilateral agreements and focus
on regional/multilateral deals. - Trade education
- State Level Trade Delegations build up
support/economic impact on a local level - Meet with leaders in key Capitols around world
- Find new ways of communicating with the Hill
10Candidates Positions
- McCain
- Continue negotiating bilateral agreements
- Very supportive of WTO and multilateral
- Obama
- Renegotiate NAFTA labor/environment
- Regretful Doha round collapsed in July, but right
for the US to walk away - USTR
- TPA?
- Domestic Impact of Solution
- Global Impact of Solution
- A Member of Congress is placed in the position
of weighing the effects of his/her constituency
verses the overall impact on the United States
and other trading partners. William Cooper - Questions?
12Sources Used
- BNA International Trade Daily, Democrats Pledge
to Work Through Multilateral Fora to Achieve
Trade Goals, August 19, 2008. -
- Connell, Sean. US Korea FTA Position Paper.
U.S.-Korea Business Council, 2006. -
- Cooper, William. Free Trade Agreements Impact
on U.S. Trade and Implications for U.S. Trade
Policy. CRS Report for Congress, July 23, 2008. -
- Council on Foreign Relations, The Presidential
Candidates on Trade, May 22, 2007. -
- Cut a deal on Colombia, Los Angeles Times,
April 12, 208. -
- Dauster, William. U.S. Senate Committee on
Finance, Trade Promotion Authority Annotated,
February 2007. http//finance.senate.gov/TradeProm
otionAuthority.pdf -
- Destler, I.M. American Trade Politics. Washington
DC Institute for International Economics, 4th
ed. 2005. -
- Forecast on Latin America and the Caribbean
Conference, AACCLAs 41st Annual Meeting,
September 22-23, 2008. -
- Griswold, Dan. Bilateral Deals are no Threat to
Global Trade. CATO Institute, July 28, 2003. -
- Griswold, Dan. Dems betray our ally Colombia.
CATO Institute, April 18, 2008.