Title: The Protestant Reformation
1The Protestant Reformation
- Martin Luther
- Ulrich Zwingli
- Jean Calvin
- King Henry VIII
2The Protestant Reformation
3The Roots of Change
- Rise of middle class
- Printing press
- Nepotism giving church offices to relatives
- Simony The sale of Church offices
- Indulgences
- The moment the tinkles in the collecting box,
a soul flies out of Purgatory
6Martin Luther
7Martin Luther
- Help me Saint Anne, I will become a monk!
8Martin Luther
- Romans I17 The just shall live by faith
- 95 Theses
- faith, not good works, was the key to salvation
9Martin Luther
- Summoned to Worms (Vurmz)
- June 15, 1520 Luther excommunicated
- Declared a heretic
Pope Leo X
10Luther defends himself at the Diet of Worms
11Diet of Worms
- I cannot and I will not retract anything, since
it is neither safe nor right to go against
conscience. - Martin Luther
12Martin Luther
- Luther tosses the Papal Bull (excommunication
papers) into a fire at Wittenburg
13Outcome of Worms
- Edict of Worms signed May 1521 banning Luther
from preaching - -considered a heretic
14Outcome of Diet
- Frederick of Saxony (a prince) kidnaps Luther
and hides him in Wartburg Castle -
15Outcome of Diet
- Frederick of Saxony (a prince) kidnaps Luther
and hides him in Wartburg Castle - Luther is then declared an outlaw (and still a
16Outcome of Diet
- Frederick of Saxony (a prince) kidnaps Luther
and hides him in Wartburg Castle - Luther is then declared an outlaw (and still a
heretic) - Translated New Testament into German (very
17Outcome of Diet
- Frederick of Saxony (a prince) kidnaps Luther
and hides him in Wartburg Castle - Luther is then declared an outlaw (and still a
heretic) - Translated New Testament into German (very
important!!) - Lutheranism spreads quickly among German middle
classes (why?)Please know this slide BIG
18Life at Wartburg
- Very mopey and sad
- Suffered from depression (among other things)
- But his stay there was important to history
19Treatises of Martin Luther
- Pope not head of Church
- Baptism and Communion are only 2 sacraments
- Rejected poverty, chastity, obedience
- Eventually agreed clergy could marry (major major
break from Catholicism)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Peasant Rebellion 1525
- Peasants assumed Luthers Christian Freedom
meant political freedom (nope) - Crush the peasant swine!
- He urged the German princes to crush the revolt
without mercy. - What conclusions can we draw? Luther was a
spiritual revolutionary but a conservative
political thinker.
23(No Transcript)
Protestant Reformation spreads outside Germany
1522, Ulrich Zwingli began a movement in
25The Protestant Reformation
Zwingli stood for a literal interpretation of
Scripture. Was against Fasting Saint
worship Pilgrimages Clerical celibacy Sacraments
26The Protestant Reformation
- Zwinglis city of Zurich
- model of puritanical Protestantism
- harsh discipline
- literal reading of Bible
27The Protestant Reformation
- A Protestant work ethic
- rejected sensuality of the Italian Renaissance
- forbade games, dancing and fun
- encouraged hard labor.
28The Protestant Reformation
John Calvin (1509-1564) Calvinism replaced
Lutheranism as dominant Protestant force in
Europe during second half of 16th century
29The Protestant Reformation
Calvinists predestination (idea there was an
elect that was already chosen by God for
30The Protestant Reformation
Even though individuals were predestined for
either damnation or salvation, they were still
commanded, according to Calvinists, to live in a
manifestly God-pleasing way.
31The Protestant Reformation
Theocracies established by Calvinists in Geneva,
and later by the Puritans that settled
Massachusetts Bay (1620) enforced the strictest
moral discipline.
32The Protestant Reformation
Last phase of the Protestant Reformation came in
England King Henry VIII
33The Protestant Reformation
Henry fretted about not having a male heir No
concept of X and Y chromosomes Blamed wife,
Catherine of Aragon, for bearing him girls
34The Protestant Reformation
Oldest daughter Mary - born in 1516
35The Protestant Reformation
So he asks the pope, Clement VII, for an
annulment, so he can marry Anne Boleyn (mistress)
36The Protestant Reformation
BUT Catherine of Aragon is daughter of very
powerful Catholic King Ferdinand of Spain Pope
Clement says no to Henrys annulment
37The Protestant Reformation
5 years later Henry marries Anne Boleyn in 1533
Marriage to Catherine of Aragon claimed
38The Protestant Reformation
Act of Supremacy (1534), Henry declares himself,
head of the Church of England (Anglican Church)
39The Protestant Reformation
Henry then began confiscating Church lands
(making monarchy very wealthy)
40The Protestant Reformation
Thomas More (Henrys Chancellor) opposed the Act
of Supremacy Was beheaded in 1535 (Catholic
Church made him into a saint)
41The Protestant Reformation
Anne Boleyn gave birth a daughter Elizabeth 1533
Anne was beheaded in 1536 (accused of adultery)
42The Protestant Reformation
Two weeks after Annes execution, Henry married
Jane Seymour, who gave Henry his long-awaited
son, Edward, in 1537.
43The Protestant Reformation
Never recovered from Edwards difficult birth
Died 12 days later
44The Protestant Reformation
In 1540, poor lonely Henry married Anne of
Cleves Divorced her after only a few months
45The Protestant Reformation
..so he could marry Catherine Howard.. .whom
he had beheaded in 1542.
46The Protestant Reformation
Henrys 6th and final wife was Catherine Parr,
whom he married in 1543.
47The Protestant Reformation
Henry died in 1547 he was succeeded by his only
son (by Jane Seymour), Edward VI.
48The Protestant Reformation
But Edward VI had always been a sickly child, and
died in 1553 With no other male heirs, the
oldest daughter became Queen
49The Protestant Reformation
Queen Mary (daughter of Catherine of Aragon)
staunch Catholic determined to restore
Catholicism in England Aka Bloody Mary
50The Protestant Reformation
She was especially anxious to crush the growing
Puritan minority. Died in 1558, having reigned
for only 5 years
51Well get back to Elizabeth later.