Title: NYTimes'com Health
1NYTimes.com gt Health
Some Extra Heft May Be Helpful, New Study
Says By GINA KOLATA Published April 20, 2005
2All Women, 1976-1992 (4726 Deaths)
Age-Adjusted Relative Risk
CHl for trend 3.27 P 0.001
Body-Mass Index
(Manson et al, 1995)
3Women Who Never Smoked and Had Stable Weight,
1980-1992 (531 Deaths)
(Manson et al., 1995)
Multivariate Relative Risk
Chi for trend 4.67 plt0.001
Body-Mass Index
5Obesity in the USA, 1991-98Educational Level
ltHigh school 46
High school 46
Some college 68
Percentage Obese
College grad 63
(Mokdad et al. JAMA 1999)
6Obesity in the USA, 1991-98Region
Midwest 36
Mid-Atlantic 32
Southeast 67
Pacific 67
Percentage Obese
New England 46
(Mokdad, et al. JAMA 1999)
7- Controlling the Obesity Epidemic
- Strategies
- Examples
8- Experiences with Other Public Health Problems
Related to Human Behavior - smoking
- not wearing seat belts
- drunk driving
- poor immunization rates
9- Features of Past Successful
- Public Health Campaigns
- (WHO)
- Adequate duration and persistence
- A slow and staged approach
- Legislative action
- Education
- Advocacy
- Shared responsibility by consumers, communities,
food industry, and governments
10In theory, control is simple calories eaten
calories burned
11 21.004
12Bray and Popkin prediction
13McManus K et al, 2001 Int J Obes 251503
14- Obesity as the Target Weight Control as a
Life Skill - - Promotes stigmatization - Inclusive
- Ignores much of risk - Consistent with
- scientific evidence
- - Focus on treatment - Focus on prevention
- - Likely to involve expensive - Requires a
supportive - drugs and surgery environment
15New England Strategic Plan forWeight Control
(NECON 2004)
Schools Health Care Providers
Work Sites Media Physical
Environment Food Environment Data
for Action Economic Analysis
16- Worksites
- Encourage physical activity and weight control
- Exercise areas at work, shower facilities
- Financial incentives to walk, cycle, or use
public transportation
17- Governments Community Organizations
- Urban design to provide safe walking areas,
bikeways - Building codes to encourage use of stairs
- Financial incentives to use bikes and walk
18- Is it Possible To Control the Epidemic?
- Socioeconomic example
- Swedish and Japanese women (examples)
19School-based Intervention in Singapore(Toh CM,
Br Med J, 2004)
- Program (1992 to 2000)
- nutrition education integrated into curriculum
- foods and drinks in schools controlled
- provision of plain drinking water
- trim and fit awards to schools
- Outcome Change in prevalence of obesity
- primary schools 16.6 to 14.6
- secondary schools 15.5 to 13.1
- The focus on low fat/high carbohydrate diets
has been, at best, a lost opportunity to
improve the health of Americans. - To address the epidemic of obesity engulfing
our country, a comprehensive approach will be
needed that includes nearly all members and
institutions of our society. We should not
assume that this will be without costs.